Number of records found: 719
Chemical characterization of individual aerosol particles in Central Siberia”. van Malderen H, Van Grieken R, Bufetov NV, Koutzenogii KP, Environmental science and technology 30, 312 (1996).
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Classification of estuarine particles using automated electron-microprobe analysis and multivariate techniques”. Bernard PC, Van Grieken RE, Eisma D, Environmental science and technology 20, 467 (1986).
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Combining HPLC-GCXGC, GCXGC/ToF-MS, and selected ecotoxicity assays for detailed monitoring of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation in soil and leaching water”. Mao D, Lookman R, van de Weghe H, Weltens R, Vanermen G, de Brucker N, Diels L, Environmental science and technology 43, 7651 (2009).
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Determination of chemical species in individual aerosol particles using ultrathin window EPMA”. Ro C-U, Osán J, Szalóki I, Oh K-Y, Kim H, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 34, 3023 (2000).
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Determination of methanesulfonic acid and non-sea-salt sulfate in single marine aerosol particles”. Kolaitis LN, Bruynseels FJ, Van Grieken RE, Andreae MO, Environmental science and technology 23, 236 (1989).
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Electrochemical in situ pH control enables chemical-free full urine nitrification with concomitant nitrate extraction”. De Paepe J, Clauwaert P, Gritti MC, Ganigue R, Sas B, Vlaeminck SE, Rabaey K, Environmental Science &, Technology 55, 8287 (2021).
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Fractal dimensional classification of aerosol particles by computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy”. Kindratenko VV, van Espen PJM, Treiger BA, Van Grieken RE, Environmental science and technology 28, 2197 (1994).
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Gypsum and other calcium-rich particles above the North Sea”. Hoornaert S, van Malderen H, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 30, 1515 (1996).
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Identification of individual aerosol particles containing Cr, Pb, and Zn above the North Sea”. van Malderen H, Hoornaert S, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 30, 489 (1996).
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Laser microprobe mass analysis of individual North Sea aerosol particles”. Dierck I, Michaud D, Wouters L, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 26, 802 (1992).
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Live Fast, Die Young: Optimizing Retention Times in High-Rate Contact Stabilization for Maximal Recovery of Organics from Wastewater”. Meerburg FA, Boon N, Van Winckel T, Pauwels KTG, Vlaeminck SE, Environmental science and technology 50, 9781 (2016).
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Micro-analysis of museum aerosols to elucidate the soiling of paintings: case of the Correr Museum, Venice, Italy”. de Bock LA, Van Grieken RE, Camuffo D, Grime GW, Environmental science and technology 30, 3341 (1996).
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Operational strategies to selectively produce purple bacteria for microbial protein in raceway reactors”. Alloul A, Cerruti M, Adamczyk D, Weissbrodt DG, Vlaeminck SE, Environmental Science &, Technology 55, 8278 (2021).
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Organic and inorganic compounds in limestone weathering crusts from cathedrals in Southern and Western Europe”. Fobe BO, Vleugels GJ, Roekens EJ, Van Grieken RE, Hermosin B, Ortega-Calvo JJ, Sanchez del Junco A, Saiz-Jimenez C, Environmental science and technology 29, 1691 (1995).
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Oxidation of iron causes removal of phosphorus and arsenic from streamwater in groundwater-fed lowland catchments”. Baken S, Salaets P, Desmet N, Seuntjens P, Vanlierde E, Smolders E, Environmental science and technology 49, 2886 (2015).
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Single-particle analysis of aerosols at Cheju Island, Korea, using low-Z electron probe X-ray microanalysis: a direct proof of nitrate formation from sea salts”. Ro C-U, Oh K-Y, Kim H, Kim YP, Lee CB, Kim K-H, Kang CH, Osán J, de Hoog J, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 35, 4487 (2001).
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Single particle characterisation of inorganic suspension in Lake Baikal”. Jambers W, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 31, 1525 (1997)
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Single-particle characterization of four “Asian Dust&rdquo, samples collected in Korea, using low-Z particle electron probe X-ray microanalysis”. Ro C-U, Hwang H, Kim HK, Chun Y, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 39, 1409 (2005).
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Single-particle characterization of urban aerosol particles collected in three Korean cities using low-Z electron probe x-ray microanalysis”. Ro C-U, Kim H, Oh K-Y, Yea SK, Lee CB, Jang M, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 36, 4770 (2002).
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Synergistic exposure of return-sludge to anaerobic starvation, sulfide and free ammonia to suppress nitrite oxidizing bacteria”. Seuntjens D, Van Tendeloo M, Chatzigiannidou I, Carvajal-Arroyo JM, Vandendriessche S, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, Environmental science and technology 52, 8725 (2018).
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Ureolytic activity and its regulation in vibrio campbellii and vibrio harveyi in relation to nitrogen recovery from human urine”. Defoirdt T, Vlaeminck SE, Sun X, Boon N, Clauwaert P, Environmental science and technology 51, 13335 (2017).
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Use of stable isotope measurements to evaluate the origin of suphur in gypsum layers on limestone buildings”. Torfs KM, Van Grieken RE, Buzek F, Environmental science and technology 31, 2650 (1997)
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Detection of a Ca-rich lithology in the Earth's deep (>, 300 km) convecting mantle”. Brenker FE, Vincze L, Vekemans B, Nasdala L, Stachel T, Vollmer C, Kersten M, Somogyi A, Adams F, Joswig W, Harris JW, Earth and planetary science letters 236, 579 (2005).
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Oxidation potential in the Earth's lower mantle as recorded by ferropericlase inclusions in diamond”. Kaminsky FV, Ryabchikov ID, McCammon CA, Longo M, Abakumov AM, Turner S, Heidari H, Earth and planetary science letters 417, 49 (2015).
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Carbonates from the lower part of transition zone or even the lower mantle”. Brenker FE, Vollmer C, Vincze L, Vekemans B, Szymanski A, Janssens K, Szaloki I, Nasdala L, Joswig W, Kaminsky F, Earth and planetary science letters 260, 1 (2007).
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Multiscale investigation of quasi-brittle fracture characteristics in a 9Cr–1Mo ferritic–martensitic steel embrittled by liquid lead–bismuth under low cycle fatigue”. Gong X, Marmy P, Volodin A, Amin-Ahmadi B, Qin L, Schryvers D, Gavrilov S, Stergar E, Verlinden B, Wevers M, Seefeldt M, Corrosion science 102, 137 (2016).
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Transmission electron microscopy study of complex oxide scales on DIN 1.4970 steel exposed to liquid Pb-Bi eutectic”. Charalampopoulou E, Delville R, Verwerft M, Lambrinou K, Schryvers D, Corrosion science 147, 22 (2019).
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Stress-assisted crystallisation in anodic titania”. Vanhumbeeck J-F, Tian H, Schryvers D, Proost J, Corrosion science 53, 1269 (2011).
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Compatibility of Zr₂AlC MAX phase-based ceramics with oxygen-poor, static liquid lead-bismuth eutectic”. Tunca B, Lapauw T, Callaert C, Hadermann J, Delville R, Caspi E'ad N, Dahlqvist M, Rosen J, Marshal A, Pradeep KG, Schneider JM, Vleugels J, Lambrinou K, Corrosion Science 171, 108704 (2020).
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Base cation fluxes in mountain landscapes of Lake Baikal southern shore”. Semenov MY, Van Grieken R, Communications in soil science and plant analysis 38, 2635 (2007).
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