Number of records found: 291
The crystal and defect structures of polar KBiNb2O7”. Mallick S, Zhang W, Batuk M, Gibbs AS, Hadermann J, Halasyamani PS, Hayward MA, Journal of the Chemical Society : Dalton transactions 51, 1866 (2022).
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Dry reforming of methane in a nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharge: chemical kinetics modeling”. Zhang L, Heijkers S, Wang W, Martini LM, Tosi P, Yang D, Fang Z, Bogaerts A, Plasma Sources Science &, Technology 31, 055014 (2022).
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From 2D to 3D : bridging self-assembled monolayers to a substrate-induced polymorph in a molecular semiconductor”. Hao Y, Velpula G, Kaltenegger M, Bodlos WR, Vibert F, Mali KS, De Feyter S, Resel R, Geerts YH, Van Aert S, Beljonne D, Lazzaroni R, Chemistry of materials 34, 2238 (2022).
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Photochemical production of hydrogen peroxide by digging pro-superoxide radical carbon vacancies in carbon nitride”. Ding Y, Maitra S, Arenas Esteban D, Bals S, Vrielinck H, Barakat T, Roy S, Van Tendeloo G, Liu J, Li Y, Vlad A, Su B-L, Cell reports physical science 3, 100874 (2022).
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Quantitative analysis of diffuse electron scattering in the lithium-ion battery cathode material Li1.2Ni0.13Mn0.54Co0.13O2”. Poppe R, Vandemeulebroucke D, Neder RB, Hadermann J, IUCrJ 9, 695 (2022).
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Anisotropic etching of CVD grown graphene for ammonia sensing”. Yagmurcukardes N, Bayram A, Aydin H, Yagmurcukardes M, Acikbas Y, Peeters FM, Celebi C, IEEE sensors journal 22, 3888 (2022).
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Evaluation of lignocellulosic wastewater valorization with the oleaginous yeasts R. kratochvilovae EXF7516 and C. oleaginosum ATCC 20509”. Broos W, Wittner N, Geerts J, Dries J, Vlaeminck SE, Gunde-Cimerman N, Richel A, Cornet I, Fermentation 8, 204 (2022).
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Exploring the role of antimicrobials in the selective growth of purple phototrophic bacteria through genome mining and agar spot assays”. Alloul A, Van Kampen W, Cerruti M, Wittouck S, Pabst M, Weissbrodt DG, Letters in applied microbiology 75, 1275 (2022).
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Gas-solid hydrodynamics in a stator-rotor vortex chamber reactor”. Lang X, Ouyang Y, Vandewalle LA, Goshayeshi B, Chen S, Madanikashani S, Perreault P, Van Geem KM, van Geem KM, Chemical engineering journal 446, 137323 (2022).
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Plasmonic hybrid nanostructures in photocatalysis : structures, mechanisms, and applications”. Ninakanti R, Dingenen F, Borah R, Peeters H, Verbruggen SW, Topics in Current Chemistry 380, 40 (2022).
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Clogging and unclogging of hydrocarbon-contaminated nanochannels”. Javdani Z, Hassani N, Faraji F, Zhou R, Sun C, Radha B, Neyts E, Peeters FM, Neek-Amal M, The journal of physical chemistry letters 13, 11454 (2022).
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High-throughput analysis of tetragonal transition metal Xenes”. Yorulmaz U, Šabani D, Yagmurcukardes M, Sevik C, Milošević, MV, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 24, 29406 (2022).
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Hybrid magnetic-plasmonic nanoparticle probes for multimodal bioimaging”. dela Encarnacion C, Lenzi E, Henriksen-Lacey M, Molina B, Jenkinson K, Herrero A, Colas L, Ramos-Cabrer P, Toro-Mendoza J, Orue I, Langer J, Bals S, Jimenez de Aberasturi D, Liz-Marzan LM, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 126, 19519 (2022).
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Electrochemical detection of illicit drugs in oral fluid : potential for forensic drug testing”. Joosten F, Parrilla M, van Nuijs ALN, Ozoemena KId, De Wael K, Electrochimica acta 2022, 141309 (2022).
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Cold Atmospheric Plasma Does Not Affect Stellate Cells Phenotype in Pancreatic Cancer Tissue in Ovo”. Privat-Maldonado A, Verloy R, Cardenas Delahoz E, Lin A, Vanlanduit S, Smits E, Bogaerts A, International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 23, 1954 (2022).
