Number of records found: 202
Confocal micrometer-scale X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption fine structure studies of uranium speciation in a tertiary sediment from a waste disposal natural analogue site”. Denecke MA, Janssens K, Proost K, Rothe J, Noseck U, Environmental science and technology 39, 2049 (2005).
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Van Grieken R, Janssens K (2005) Cultural heritage conservation and environmental impact assessment by non-destructive testing and micro-analysis. 336 p
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Estimation of relative Fe2+ and Fe3+ contents of original manuscript fragments by means of μ-XANES and Mössbauer spectrometry”. Janssens K, Vekemans B, Rouchon-Quillet V (2005).
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In-vivo 3D mapping and local speciation of Se compounds in roots and leaves of Allium Cepa”. Janssens K, Proost K, Wysocka A, Bulska E, Wierzbicka M (2005).
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Investigation of the chemical state and 3D distribution of Mn in corroded glass fragments”. Proost K, Schalm O, Janssens K, Van Dyck D (2005).
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Novel quantitative procedures for in-situ X-ray fluorescence analysis”. Van Grieken R, Janssens K, van Espen P, Injuk J, Padilla R, Vittiglio G, Potgieter JH page 45 (2005).
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Preface”. Van Grieken R, Janssens K page vii-viii (2005).
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A survey of the recent use of x-ray beam methods for non-destructive investigations in the cultural heritage sector”. Janssens K page 265 (2005).
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Two fragments of mold-blown glass beakers with Greek inscriptions from Tongeren (Belgium)”. Cosyns P, Vanderhoeven A, Vynckier G, Janssens K, Schalm O, Vanderlinden V, Journal of glass studies 47, 179 (2005)
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Application of EDXRF and thin window EPMA for the investigation of the influence of hot air heating on the generation and deposition of particulate matter”. Spolnik Z, Bencs L, Worobiec A, Kontozova V, Van Grieken R, Microchimica acta 149, 79 (2005).
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Assessment of air pollutant levels in some European museums and churches”. Kontozova V, Spolnik Z, Worobiec A, Godoi R, Van Grieken R, Deutsch F, Bencs L page 245 (2005).
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Associations between ambient, personal, and indoor exposure to fine particulate matter constituents in Dutch and Finnish panels of cardiovascular patients”. Janssen NAH, Lanki T, Hoek G, Vallius M, de Hartog JJ, Van Grieken R, Pekkanen J, Brunekreef B, Occupational and environmental medicine 62, 868 (2005).
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Characterization of air pollutants observed in three European cathedrals: is the protective glazing really effective?”.Kontozova V, Godoi RHM, Spolnik Z, Worobiec A, Deutsch F, Van Grieken R, Rivista della Stazione sperimentale del vetro 3, 13 (2005)
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Chemical composition, mass size distribution and source analysis of long-range transported wildfire smokes in Helsinki”. Sillanpää, M, Saarikoski S, Hillamo R, Pennanen A, Makkonen U, Spolnik Z, Van Grieken R, Koskentalo T, Salonen RO, The science of the total environment 350, 119 (2005).
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Santer R, Schadkowski C, Blanchet A, Saison J-Y, Poinsot C, Ramon D, Roekens E, Verlinden L, Van Grieken R, Stranger M, Mees J (2005) Expositions des populations vivant au cœur de l'Euro-région auz polluants atmosphériques: le cas des poussières fines = Blootstelling van de bevolkingsgroepen wonend in het hart van de Euregio aan polluerende atmosferische deeltjes: het geval van de fijne stofdeeltjes
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Influence of gaseous and particulate air pollutants on stained glass windows: case study in the Basilica Saint Urbain in Troyes, France”. Kontozova V, Godoi RHM, Spolnik Z, Worobiec A, Deutsch F, Van Grieken R, (2005)
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Saison J-Y, Roekens E, Matheeussen C, Verlinden L, Desmedt M, Van Grieken R, Stranger M (2005) Measurement campaigns in the Euro-region
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Brunekreef B, Janssen N A.H., de Hartog J J., Oldenwening M, Meliefste K, Hoek G, Lanki T, Timonen K L., Vallius M, Pekkanen J, Van Grieken R (2005) Personal, indoor, and outdoor exposures to PM2.5 and its components for groups of cardiovascular patients in Amsterdam and Helsinki
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Some studies of the effect of indoor and outdoor pollutants on cultural heritage items”. Van Grieken R, Kontozova V, Godoi RHM, Spolnik Z, Worobiec A, Deutsch F, Bencs L, (2005)
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Sources and elemental composition of ambient PM2.5 in three European cities”. Vallius M, Janssen NAH, Heinrich J, Hoek G, Ruuskanen J, Cyrys J, Van Grieken R, de Hartog JJ, Kreyling WG, Pekkanen J, The science of the total environment 337, 147 (2005).
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Studia sezonowych zmian wewnetrznego składu powietrza atmosferycznego w kościołach zabytkowych w kontekście doboru i modyfikacji metod konserwacji obiektów zabytkowych”. Samek L, Worobiec A, Spolnik Z, Van Grieken R page 59 (2005).
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Use of solid-phase microextraction for the detection of acetic acid by ion-trap gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and application to indoor levels in museums”. Godoi AFL, Van Vaeck L, Van Grieken R, Journal of chromatography: A: bibliography section 1067, 331 (2005).
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