Number of records found: 719
Quantified contribution of β&Prime, and β&prime, precipitates to the strengthening of an aged Al–Mg–Si alloy”. Yang M, Chen H, Orekhov A, Lu Q, Lan X, Li K, Zhang S, Song M, Kong Y, Schryvers D, Du Y, Materials Science And Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing 774, 138776 (2020).
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Carbon segregation and cementite precipitation at grain boundaries in quenched and tempered lath martensite”. Morsdorf L, Kashiwar A, Kübel C, Tasan CC, Materials science and engineering: part A: structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing 862, 144369 (2023).
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Airborne particles in the Miyagi Museum of Art in Sendai, Japan, studied by electron probe X-ray microanalysis and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis”. Injuk J, Osán J, Van Grieken R, Tsuji K, Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 18, 561 (2002).
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Gielis transformations for the audiovisual geometry database”. Chapman D, Gielis J, Symmetry : culture and science 32, 177 (2021).
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Phi-bonacci in Ancient Greece”. Gielis J, Symmetry : culture and science 32, 25 (2021).
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The apeirogon and dual numbers”. Gielis J, Brasili S, Symmetry : culture and science 32, 157 (2021).
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Simon Stevin as a central figure in the development of abstract algebra and generic programming”. Gielis J, Symmetry : culture and science 34, 155 (2023).
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Comparison of As- and P-based metamorphic buffers for high performance InP heterojunction bipolar transistor and high electron mobility transistor applications”. Lubyshev D, Fastenau JM, Fang X-M, Wu Y, Doss C, Snyder A, Liu WK, Lamb MSM, Bals S, Song C, Journal of vacuum science &, technology. B. Microelectronics and nanometer structures. Processing, measurement and phenomena 22, 1565 (2004).
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High precision determination of the elastic strain of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells”. Wu MF, Zhou S, Yao S, Zhao Q, Vantomme A, van Daele B, Piscopiello E, Van Tendeloo G, Tong YZ, Yang ZJ, Yu TJ, Zhang GY, Journal of vacuum science and technology: B: microelectronics and nanometer structures 22, 920 (2004).
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Electromagnetic effects in high-frequency large-area capacitive discharges : a review”. Liu Y-X, Zhang Y-R, Bogaerts A, Wang Y-N, Journal of vacuum science and technology: A: vacuum surfaces and films 33, 020801 (2015).
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Fluid simulation of the bias effect in inductive/capacitive discharges”. Zhang Y-R, Gao F, Li X-C, Bogaerts A, Wang Y-N, Journal of vacuum science and technology: A: vacuum surfaces and films 33, 061303 (2015).
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Modeling and experimental investigation of the plasma uniformity in CF4/O2 capacitively coupled plasmas, operating in single frequency and dual frequency regime”. Zhang Y-R, Tinck S, De Schepper P, Wang Y-N, Bogaerts A, Journal of vacuum science and technology: A: vacuum surfaces and films 33, 021310 (2015).
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Addition of yttrium into HfO2 films: microstructure and electrical properties”. Dubourdieu C, Rauwel E, Roussel H, Ducroquet F, Hollaender B, Rossell M, Van Tendeloo G, Lhostis S, Rushworth S, Journal of vacuum science and technology: A: vacuum surfaces and films 27, 503 (2009).
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Crystalline structure of very hard tungsten carbide thin films obtained by reactive pulsed laser deposition”. Mihailescu IN, Gyorgy E, Marin G, Popescu M, Teodorescu VS, van Landuyt J, Grivas C, Hatziapostolou A, Journal of vacuum science and technology: A: vacuum surfaces and films 17, 249 (1999).
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Influence of sticking coefficients on the behavior of sputtered atoms in an argon glow discharge: modeling and comparison with experiment”. Bogaerts A, Naylor J, Hatcher M, Jones WJ, Mason R, Journal of vacuum science and technology: A: vacuum surfaces and films 16, 2400 (1998).
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Modeling of the target surface modification by reactive ion implantation during magnetron sputtering”. Depla D, Chen ZY, Bogaerts A, Ignatova V, de Gryse R, Gijbels R, Journal of vacuum science and technology: A: vacuum surfaces and films 22, 1524 (2004).
