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Combined macro X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) and pulse phase thermography (PPT) imaging for the technical study of panel paintings”. Deleu N, Hillen M, Steenackers G, Borms G, Janssens K, Van der Stighelen K, Van der Snickt G, Talanta : the international journal of pure and applied analytical chemistry 270, 125533 (2024).
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Critical reflections on Cinema Belgica : the database for New Cinema History in Belgium”. Ducatteeuw V, Biltereyst D, Meers P, Verbruggen C, Moreels D, Noordegraaf J, Chambers S, De Potter P, Cachet T, Franck N, Deroo F, Journal of open humanities data 9, 1 (2023).
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Darkening of lead white in old master drawings and historic prints : a multi-analytical investigation”. Pastorelli G, Miranda ASO, Avranovich Clerici E, d'Imporzano P, Hansen BV, Janssens K, Davies GR, Borring N, Microchemical journal 199, 109912 (2024).
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Lembrechts J, Clavel J, Lenoir J, Haider S, McDougall K, Nunez M, Alexander J, Barros A, Milbau A, Seipel T, Verbruggen E, Nijs I (2024) Dataset: Roadside disturbance promotes plant communities with arbuscular mycorrhizal associations in mountain regions worldwide
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Economic and environmental implications of policy instruments for the circular economy : a case study for postconsumer polyethylene film recycling in Europe”. Larraín M, Billen P, Cifuentes L, Van Passel S, Resources, conservation and recycling 204, 107519 (2024).
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Farmers' preferences and willingness to pay for improved irrigation water supply program : a discrete choice experiment”. Chekol Zewdie M, Moretti M, Tenessa DB, Van Passel S, Environment, development and sustainability , 1 (2023).
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Geospatial environmental techno-economic assessment of pretreatment technologies for bioethanol production”. Vasilakou K, Nimmegeers P, Billen P, Van Passel S, Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 187, 113743 (2023).
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Van Oijstaeijen W (2023) Green infrastructure and local implementation : (green) bridging the gap between research and practice. xvii, 194 p
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Longer dry and wet spells alter the stochasticity of microbial community assembly in grassland soils”. Li L, Nijs I, De Boeck H, Vinduskova O, Reynaert S, Donnelly C, Zi L, Verbruggen E, Soil biology and biochemistry 178, 108969 (2023).
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De Keyzer M, Soens T, Verbruggen C (2024) Mens en natuur : een geschiedenis. 313 p
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More persistent weather causes a pronounced soil microbial legacy but does not impact subsequent plant communities”. Li L, Lin Q, Nijs I, De Boeck H, Beemster GTS, Asard H, Verbruggen E, The science of the total environment 903, 166570 (2023).
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Multi-wavelength Raman microscopy of nickel-based electron transport in cable bacteria”. Smets B, Boschker HTS, Wetherington MT, Lelong G, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Polerecky L, Nuyts G, De Wael K, Meysman FJR, Frontiers in microbiology 15, 1208033 (2024).
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The organo-metal-like nature of long-range conduction in cable bacteria”. Pankratov D, Hidalgo Martinez S, Karman C, Gerzhik A, Gomila G, Trashin S, Boschker HTS, Geelhoed JS, Mayer D, De Wael K, Meysman FJR, Bioelectrochemistry: an international journal devoted to electrochemical aspects of biology and biological aspects of electrochemistry 157, 108675 (2024).
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A Pareto aggregation approach for environmental-economic multi-objective optimization applied on a second-generation bioethanol production model”. Vasilakou K, Billen P, Van Passel S, Nimmegeers P, Energy conversion and management 303, 118184 (2024).
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Clavel J (2024) Plant-mycorrhizal interactions and their role in plant invasions in mountains. 182 p
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Recent advances in metal-doped defective TiO₂, for photocatalytic CO₂, conversion”. Raes A, Minja AC, Ag KR, Verbruggen SW, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 44, 101013 (2024).
