Number of records found: 198
Numerical study of the size-dependent melting mechanisms of nickel nanoclusters”. Neyts EC, Bogaerts A, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 113, 2771 (2009)
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Effect of lipid peroxidation on membrane permeability of cancer and normal cells subjected to oxidative stress”. Van der Paal J, Neyts EC, Verlackt CCW, Bogaerts A, Chemical science 7, 489 (2016).
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Direct observation of realistic-temperature fuel combustion mechanisms in atomistic simulations”. Bal KM, Neyts EC, Chemical science 7, 5280 (2016).
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Hampering Effect of Cholesterol on the Permeation of Reactive Oxygen Species through Phospholipids Bilayer: Possible Explanation for Plasma Cancer Selectivity”. Van der Paal J, Verheyen C, Neyts EC, Bogaerts A, Scientific reports 7, 39526 (2017).
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Sulfur-alloyed Cr2O3: a new p-type transparent conducting oxide host”. Dabaghmanesh S, Saniz R, Neyts E, Partoens B, RSC advances 7, 4453 (2017).
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Effect of head group and lipid tail oxidation in the cell membrane revealed through integrated simulations and experiments”. Yusupov M, Wende K, Kupsch S, Neyts EC, Reuter S, Bogaerts A, Scientific reports 7, 5761 (2017).
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Reaction mechanisms of C(3PJ) and C+(2PJ) with benzene in the interstellar medium from quantum mechanical molecular dynamics simulations”. Izadi ME, Bal KM, Maghari A, Neyts EC, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 4205 (2021).
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Linking bi-metal distribution patterns in porous carbon nitride fullerene to its catalytic activity toward gas adsorption”. Nematollahi P, Neyts EC, Nanomaterials 11, 1794 (2021).
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Molecular dynamics simulations of the sticking and etch behavior of various growth species of (ultra)nanocrystalline diamond films”. Eckert M, Neyts E, Bogaerts A, Chemical vapor deposition 14, 213 (2008).
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Modeling adatom surface processes during crystal growth: a new implementation of the Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm”. Eckert M, Neyts E, Bogaerts A, CrystEngComm 11, 1597 (2009).
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Atomic-scale simulations of reactive oxygen plasma species interacting with bacterial cell walls”. Yusupov M, Neyts EC, Khalilov U, Snoeckx R, van Duin ACT, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 14, 093043 (2012).
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Densification of thin a-C: H films grown from low-kinetic energy hydrocarbon radicals under the influence of H and C particle fluxes: a molecular dynamics study”. Neyts E, Bogaerts A, van de Sanden MCM, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 39, 1948 (2006).
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Differences between ultrananocrystalline and nanocrystalline diamond growth: theoretical investigation of CxHy species at diamond step edges”. Eckert M, Neyts E, Bogaerts A, Crystal growth &, design 10, 4123 (2010).
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Grain size tuning of nanocrystalline chemical vapor deposited diamond by continuous electrical bias growth : experimental and theoretical study”. Mortet V, Zhang L, Eckert M, D'Haen J, Soltani A, Moreau M, Troadec D, Neyts E, De Jaeger JC, Verbeeck J, Bogaerts A, Van Tendeloo G, Haenen K, Wagner P, Physica status solidi : A : applications and materials science 209, 1675 (2012).
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The role of ions in plasma catalytic carbon nanotube growth : a review”. Neyts EC, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 9, 154 (2015).
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How the alignment of adsorbed ortho H pairs determines the onset of selective carbon nanotube etching”. Khalilov U, Bogaerts A, Xu B, Kato T, Kaneko T, Neyts EC, Nanoscale 9, 1653 (2017).
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Concurrent effects of wafer temperature and oxygen fraction on cryogenic silicon etching with SF6/O2plasmas”. Tinck S, Tillocher T, Georgieva V, Dussart R, Neyts E, Bogaerts A, Plasma processes and polymers 14, 1700018 (2017).
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Enhanced piezoresponse and surface electric potential of hybrid biodegradable polyhydroxybutyrate scaffolds functionalized with reduced graphene oxide for tissue engineering”. Chernozem R V, Romanyuk KN, Grubova I, Chernozem P V, Surmeneva MA, Mukhortova YR, Wilhelm M, Ludwig T, Mathur S, Kholkin AL, Neyts E, Parakhonskiy B, Skirtach AG, Surmenev RA, Nano Energy 89, 106473 (2021).
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