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Reaction mechanisms for atomic layer deposition of aluminum oxide on semiconductor substrates”. Delabie A, Sioncke S, Rip J, Van Elshocht S, Pourtois G, Mueller M, Beckhoff B, Pierloot K, Journal of vacuum science and technology: A: vacuum surfaces and films 30, 01a127 (2012).
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Thermal recrystallization of short-range ordered WS2 films”. Heyne MH, de Marneffe J-F, Radu I, Neyts EC, De Gendt S, Journal of vacuum science and technology: A: vacuum surfaces and films 36, 05g501 (2018).
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Corrosion protection of Cu by atomic layer deposition”. Cremers V, Rampelberg G, Baert K, Abrahami S, Claes N, de Oliveira TM, Terryn H, Bals S, Dendooven J, Detavernier C, Journal of vacuum science and technology: A: vacuum surfaces and films 37, 060902 (2019).
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Controllable nitrogen doping in as deposited TiO2 film and its effect on post deposition annealing”. Deng S, Verbruggen SW, Lenaerts S, Martens JA, Van den Berghe S, Devloo-Casier K, Devulder W, Dendoover J, Deduytsche D, Detavernier C, Journal of vacuum science and technology: A: vacuum surfaces and films 32, 01a123 (2014).
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Direct observation of laser-induced crystallization of a-C : H films”. Nistor LC, van Landuyt J, Ralchenko VG, Kononenko TV, Obraztsova ED, Strelnitsky VE, Applied physics A : materials science &, processing 58, 137 (1994).
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Applications of laser microprobe mass analysis in medicine”. Verbueken AH, van de Vijver FL, de Broe ME, Van Grieken RE, CRC critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences 24, 263 (1987)
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Unravelling the solvent flux behaviour of ceramic nanofiltration and ultrafiltration membranes”. Buekenhoudt A, Bisignano F, De Luca G, Vandezande P, Wouters M, Verhulst K, Journal of membrane science 439, 36 (2013).
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The role of MOFs in Thin-Film Nanocomposite (TFN) membranes”. Van Goethem C, Verbeke R, Pfanmoeller M, Koschine T, Dickmann M, Timpel-Lindner T, Egger W, Bals S, Vankelecom IFJ, Journal of membrane science 563, 938 (2018).
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Development, performance and stability of sulfur-free, macrovoid-free BSCF capillaries for high temperature oxygen separation from air”. Buysse C, Kovalevsky A, Snijkers F, Buekenhoudt A, Mullens S, Luyten J, Kretzschmar J, Lenaerts S, Journal of membrane science 372, 239 (2011).
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Fabrication and oxygen permeability of gastight, macrovoid-free Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-\delta capillaries for high temperature gas separation”. Buysse C, Kovalevsky A, Snijkers F, Buekenhoudt A, Mullens S, Luyten J, Kretzschmar J, Lenaerts S, Journal of membrane science 359, 86 (2010).
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Oxygen exchange-limited transport and surface activation of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-\delta capillary membranes”. Kovalevsky A, Buysse C, Snijkers F, Buekenhoudt A, Luyten J, Kretzschmar J, Lenaerts S, Journal of membrane science 368, 223 (2011).
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Elaborating the membrane life concept in a full scale hollow-fibers MBR”. Fenu A, De Wilde W, Gaertner M, Weemaes M, de Gueldre G, van de Steene B, Journal of membrane science 421, 349 (2012).
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A new method for the evaluation of the reversible and irreversible fouling propensity of MBR mixed liquor”. Huyskens C, Brauns E, van Hoof E, de Wever H, Journal of membrane science 323, 185 (2008).
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Nitrogen cycling in bioregenerative life support systems : challenges for waste refinery and food production processes”. Clauwaert P, Muys M, Alloul A, De Paepe J, Luther A, Sun X, Ilgrande C, Christiaens MER, Hu X, Zhang D, Lindeboom REF, Sas B, Rabaey K, Boon N, Ronsse F, Geelen D, Vlaeminck SE, Progress in aerospace sciences 91, 87 (2017).
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