Number of records found: 99
Particle deposition in airways of chronic respiratory patients exposed to an urban aerosol”. Horemans B, Van Holsbeke C, Vos W, Darchuk L, Novakovic V, Fontan AC, de Backer J, van Grieken R, de Backer W, De Wael K, Environmental science and technology 46, 12162 (2012).
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Effect of high-dose N-acetylcysteine on airway geometry, inflammation, and oxidative stress in COPD patients”. de Backer J, Vos W, Van Holsbeke C, Vinchurkar S, Claes R, Parizel PM, de Backer W, International Journal Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 8, 569 (2013).
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Novel functional imaging of changes in small airways of patients treated with extrafine beclomethasone/formoterol”. Vos W, de Backer J, Poli G, De Volder A, Ghys L, Van Holsbeke C, Vinchurkar S, De Backer L, de Backer W, Respiration 86, 393 (2013).
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The acute effect of budesonide/formoterol in COPD : a multi-slice computed tomography and lung function study”. De Backer LA, Vos W, de Backer J, Van Holsbeke C, Vinchurkar S, de Backer W, European Respiratory Journal 40, 298 (2012).
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Change in upper airway geometry between upright and supine position during tidal nasal breathing”. Van Holsbeke CS, Verhulst SL, Vos WG, de Backer JW, Vinchurkar SC, Verdonck PR, van Doorn JWD, Nadjmi N, de Backer WA, Journal Of Aerosol Medicine And Pulmonary Drug Delivery 27, 51 (2014).
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Computational fluid dynamics can detect changes in airway resistance in asthmatics after acute bronchodilation”. de Backer JW, Vos WG, Devolder A, Verhulst SL, Germonpré, P, Wuyts FL, Parizel PM, de Backer W, Journal of biomechanics 41, 106 (2008).
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Flow analyses in the lower airways: patient-specific model and boundary conditions”. de Backer JW, Vos WG, Gorlé, CD, Germonpré, P, Partoens B, Wuyts FL, Parizel PM, de Backer W, Medical engineering and physics 30, 872 (2008).
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Functional Respiratory Imaging as a tool to personalize respiratory treatment in subjects with unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis”. Van Holsbeke CS, Leemans G, Vos WG, de Backer JW, Vinchurkar SC, Geldof M, Verdonck PR, Parizel PM, van Schil PE, de Backer WA, Respiratory care , 1 (2013).
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Correlation between severity of sleep apnea and upper airway morphology based on advanced anatomical and functional imaging”. Vos W, de Backer J, Devolder A, Vanderveken O, Verhulst S, Salgado R, Germonpré, P, Partoens B, Wuyts F, Parizel P, de Backer W, Journal of biomechanics 40, 2207 (2007).
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Functional imaging using computational fluid dynamics to predict treatment success of mandibular advancement devices in sleep-disordered breathing”. de Backer JW, Vanderveken OM, Vos WG, Devolder A, Verhulst SL, Verbraecken JA, Parizel PM, Braem MJ, van de Heyning PH, de Backer WA, Journal of biomechanics 40, 3708 (2007).
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The effects of long-term noninvasive ventilation in hypercapnic COPD patients : a randomized controlled pilot study”. De Backer L, Vos W, Dieriks B, Daems D, Verhulst S, Vinchurkar S, Ides K, de Backer J, Germonpré, P, de Backer W, International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 6, 615 (2011).
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Functional respiratory imaging as a tool to assess upper airway patency in children with obstructive sleep apnea”. Van Holsbeke C, Vos W, van Hoorenbeeck K, Boudewyns A, Salgado R, Verdonck PR, Ramet J, de Backer J, De Backer W, Verhulst SL, Sleep Medicine 14, 433 (2013).
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Novel imaging techniques using computer methods for the evaluation of the upper airway in patients with sleep-disordered breathing: a comprehensive review”. de Backer JW, Vos WG, Verhulst SL, de Backer W, Sleep medicine reviews 12, 437 (2008).
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Study of the variability in upper and lower airway morphology in Sprague-Dawley rats using modern micro-CT scan-based segmentation techniques”. de Backer JW, Vos WG, Burnell P, Verhulst SL, Salmon P, de Clerck N, de Backer W, The anatomical record: advances in integrative anatomy and evolutionary biology 292, 720 (2009).
