Number of records found: 1521
Predicting the surface plasmon resonance wavelength of gold-silver alloy nanoparticles”. Verbruggen SW, Keulemans M, Martens JA, Lenaerts S, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 117, 19142 (2013).
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Self-assembled epitaxial cathode-electrolyte nanocomposites for 3D microbatteries”. Cunha DM, Gauquelin N, Xia R, Verbeeck J, Huijben M, ACS applied materials and interfaces 14, 42208 (2022).
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High-throughput computational screening of 2D materials for thermoelectrics”. Sarikurt S, Kocabas T, Sevik C, Journal Of Materials Chemistry A 8, 19674 (2020).
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Removal of micropollutants from water in a continuous-flow electrical discharge reactor”. Wardenier N, Vanraes P, Nikiforov A, Van Hulle SWH, Leys C, Journal of hazardous materials 362, 238 (2019).
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The determination of the interface structure between ionocovalent compounds: the general case study of the Al2O3/ZrO2 large mis-fit system”. Trolliard G, Benmechta R, Mercurio D, Lebedev OI, Journal of materials chemistry 16, 3640 (2006).
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First-principles investigation of bilayer fluorographene”. Sivek J, Leenaerts O, Partoens B, Peeters FM, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 116, 19240 (2012).
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Synthesis and characterization of photoreactive TiO2carbon nanosheet composites”. Kurttepeli M, Deng S, Verbruggen SW, Guzzinati G, Cott DJ, Lenaerts S, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Detavernier C, Bals S, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 118, 21031 (2014).
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Multimode electron tomography sheds light on synthesis, structure, and properties of complex metal-based nanoparticles”. Jenkinson K, Liz-Marzan LM, Bals S, Advanced materials 34, 2110394 (2022).
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Removal of arsenic and mercury species from water by covalent triazine framework encapsulated \gamma-Fe2O3 nanoparticles”. Leus K, Folens K, Nicomel NR, Perez JPH, Filippousi M, Meledina M, Dirtu MM, Turner S, Van Tendeloo G, Garcia Y, Du Laing G, Van Der Voort P, Journal of hazardous materials 353, 312 (2018).
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Mechanisms for the trimethylaluminum reaction in aluminum oxide atomic layer deposition on sulfur passivated germanium”. Delabie A, Sioncke S, Rip J, van Elshocht S, Caymax M, Pourtois G, Pierloot K, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 115, 17523 (2011).
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A three-dimensional model for artificial atoms and molecules: influence of substrate orientation and magnetic field dependence”. Mlinar V, Peeters FM, Journal of materials chemistry 17, 3687 (2007).
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Cocatalyzing Pt/PtO phase-junction nanodots on hierarchically porous TiO2 for highly enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen production”. Ren X-N, Hu Z-Y, Jin J, Wu L, Wang C, Liu J, Liu F, Wu M, Li Y, Van Tendeloo G, Su B-L, ACS applied materials and interfaces 9, 29687 (2017).
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Origin of the extra capacity in nitrogen-doped porous carbon nanofibers for high-performance potassium ion batteries”. Liu F, Meng J, Xia F, Liu Z, Peng H, Sun C, Xu L, Van Tendeloo G, Mai L, Wu J, Journal Of Materials Chemistry A 8, 18079 (2020).
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Electric field activated hydrogen dissociative adsorption to nitrogen-doped graphene”. Ao ZM, Peeters FM, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 114, 14503 (2010).
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Pulsed laser deposition of SrTiO3 on a H-terminated Si substrate”. Spreitzer M, Egoavil R, Verbeeck J, Blank DHA, Rijnders G, Journal of materials chemistry C : materials for optical and electronic devices 1, 5216 (2013).
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Thiol-ethylene bridged PMO: A high capacity regenerable mercury adsorbent via intrapore mercury thiolate crystal formation”. Esquivel D, Ouwehand J, Meledina M, Turner S, Tendeloo GV, Romero-Salguero FJ, Clercq JD, Voort PVD, Journal of hazardous materials 339, 368 (2017).
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Single layer vs bilayer graphene : a comparative study of the effects of oxygen plasma treatment on their electronic and optical properties”. Nourbakhsh A, Cantoro M, Klekachev AV, Pourtois G, Vosch T, Hofkens J, van der Veen MH, Heyns MM, de Gendt S, Sels BF, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 115, 16619 (2011).
