Number of records found: 7465
Confinement and edge effects on atomic collapse in graphene nanoribbons”. Wang J, Van Pottelberge R, Jacobs A, Van Duppen B, Peeters FM, Physical Review B 103, 035426 (2021).
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Halide perovskite-lead chalcohalide nanocrystal heterostructures”. Imran M, Peng L, Pianetti A, Pinchetti V, Ramade J, Zito J, Di Stasio F, Buha J, Toso S, Song J, Infante I, Bals S, Brovelli S, Manna L, Journal Of The American Chemical Society 143, 1435 (2021).
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Spatially controlled octahedral rotations and metal-insulator transitions in nickelate superlattices”. Chen B, Gauquelin N, Green RJ, Lee JH, Piamonteze C, Spreitzer M, Jannis D, Verbeeck J, Bibes M, Huijben M, Rijnders G, Koster G, Nano Letters 21, 1295 (2021).
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A cross-European analysis of the impact of electricity pricing on battery uptake in residential microgrids with photovoltaic units”. Saviuc I, Milis K, Peremans H, Van Passel S, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 9, 1080368 (2021).
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Agricultural technical efficiency of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia : a stochastic frontier approach”. Chekol Zewdie M, Moretti M, Tenessa DB, Ayele ZA, Nyssen J, Tsegaye EA, Minale AS, Van Passel S, Land 10, 246 (2021).
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Exploring variability across cooperatives : economic performance of agricultural cooperatives in northern Ethiopia”. Sebhatu KT, Gezahegn TW, Berhanu T, Maertens M, Van Passel S, D'Haese M, The international food and agribusiness management review 24, 397 (2021).
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Two-Dimensional CdSe-PbSe Heterostructures and PbSe Nanoplatelets: Formation, Atomic Structure, and Optical Properties”. Salzmann BBV, Wit J de, Li C, Arenas-Esteban D, Bals S, Meijerink A, Vanmaekelbergh D, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 126, 1513 (2022).
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Coulomb impurity on a Dice lattice : atomic collapse and bound states”. Wang J, Van Pottelberge R, Zhao W-S, Peeters FM, Physical review B 105, 035427 (2022).
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Hall and bend resistance of a phosphorene Hall bar”. Miranda LP, Milovanović, SP, Filho RNC, Peeters FM, Physical Review B 104, 035401 (2021).
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Photoluminescence and electronic transition behaviors of single-stranded DNA”. Wang Q, Lin S, Liu X, Xu W, Xiao Y, Liang C, Ding L, Peeters FM, Physical Review E 104, 034412 (2021).
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Superconductivity in gallenene”. Petrov M, Bekaert J, Milošević, MV, 2d Materials 8, 035056 (2021).
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Investigating Reaction Intermediates during the Seedless Growth of Gold Nanostars Using Electron Tomography”. Choo P, Arenas-Esteban D, Jung I, Chang WJ, Weiss EA, Bals S, Odom TW, ACS nano 16, 4408 (2022).
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Deeper insights into the photoluminescence properties and (photo)chemical reactivity of cadmium red (CdS1-xSex) paints in renowned twentieth century paintings by state-of-the-art investigations at multiple length scales”. Monico L, Rosi F, Vivani R, Cartechini L, Janssens K, Gauquelin N, Chezganov D, Verbeeck J, Cotte M, D'Acapito F, Barni L, Grazia C, Buemi LP, Andral J-L, Miliani C, Romani A, The European Physical Journal Plus 137, 311 (2022).
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Controlling the hybridization gap and transport in a thin-film topological insulator : effect of strain, and electric and magnetic field”. Shafiei M, Fazileh F, Peeters FM, Milošević, MV, Physical review B 106, 035119 (2022).
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Storage without nitrite or nitrate enables the long-term preservation of full-scale partial nitritation/anammox sludge”. Zhu W, Van Tendeloo M, Xie Y, Timmer MJ, Peng L, Vlaeminck SE, The science of the total environment 806, 151330 (2022).
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Toward defining plasma treatment dose : the role of plasma treatment energy of pulsed‐dielectric barrier discharge in dictating in vitro biological responses”. Lin A, Biscop E, Gorbanev Y, Smits E, Bogaerts A, Plasma Processes And Polymers 19, e2100151 (2022).
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Analysis of 3D elemental distribution in nanomaterials : towards higher throughput and dose efficiency”. Skorikov A, Batenburg KJ, Bals S, Journal of microscopy 289, 157 (2023).
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Benchmarking the photocatalytic self-cleaning activity of industrial and experimental materials with ISO 27448:2009”. Peeters H, Lenaerts S, Verbruggen SW, Materials 16, 1119 (2023).
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Crystal structure controls on oriented primary magnetite micro-inclusions in plagioclase From oceanic gabbro”. Bian G, Ageeva O, Roddatis V, Li C, Pennycook TJ, Habler G, Abart R, Journal of petrology 64, egad008 (2023).
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Field-free superconducting diode in a magnetically nanostructured superconductor”. Jiang J, Milošević, MV, Wang Y-L, Xiao Z-L, Peeters FM, Chen Q-H, Physical review applied 18, 034064 (2022).
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NiMn₂O₄, revisited : temperature-dependent cation distribution from in situ neutron diffraction and thermopower studies”. Dinger J, Friedrich T, Reimann T, Toepfer J, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 106, 1834 (2023).
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Statics and dynamics of skyrmions interacting with disorder and nanostructures”. Reichhardt C, Reichhardt CJO, Milošević, MV, Reviews of modern physics 94, 035005 (2022).
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Five-year development plans of renewable energy policies in Iran : a content analysis”. Dehhaghi S, Choobchian S, Ghobadian B, Farhadian H, Viira A-H, Stefanie HI, Van Passel S, Azadi H, Sustainability 14, 1501 (2022).
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Unleashing lignin potential through the dithionite-assisted organosolv fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass”. Brienza F, Van Aelst K, Devred F, Magnin D, Tschulkow M, Nimmegeers P, Van Passel S, Sels BF, Gerin P, Debecker DP, Cybulska I, Chemical Engineering Journal 450, 138179 (2022).
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Vertical integration as a strategy to increase value absorption by primary producers : the Belgian sugar beet and the German rapeseed case”. Biely K, Von Muenchhausen S, Van Passel S, AIMS Agriculture and Food 7, 659 (2022).
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Epitaxial growth of the candidate ferroelectric Rashba material SrBiO3by pulsed laser deposition”. Verdierre G, Gauquelin N, Jannis D, Birkhölzer YA, Mallik S, Verbeeck J, Bibes M, Koster G, APL materials 11, 031109 (2023).
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A systematicalab-initioreview of promising 2D MXene monolayers towards Li-ion battery applications”. Yorulmaz U, Demiroglu I, Cakir D, Gulseren O, Sevik C, JPhys Energy 2, 032006 (2020).
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Assessment of Thermal Transport Properties of Group-III Nitrides: A Classical Molecular Dynamics Study with Transferable Tersoff-Type Interatomic Potentials”. Karaaslan Y, Yapicioglu H, Sevik C, Physical Review Applied 13, 034027 (2020).
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Automated evaluation of photographically recorded spark-source mass spectra”. Vanderborght B, Van Grieken R, Analytica chimica acta 103, 223 (1978).
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Automated matrix-correction of line ratios in energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrum deconvolution”. Van Dyck P, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 12, 111 (1983).
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