Number of records found: 291
The pro- and anti-tumoral properties of gap junctions in cancer and their role in therapeutic strategies”. Oliveira MC, Verswyvel H, Smits E, Cordeiro RM, Bogaerts A, Lin A, Redox Biology 57, 102503 (2022).
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Molecular understanding of the possible mechanisms of oligosaccharide oxidation by cold plasma”. Yusupov M, Dewaele D, Attri P, Khalilov U, Sobott F, Bogaerts A, Plasma processes and polymers (2022).
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Chiral Seeded Growth of Gold Nanorods Into 4‐Fold Twisted Nanoparticles with Plasmonic Optical Activity”. Ni B, Mychinko M, Gómez‐Graña S, Morales‐Vidal J, Obelleiro‐Liz M, Heyvaert W, Vila‐Liarte D, Zhuo X, Albrecht W, Zheng G, González‐Rubio G, Taboada JM, Obelleiro F, López N, Pérez‐Juste J, Pastoriza‐Santos I, Cölfen H, Bals S, Liz‐Marzán LM, Advanced materials , 2208299 (2022).
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Morphological and Optical Transitions during Micelle-Seeded Chiral Growth on Gold Nanorods”. Zhuo X, Mychinko M, Heyvaert W, Larios D, Obelleiro-Liz M, Taboada JM, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, ACS nano (2022).
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Three Approaches for Representing the Statistical Uncertainty on Atom-Counting Results in Quantitative ADF STEM”. De wael A, De Backer A, Yu C-P, Sentürk DG, Lobato I, Faes C, Van Aert S, Microscopy and microanalysis , 1 (2022).
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Optimal experiment design for element specific atom counting using multiple annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy detectors”. Sentürk DG, De Backer A, Friedrich T, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy 242, 113626 (2022).
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Can a programmable phase plate serve as an aberration corrector in the transmission electron microscope (TEM)?”.Vega Ibañez F, Béché, A, Verbeeck J, Microscopy and microanalysis , Pii S1431927622012260 (2022).
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On the formation mechanisms of intragranular shear bands in olivine by stress-induced amorphization”. Idrissi H, Béché, A, Gauquelin N, Ul-Haq I, Bollinger C, Demouchy S, Verbeeck J, Pardoen T, Schryvers D, Cordier P, Acta materialia 239, 118247 (2022).
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Topotactic redox cycling in SrFeO2.5+&delta, explored by 3D electron diffraction in different gas atmospheres”. Batuk M, Vandemeulebroucke D, Ceretti M, Paulus W, Hadermann J, Journal of materials chemistry A : materials for energy and sustainability (2022).
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Modifying the Stöber Process: Is the Organic Solvent Indispensable?”.Wang J, Zhang K, Kavak S, Bals S, Meynen V, Chemistry-A European Journal (2022).
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How an incineration tax changes waste management practices among firms”. De Weerdt L, De Jaeger S, Compernolle T, Van Passel S, Resources Conservation And Recycling 180, 106172 (2022).
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Shuffling atomic layer deposition gas sequences to modulate bimetallic thin films and nanoparticle properties”. Filez M, Feng J-Y, Minjauw MM, Solano E, Poonkottil N, Van Daele M, Ramachandran RK, Li C, Bals S, Poelman H, Detavernier C, Dendooven J, Filez M, Minjauw M, Solano E, Poonkottil N, Li C, Bals S, Dendooven J, Chemistry of materials (2022).
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Direct Solar Energy-Mediated Synthesis of Tertiary Benzylic Alcohols Using a Metal-Free Heterogeneous Photocatalyst”. Zhang Y, Qin S, Claes N, Schilling W, Sahoo PK, Ching HYV, Jaworski A, Lemière F, Slabon A, Van Doorslaer S, Bals S, Das S, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 10, 530 (2022).
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Signatures of enhanced out-of-plane polarization in asymmetric BaTiO3 superlattices integrated on silicon”. Chen B, Gauquelin N, Strkalj N, Huang S, Halisdemir U, Nguyen MD, Jannis D, Sarott MF, Eltes F, Abel S, Spreitzer M, Fiebig M, Trassin M, Fompeyrine J, Verbeeck J, Huijben M, Rijnders G, Koster G, Nature communications 13, 265 (2022).