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Can surface reactivity of mixed crystals be predicted from their counterparts? A case study of (Bi1-xSbx)2Te3 topological insulators”. Volykhov AA, Sanchez-Barriga J, Batuk M, Callaert C, Hadermann J, Sirotina AP, Neudachina VS, Belova AI, Vladimirova NV, Tamm ME, Khmelevsky NO, Escudero C, Perez-Dieste V, Knop-Gericke A, Yashina LV, Journal of materials chemistry C : materials for optical and electronic devices 6, 8941 (2018).
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Engineering Au/MnO₂, hierarchical nanoarchitectures for ethanol electrochemical valorization”. Bigiani L, Andreu T, Maccato C, Fois E, Gasparotto A, Sada C, Tabacchi G, Krishnan D, Verbeeck J, Ramon Morante J, Barreca D, Journal Of Materials Chemistry A 8, 16902 (2020).
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High thermoelectric figure of merit in p-type Mg₃Si₂Te₆: role of multi-valley bands and high anharmonicity”. Pandey T, Peeters FM, Milošević, MV, Journal of materials chemistry C : materials for optical and electronic devices 11, 11185 (2023).
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Strength, toughness and aging stability of highly-translucent Y-TZP ceramics for dental restorations”. Zhang F, Inokoshi M, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Naert I, Van Meerbeek B, Vleugels J, Dental Materials 32, e327 (2016).
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Homojunction of oxygen and titanium vacancies and its interfacial n-p effect”. Wu S-M, Liu X-L, Lian X-L, Tian G, Janiak C, Zhang Y-X, Lu Y, Yu H-Z, Hu J, Wei H, Zhao H, Chang G-G, Van Tendeloo G, Wang L-Y, Yang X-Y, Su B-L, Advanced materials 30, 1802173 (2018).
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Locating and controlling the Zn content in In(Zn)P quantum dots”. Kirkwood N, De Backer A, Altantzis T, Winckelmans N, Longo A, Antolinez FV, Rabouw FT, De Trizio L, Geuchies JJ, Mulder JT, Renaud N, Bals S, Manna L, Houtepen AJ, Chemistry of materials 32, 557 (2019).
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Graphane- and fluorographene-based quantum dots”. Amini MN, Leenaerts O, Partoens B, Lamoen D, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 117, 16242 (2013).
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Thermally induced atomic reconstruction of PbSe/CdSe core/shell quantum dots into PbSe/CdSe bi-hemisphere hetero-nanocrystals”. Grodzinska D, Pietra F, van Huis MA, Vanmaekelbergh D, de Mello Donegá, C, Journal of materials chemistry 21, 11556 (2011).
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A Facet-Specific Quantum Dot Passivation Strategy for Colloid Management and Efficient Infrared Photovoltaics”. Kim Y, Che F, Jo JW, Choi J, de Arquer FPG, Voznyy O, Sun B, Kim J, Choi M-J, Quintero-Bermudez R, Fan F, Tan CS, Bladt E, Walters G, Proppe AH, Zou C, Yuan H, Bals S, Hofkens J, Roeffaers MBJ, Hoogland S, Sargent EH, Advanced materials 31, 1805580 (2019).
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Fully inorganic Ruddlesden-Popper double CI-I and triple CI-Br-I lead halide perovskite nanocrystals”. Akkerman QA, Bladt E, Petralanda U, Dang Z, Sartori E, Baranov D, Abdelhady AL, Infante I, Bals S, Manna L, Chemistry of materials 31, 2182 (2019).
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Chemical and Structural Configuration of Pt Doped Metal Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition”. Ramachandran RK, Filez M, Solano E, Poelman H, Minjauw MM, Van Daele M, Feng J-Y, La Porta A, Altantzis T, Fonda E, Coati A, Garreau Y, Bals S, Marin GB, Detavernier C, Dendooven J, Chemistry of materials 31, 9673 (2019).
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Enhanced self-assembly of metal oxides and metal-organic frameworks from precursors with magnetohydrodynamically induced long-lived collective spin states”. Breynaert E, Emmerich J, Mustafa D, Bajpe SR, Altantzis T, Van Havenbergh K, Taulelle F, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Kirschhock CEA, Martens JA;, Advanced materials 26, 5173 (2014).
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Self-directed localization of ZIF-8 thin film formation by conversion of ZnO nanolayers”. Khaletskaya K, Turner S, Tu M, Wannapaiboon S, Schneemann A, Meyer R, Ludwig A, Van Tendeloo G, Fischer RA, Advanced functional materials 24, 4804 (2014).
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