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Modulating the Antioxidant Response for Better Oxidative Stress-Inducing Therapies: How to Take Advantage of Two Sides of the Same Medal?”.Shaw P, Kumar N, Sahun M, Smits E, Bogaerts A, Privat-Maldonado A, Biomedicines 10, 823 (2022).
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An elliptical blade is not a true ellipse, but a superellipse : evidence from two Michelia species”. Li Y, Niklas KJ, Gielis J, Niinemets Ü, Schrader J, Wang R, Shi P, Journal of forestry research 33, 1341 (2022).
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How do western European farms behave and respond to climate change? A simultaneous irrigation-crop decision model”. Vanschoenwinkel J, Vancauteren M, Van Passel S, Climate change economics 13, 2250009 (2022).
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The 2022 Plasma Roadmap: low temperature plasma science and technology”. Adamovich I, Agarwal S, Ahedo E, Alves LL, Baalrud S, Babaeva N, Bogaerts A, Bourdon A, Bruggeman PJ, Canal C, Choi EH, Coulombe S, Donkó, Z, Graves DB, Hamaguchi S, Hegemann D, Hori M, Kim H-h, Kroesen GMW, Kushner MJ, Laricchiuta A, Li X, Magin TE, Mededovic Thagard S, Miller V, Murphy AB, Oehrlein GS, Puac N, Sankaran RM, Samukawa S, Shiratani M, Šimek M, Tarasenko N, Terashima K, Thomas Jr E, Trieschmann J, Tsikata S, Turner MM, van der Walt IJ, van de Sanden MCM, von Woedtke T, Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 55, 373001 (2022).
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Photoelectrochemical behavior of phthalocyanine-sensitized TiO₂, in the presence of electron-shuttling mediators”. Khan SU, Trashin S, Beltran V, Korostei YS, Pelmus M, Gorun SM, Dubinina T V, Verbruggen SW, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 94, 12723 (2022).
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Self-assembled epitaxial cathode-electrolyte nanocomposites for 3D microbatteries”. Cunha DM, Gauquelin N, Xia R, Verbeeck J, Huijben M, ACS applied materials and interfaces 14, 42208 (2022).
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Multimode electron tomography sheds light on synthesis, structure, and properties of complex metal-based nanoparticles”. Jenkinson K, Liz-Marzan LM, Bals S, Advanced materials 34, 2110394 (2022).
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Heterometallic molecular complexes act as messenger building units to encode desired metal-atom combinations to multivariate metal-organic frameworks”. Lopez-Garcia C, Canossa S, Hadermann J, Gorni G, Oropeza FE, de la Pena O'Shea VA, Iglesias M, Monge MA, Gutierrez-Puebla E, Gandara F, Journal of the American Chemical Society 144, 16262 (2022).
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Nanoscale phase separation in the oxide layer at GeTe (111) surfaces”. Frolov AS, Callaert C, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Volykhov AA, Sirotina AP, Amati M, Gregoratti L, Yashina LV, Nanoscale 14, 12918 (2022).
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Fast A-site cation cross-exchange at room temperature : single-to double- and triple-cation halide perovskite nanocrystals”. Otero-Martinez C, Imran M, Schrenker NJ, Ye J, Ji K, Rao A, Stranks SD, Hoye RLZ, Bals S, Manna L, Perez-Juste J, Polavarapu L, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 61, e202205617 (2022).
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Identification of a unique pyridinic FeN4Cx electrocatalyst for N₂, reduction : tailoring the coordination and carbon topologies”. Nematollahi P, Neyts EC, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 126, 14460 (2022).
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Prediction of novel two-dimensional Dirac nodal line semimetals in Al₂B₂, and AlB₄, monolayers”. Abedi S, Sisakht ET, Hashemifar SJ, Cherati NG, Sarsari IA, Peeters FM, Nanoscale 14, 11270 (2022).
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Structures and magnetic ordering in layered Cr oxide arsenides Sr₂CrO₂Cr₂OAs₂, and Sr₂CrO₃CrAs”. Sheath BC, Xu X, Manuel P, Hadermann J, Batuk M, O'Sullivan J, Bonilla RS, Clarke SJ, Inorganic chemistry 61, 10 (2022).
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Quantitatively linking morphology and optical response of individual silver nanohedra”. Wang Y, Sztranyovszky Z, Zilli A, Albrecht W, Bals S, Borri P, Langbein W, Nanoscale 14, 11028 (2022).
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Arresting aqueous swelling of layered graphene-oxide membranes with H3O+ and OH- ions”. Gogoi A, Neyts EC, Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, ACS applied materials and interfaces 14, 34946 (2022).
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