Number of records found: 2109
Gielis J (2023) Fred Van Oystaeyen : Time hybrids: a new generic theory of reality. 347–351
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Rapid on-site detection of illicit drugs in smuggled samples with a portable electrochemical device”. Parrilla M, Slosse A, Van Echelpoel R, Montiel FN, Langley AR, Van Durme F, De Wael K, Chemosensors 10, 108 (2022).
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Complementary analysis of historical glass by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and laser ablation inductiveley coupled plasma mass spectrometry”. Wagner B, Nowak A, Bulska E, Kunicki-Goldfinger J, Schalm O, Janssens K, schalm, Microchimica acta 162, 415 (2008).
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Marine influences on aerosol composition in the coastal zone”. Johansson TB, Van Grieken RE, Winchester JW, Journal de recherches atmosphériques 8, 761 (1974)
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Trace metal fractionation effects between sea water and aerosols from bubble bursting”. Van Grieken RE, Johansson TB, Winchester JW, Journal de recherches atmosphériques 8, 611 (1974)
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The addition of organic carbon and nitrate affects reactive transport of heavy metals in sandy aquifers”. Satyawali Y, Seuntjens P, Van Roy S, Joris I, Vangeel S, Dejonghe W, Vanbroekhoven K, Journal of contaminant hydrology 123, 83 (2011).
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Application of EPMA and XRF for the investigation of particulate pollutants in the field of cultural heritage”. Kontozova-Deutsch V, Deutsch F, Godoi RHM, Spolnik Z, Wei W, Van Grieken R, Microchimica acta 161, 465 (2008).
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Assessing the size-dependent chemical speciation of soil particles using electron probe X-ray microanalysis”. Semenov MY, Spolnik Z, Van Grieken R, Microchimica acta 157, 121 (2007).
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Atmospheric particulate element concentrations and deposition rates in French Polynesia”. Rojas CM, Injuk J, Van Grieken RE, Maenhaut W, Journal de recherche océanographique 25, 74 (2000)
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Biogeochemical study of a coccolithophore bloom in the northern Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic Ocean) in June 2004”. Harlay J, Borges AV, van der Zee C, Delille B, Godoi RHM, Schiettecatte L-S, Roevros N, Aerts K, Lapernat P-E, Rebreanu L, Groom S, Daro M-H, Van Grieken R, Chou L, Progress in oceanography 86, 317 (2010).
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Chemistry of precipitation near a limestone building”. Roekens E, Komy Z, Leysen L, Veny P, Van Grieken R, Water, air and soil pollution 38, 273 (1988).
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Detection of a Ca-rich lithology in the Earth's deep (>, 300 km) convecting mantle”. Brenker FE, Vincze L, Vekemans B, Nasdala L, Stachel T, Vollmer C, Kersten M, Somogyi A, Adams F, Joswig W, Harris JW, Earth and planetary science letters 236, 579 (2005).
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Determination of BTEX by GCMS in air of offset printing plants: comparison between conventional and ecological inks”. Godoi AFL, Sawada EY, de Marchi MRR, Van Grieken R, Godoi RHM, Water, air, and soil pollution : focus 9, 163 (2009).
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The elemental chemistry of sediments in the Krishna River basin, India”. Ramesh R, Subramanian V, Van Grieken R, Van 't dack L, Chemical geology 74, 331 (1989).
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Indoor air quality assessment of elementary schools in Curitiba, Brazil”. Godoi RHM, Avigo D, Campos VD, Tavares TM, de Marchi MRR, Van Grieken R, Godoi AFL, Water, air, and soil pollution : focus 9, 171 (2009).
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Investigation of gaseous and particulate air pollutants at the Basilica Saint-Urbain in Troyes, related to the preservation of the medieval stained glass windows”. Kontozova-Deutsch V, Godoi RHM, Worobiec A, Spolnik Z, Krata A, Deutsch F, Van Grieken R, Microchimica acta 162, 425 (2008).
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Investigation of heterogeneous reactions of PAH's on particle surfaces using laser microprobe mass analysis”. Niessner R, Klockow D, Bruynseels F, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 22, 281 (1985).
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The major-element composition of suspended matter in the Zaire river and estuary”. Sholkovitz ER, Van Grieken R, Eisma D, Netherlands journal of sea research 12, 407 (1978).
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Modelling concentrations of airborne primary and secondary PM10 and PM2.5 with the BelEUROS-model in Belgium”. Deutsch F, Vankerkom J, Janssen L, Janssen S, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, Fierens F, Dumont G, Mensink C, Ecological modelling 217, 230 (2008).
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Partitioning of heavy metals between estuarine sediments and dissolved phase as a function of salinity, pH and time (Scheldt estuary)”. Dekov V, van Alsenoy V, Onar N, van Put A, Van Grieken R, Geologica Balcanica 30, 65 (2001)
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Study of the winter and summer changes of the air composition in the church of Szalowa, Poland, related to conservation”. Worobiec A, Samek L, Spolnik Z, Kontozova V, Stefaniak E, Van Grieken R, Microchimica acta 156, 253 (2006).
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SnIV-containing layered double hydroxides as precursors for nano-sized ZnO/SnO2 photocatalysts”. Seftel EM, Popovici E, Mertens M, Stefaniak EA, Van Grieken R, Cool P, Vansant EF, Applied catalysis : B : environmental 84, 699 (2008).
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Trace element composition of Zaire suspended sediments”. Martin J-M, Thomas AJ, Van Grieken RE, Netherlands journal of sea research 12, 414 (1978).
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Phase transformation behavior of a two-dimensional zeolite”. Bae J, Cichocka MO, Zhang Y, Bacsik Z, Bals S, Zou X, Willhammar T, Hong SB, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 58, 10230 (2019).
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Inhable particulate matter from lime industries: chemical composition and deposition in human respiratory tract”. Godoi RHM, Braga DM, Makarovska Y, Alfoldy B, Carvalho Filho MAS, Van Grieken R, Godoi AFL, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 42, 7027 (2008).
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Revealing the distribution of metal carboxylates in oil paint from the micro- to nanoscale”. Ma X, Beltran V, Ramer G, Pavlidis G, Parkinson DY, Thoury M, Meldrum T, Centrone A, Berrie BH, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 58, 11652 (2019).
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Corrosive marine atmosphere investigations in Tanzania: exposure sites and preliminary results”. Mmari AG, Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Uiso CBS, Makundi IN, Potgieter JH, Van Grieken R, Newsletter of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project , 13 (2007)
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Sorption and desorption of organophosphate esters with different hydrophobicity by soils”. Cristale J, Álvarez-Martín A, Rodriguez-Cruz S, Sanchez-Martin MJ, Lacorte S, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 27870 (2017).
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Characterisation of Amazon Basin aerosols at the individual particle level by X-ray microanalytical techniques”. Worobiec A, Szalóki I, Osán J, Maenhaut W, Stefaniak EA, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 41, 9217 (2007).
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A GLUE uncertainty analysis of a drying model of pharmaceutical granules”. Mortier STFC, Van Hoey S, Cierkens K, Gernaey KV, Seuntjens P, De Baets B, De Beer T, Nopens I, European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics 85, 984 (2013).
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