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Validation of computational fluid dynamics in CT-based airway models with SPECT/CT1”. de Backer JW, Vos WG, Vinchurkar SC, Claes R, Drollmann A, Wulfrank D, Parizel PM, Germonpré, P, de Backer W, Radiology 257, 854 (2010).
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Functional imaging using computer methods to compare the effect of salbutamol and ipratropium bromide in patient-specific airway models of COPD”. De Backer LA, Vos WG, Salgado R, de Backer JW, Devolder A, Verhulst SL, Claes R, Germonpré, PR, de Backer WA, International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 6, 637 (2011).
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Anatomical and functional changes in the upper airways of sleep apnea patients due to mandibular repositioning: a large scale study”. van Holsbeke C, de Backer J, Vos W, Verdonck P, van Ransbeeck P, Claessens T, Braem M, Vanderveken O, de Backer W, Journal of biomechanics 44, 442 (2011).
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Atom counting in HAADF STEM using a statistical model-based approach : methodology, possibilities, and inherent limitations”. de Backer A, Martinez GT, Rosenauer A, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy 134, 23 (2013).
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Dose limited reliability of quantitative annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy for nano-particle atom-counting”. de Backer A, Martinez GT, MacArthur KE, Jones L, Béché, A, Nellist PD, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy 151, 56 (2015).
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Exit wave reconstruction from focal series of HRTEM images, single crystal XRD and total energy studies on SbxWO3+y (x\sim0.11)”. Klingstedt M, Sundberg M, Eriksson L, Haigh S, Kirkland A, Grüner D, de Backer A, Van Aert S, Tarasaki O, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 227, 341 (2012).
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Optimal experimental design for nano-particle atom-counting from high-resolution STEM images”. de Backer A, De wael A, Gonnissen J, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy 151, 46 (2015).
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Procedure to count atoms with trustworthy single-atom sensitivity”. Van Aert S, de Backer A, Martinez GT, Goris B, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Rosenauer A, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 87, 064107 (2013).
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Quantitative composition determination at the atomic level using model-based high-angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy”. Martinez GT, Rosenauer A, de Backer A, Verbeeck J, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy 137, 12 (2014).
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Quantitative STEM normalisation : the importance of the electron flux”. Martinez GT, Jones L, de Backer A, Béché, A, Verbeeck J, Van Aert S, Nellist PD, Ultramicroscopy 159, 46 (2015).
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Unscrambling Mixed Elements using High Angle Annular Dark Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy”. van den Bos KH W, De Backer A, Martinez GT, Winckelmans N, Bals S, Nellist PD, Van Aert S, Physical review letters 116, 246101 (2016).
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In situ study of the formation mechanism of two-dimensional superlattices from PbSe nanocrystals”. Geuchies JJ, van Overbeek C, Evers WH, Goris B, de Backer A, Gantapara AP, Rabouw FT, Hilhorst J, Peters JL, Konovalov O, Petukhov AV, Dijkstra M, Siebbeles LDA, van Aert S, Bals S, Vanmaekelbergh D, Nature materials 15, 1248 (2016).
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Atomic resolution electron tomography”. Bals S, Goris B, de Backer A, Van Aert S, Van Tendeloo G, MRS bulletin 41, 525 (2016).
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Depth sectioning combined with atom-counting in HAADF STEM to retrieve the 3D atomic structure”. Alania M, Altantzis T, De Backer A, Lobato I, Bals S, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy 177, 36 (2016).
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Three-dimensional atomic models from a single projection using Z-contrast imaging: verification by electron tomography and opportunities”. De Backer A, Jones L, Lobato I, Altantzis T, Goris B, Nellist PD, Bals S, Van Aert S, Nanoscale 9, 8791 (2017).
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Quantitative annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy for nanoparticle atom-counting : what are the limits?”.de Backer A, De wael A, Gonnissen J, Martinez GT, Béché, A, MacArthur KE, Jones L, Nellist PD, Van Aert S, Journal of physics : conference series 644, 012034 (2015).
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