Number of records found: 52
Obstacles on the road towards atomic resolution tomography”. van Dyck D, Van Aert S, Croitoru MD, Microscoy and microanalysis 11, 238 (2005)
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Tomography using annular dark field imaging in TEM”. Bals S, Kisielowski C, Croitoru M, Van Tendeloo G, Microscopy and microanalysis 11, 2118 (2005)
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Resonant tunneling and localized states in a graphene monolayer with a mass gap”. Zalipaev V, Linton CM, Croitoru MD, Vagov A, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 91, 085405 (2015).
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Quench dynamics of an ultracold Fermi gas in the BCS regime : spectral properties and confinement-induced breakdown of the Higgs mode”. Hannibal S, Kettmann P, Croitoru MD, Vagov A, Axt VM, Kuhn T, Physical review : A : atomic, molecular and optical physics 91, 043630 (2015).
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Nanoscale superconductivity: nanowires and nanofilms”. Shanenko AA, Croitoru MD, Peeters FM, Physica: C : superconductivity 468, 593 (2008).
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Atomic resolution electron tomography: a dream?”.van Dyck D, Van Aert S, Croitoru M, International journal of materials research 97, 872 (2006).
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Competition between pure dephasing and photon losses in the dynamics of a dot-cavity system”. Vagov A, Glaessl M, Croitoru MD, Axt VM, Kuhn T, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 90, 075309 (2014).
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Focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy tomography and conventional transmission electron microscopy assessment of Ni4Ti3 morphology in compression-aged Ni-rich Ni-Ti single crystals”. Cao S, Somsen C, Croitoru M, Schryvers D, Eggeler G, Scripta materialia 62, 399 (2010).
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Size-dependent enhancement of superconductivity in Al and Sn nanowires: shape-resonance effect”. Shanenko AA, Croitoru MD, Zgirski M, Peeters FM, Arutyunov K, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 74, 052502 (2006).
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Superconducting nanofilms: Andreev-type states induced by quantum confinement”. Shanenko AA, Croitoru MD, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : solid state 78, 054505 (2008).
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Phonon limited superconducting correlations in metallic nanograins”. Croitoru MD, Shanenko AA, Vagov A, Milošević, MV, Axt VM, Peeters FM, Scientific reports 5, 16515 (2015).
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Superconducting nanowires: quantum confinement and spatially dependent Hartree-Fock potential”. Chen Y, Croitoru MD, Shanenko AA, Peeters FM, Journal of physics : condensed matter 21, 435701 (2009).
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Andreev-type states induced by quantum confinement”. Shanenko AA, Croitoru MD, Mints RG, Peeters FM, Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques 2, 611 (2008).
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Nanowires and nanofilms: superconductivity in quantum-size regime”. Peeters FM, Croitoru MD, Shanenko AA, Physica: C : superconductivity 468, 326 (2008).
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Atypical BCS-BEC crossover induced by quantum-size effects”. Shanenko AA, Croitoru MD, Vagov AV, Axt VM, Perali A, Peeters FM, Physical review : A : atomic, molecular and optical physics 86, 033612 (2012).
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Quantum-size effects on T-c in superconducting nanofilms”. Shanenko AA, Croitoru MD, Peeters FM, Europhysics letters 76, 498 (2006).
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Influence of disorder on superconducting correlations in nanoparticles”. Croitoru MD, Shanenko AA, Vagov A, Vasenko AS, Milošević, MV, Axt VM, Peeters FM, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 29, 605 (2016).
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FFLO-wave-vector lock-in effect in quasi-1D superconductors”. Croitoru MD, Buzdin AI, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 28, 1305 (2015).
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Atomically flat superconducting nanofilms: multiband properties and mean-field theory”. Shanenko AA, Aguiar JA, Vagov A, Croitoru MD, Milošević, MV, Superconductor science and technology 28, 054001 (2015).
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Ultra-small metallic grains : effect of statistical fluctuations of the chemical potential on superconducting correlations and vice versa”. Croitoru MD, Shanenko AA, Kaun CC, Peeters FM, Journal of physics : condensed matter 24, 275701 (2012).
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Quantum cascades in nano-engineered superconductors : geometrical, thermal and paramagnetic effects”. Chen Y, Shanenko AA, Croitoru MD, Peeters FM, Journal of physics : condensed matter 24, 265702 (2012).
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Statistical method for thickness measurement of amorphous objects”. van Dyck D, Croitoru MD, Applied physics letters 90, 241911 (2007).
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Nonmonotonic field dependence of damping and reappearance of Rabi oscillations in quantum dots”. Vagov A, Croitoru MD, Axt VM, Kuhn T, Peeters FM, Physical review letters 98, 1 (2007).
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Peculiarities of the orbital effect in the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in quasi-one-dimensional superconductors”. Croitoru MD, Buzdin AI, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 89, 224506 (2014).
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Metallic nanograins : spatially nonuniform pairing induced by quantum confinement”. Croitoru MD, Shanenko AA, Kaun CC, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 83, 214509 (2011).
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Parity-fluctuation induced enlargement of the ratio \DeltaE/kBTc in metallic grains”. Croitoru MD, Shanenko AA, Peeters FM, Axt VM, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 84, 214518 (2011).
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Superconducting nanowires: quantum-confinement effect on the critical magnetic field and supercurrent”. Croitoru MD, Shanenko AA, Peeters FM, International journal of modern physics: B: condensed matter physics, statistical physics, applied physics T2 –, 32nd International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, Aug 12-19, 2008, Loughborough Univ, Loughborough, England 23, 4257 (2009).
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Magnetic-field induced quantum-size cascades in superconducting nanowires”. Shanenko AA, Croitoru MD, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 78, 024505 (2008).
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Superconducting nanowires: interplay of discrete transverse modes with supercurrent”. Croitoru MD, Shanenko AA, Kaun CC, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : solid state 80, 024513 (2009).
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Measurement of specimen thickness by phase change determination in TEM”. Croitoru MD, van Dyck D, Liu YZ, Zhang Z, Ultramicroscopy 108, 1616 (2008).
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