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Vermeulen S, Cools J, Staes J, Van Passel S (2023) A review of economic assessments of drought risk reduction approaches in agriculture. 118909–118912
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Roadside disturbance promotes plant communities with arbuscular mycorrhizal associations in mountain regions worldwide”. Clavel J, Lembrechts J, Lenoir J, Haider S, McDougall K, Nunez MA, Alexander J, Barros A, Milbau A, Seipel T, Pauchard A, Fuentes-Lillo E, Backes AR, Dar P, Reshi ZA, Aleksanyan A, Zong S, Sierra JRA, Aschero V, Verbruggen E, Nijs I, Ecography , e07051 (2024).
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Ruimte en gezondheidsongelijkheid aanpakken : een kwestie van sociale rechtvaardigheid”. Vervoort P, Grymonprez H, Bouckaert N, Derijcke D, De Wael W (2023).
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Sailing through end-of-life challenges : a comprehensive review for offshore wind”. Vetters J, Thomassen G, Van Passel S, Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 199, 114486 (2024).
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Labey E, Fonteyn F, Wilmot A, El Amouri S, Gjurova A, De Cock W, De Wael F (2023) Shaping utopia through law: how the law does (not) provide an answer to societal challenges. 210 p
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Shifts in mycorrhizal types of fungi and plants in response to fertilisation, warming and herbivory in a tundra grassland”. Le Noir de Carlan C, Kaarlejarvi E, De Tender C, Heinecke T, Eskelinen A, Verbruggen E, New phytologist (2024).
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Singlet oxygen-based photoelectrochemical detection of miRNAs in prostate cancer patients&rsquo, plasma : a novel diagnostic tool for liquid biopsy”. Thiruvottriyur Shanmugam S, Campos R, Trashin S, Daems E, Carneiro D, Fraga A, Ribeiro R, De Wael K, Bioelectrochemistry: an international journal devoted to electrochemical aspects of biology and biological aspects of electrochemistry 158, 108698 (2024).
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Surface modification of mesostructured cellular foam to enhance hydrogen storage in binary THF/H₂, clathrate hydrate”. Kummamuru NB, Ciocarlan R-G, Houlleberghs M, Martens J, Breynaert E, Verbruggen SW, Cool P, Perreault P, Sustainable energy &, fuels , 1 (2024).
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Finizola e Silva M, Cools J, Cools J, Van Passel S (2024) A systematic review identifying the drivers and barriers to the adoption of climate-smart agriculture by smallholder farmers in Africa. 1356335–14
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The environmental impacts of the lignin-first biorefineries : a consequential life cycle assessment approach”. Tschulkow M, Pizzol M, Compernolle T, Van den Bosch S, Sels B, Van Passel S, Resources, conservation and recycling 204, 107466 (2024).
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Van Oijstaeijen W, Finizola e Silva M, Back P, Collins A, Verheyen K, De Beelde R, Cools J, Van Passel S (2023) The Nature Smart Cities business model : a rapid decision-support and scenario analysis tool to reveal the multi-benefits of green infrastructure investments. 127923–14
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Ramirez-Rojas I (2024) Underground connections : the interplay between tropical rainforest trees and soil microbial communities. 205 p
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Undoing the development army : a paradigm shift from transfer of technology to agricultural innovation system in Ethiopian extension”. Gebremariam YA, Dessein J, Wondimagegnhu BA, Breusers M, Lenaerts L, Adgo E, Van Passel S, Minale AS, Nyssen J, Environment, development and sustainability , 1 (2023).
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Unraveling microbial processes involved in carbon and nitrogen cycling and greenhouse gas emissions in rewetted peatlands by molecular biology”. Gios E, Verbruggen E, Audet J, Burns R, Butterbach-Bahl K, Espenberg M, Fritz C, Glatzel S, Jurasinski G, Larmola T, Mander U, Nielsen C, Rodriguez AF, Scheer C, Zak D, Silvennoinen HM, Biogeochemistry (2024).
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