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Interfacial gliding-driven lattice oxygen release in layered cathodes”. Sun C, Liao X, Peng H, Zhang C, Van Tendeloo G, Zhao Y, Wu J, Cell reports physical science 3 (2022).
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Polytypism in mcalpineite : a study of natural and synthetic Cu₃TeO₆”. Missen OP, Mills SJ, Canossa S, Hadermann J, Nenert G, Weil M, Libowitzky E, Housley RM, Artner W, Kampf AR, Rumsey MS, Spratt J, Momma K, Dunstan MA, Acta Crystallographica. Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials (Online) 78 (2022).
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First-principles study of lattice dynamical properties of the room-temperature P2₁/n and ground-state P2₁/c phases of WO₃”. Hassani H, Partoens B, Bousquet E, Ghosez P, Physical review B 105, 014107 (2022).
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Pivotal role of magnetic ordering and strain in lattice thermal conductivity of chromium-trihalide monolayers”. Pandey T, Peeters FM, Milošević, MV, 2D materials 9, 015034 (2022).
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Effect of Cysteine Oxidation in SARS-CoV-2 Receptor-Binding Domain on Its Interaction with Two Cell Receptors: Insights from Atomistic Simulations”. Ghasemitarei M, Privat-Maldonado A, Yusupov M, Rahnama S, Bogaerts A, Ejtehadi MR, Journal Of Chemical Information And Modeling 62, 129 (2022).
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On amorphization as a deformation mechanism under high stresses”. Idrissi H, Carrez P, Cordier P, Current opinion in solid state and materials science 26, 100976 (2022).
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Halide perovskites as disposable epitaxial templates for the phase-selective synthesis of lead sulfochloride nanocrystals”. Toso S, Imran M, Mugnaioli E, Moliterni A, Caliandro R, Schrenker NJ, Pianetti A, Zito J, Zaccaria F, Wu Y, Gemmi M, Giannini C, Brovelli S, Infante I, Bals S, Manna L, Nature communications 13, 3976 (2022).
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Experimental reconstructions of 3D atomic structures from electron microscopy images using a Bayesian genetic algorithm”. De Backer A, Van Aert S, Faes C, Arslan Irmak E, Nellist PD, Jones L, N P J Computational Materials 8, 216 (2022).
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‘biogeom&rsquo, : an R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes”. Shi P, Gielis J, Quinn BK, Niklas KJ, Ratkowsky DA, Schrader J, Ruan H, Wang L, Niinemets Ü, Niinennets U, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123 (2022).
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Comparison of a universal (but complex) model for avian egg shape with a simpler model”. Shi P, Gielis J, Niklas KJ, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1514, 34 (2022).
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Development of a multi-method analytical approach based on the combination of synchrotron radiation X-ray micro-analytical techniques and vibrational micro-spectroscopy methods to unveil the causes and mechanism of darkening of “fake-gilded&rdquo, decorations in a Cimabue painting”. Monico L, Prati S, Sciutto G, Catelli E, Romani A, Balbas DQ, Li Z, De Meyer S, Nuyts G, Janssens K, Cotte M, Garrevoet J, Falkenberg G, Tardillo Suarez VI, Tucoulou R, Mazzeo R, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 37, 114 (2022).
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Evidence that supertriangles exist in nature from the vertical projections of Koelreuteria paniculata fruit”. Li Y, Quinn BK, Gielis J, Li Y, Shi P, Symmetry 14, 23 (2022).
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Latent superconductivity at parallel interfaces in a superlattice dominated by another collective quantum phase”. Moura VN, Dantas DS, Farias GA, Chaves A, Milošević, MV, Physical review B 106, 014516 (2022).
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Lumped circuit model for inductive antenna spin-wave transducers”. Vanderveken F, Tyberkevych V, Talmelli G, Sorée B, Ciubotaru F, Adelmann C, Scientific reports 12, 3796 (2022).
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Plasmon resonance of gold and silver nanoparticle arrays in the Kretschmann (attenuated total reflectance) vs. direct incidence configuration”. Borah R, Ninakanti R, Bals S, Verbruggen SW, Scientific reports 12, 15738 (2022).
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Structural diversity in three-dimensional self-assembly of nanoplatelets by spherical confinement”. Wang D, Hermes M, Najmr S, Tasios N, Grau-Carbonell A, Liu Y, Bals S, Dijkstra M, Murray CB, van Blaaderen A, Nature communications 13, 6001 (2022).
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