Number of records found: 399
Crystalline topological states at a topological insulator junction”. De Beule C, Saniz R, Partoens B, The journal of physics and chemistry of solids 128, 144 (2019).
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Characterization of a nitrogen gliding arc plasmatron using optical emission spectroscopy and high-speed camera”. Gröger S, Ramakers M, Hamme M, Medrano JA, Bibinov N, Gallucci F, Bogaerts A, Awakowicz P, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 52, 065201 (2019).
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Coupling of the skyrmion velocity to its breathing mode in periodically notched nanotracks”. Leliaert J, Gypens P, Milošević, MV, Van Waeyenberge B, Mulkers J, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 52, 024003 (2019).
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Etching induced formation of interfacial FeMn in IrMn/CoFe bilayers”. O'Donnell D, Hassan S, Du Y, Gauquelin N, Krishnan D, Verbeeck J, Fan R, Steadman P, Bencok P, Dobrynin AN, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 52, 165002 (2019).
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Effect of dust particle size on the plasma characteristics in a radio frequency capacitively coupled silane plasma”. Jia W-Z, Zhang Q-Z, Wang X-F, Song Y-H, Zhang Y-Y, Wang Y-N, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 52, 015206 (2019).
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Non-thermal plasma-induced immunogenic cell death in cancer”. Khalili M, Daniels L, Lin A, Krebs FC, Snook AE, Bekeschus S, Bownel WB, Miller V, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 52, 423001 (2019).
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Stabilisation of magnetic ordering in La3Ni2-xCuxB'O9(B'=Sb,Ta,Nb) by the introduction of Cu2+”. Chin C-M, Battle PD, Hunter EC, Avdeev M, Hendrickx M, Hadermann J, Journal of solid state chemistry 276, 164 (2019).
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Toward unlocking the Mn3+/Mn2+ redox pair in alluaudite-type Na2+2zMn2-z(SO4)3-x(SeO4)x cathodes for sodium-ion batteries”. Kirsanova MA, De Sloovere D, Karakulina OM, Hadermann J, Van Bael MK, Hardy A, Abakumov AM, Journal of solid state chemistry 277, 804 (2019).
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Magnetic properties of La3Ni2Sb Ta Nb1––O9, from relaxor to spin glass”. Chin C–M, Battle PD, Hunter EC, Avdeev M, Hendrickx M, Hadermann J, Journal of solid state chemistry (Print) 273, 175 (2019).
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Exotic state seen at high temperatures”. Chaves A, Neilson D, Nature 574, 39 (2019).
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Conserving African biosphere reserves : a workshop on the valuation of ecosystem services in Man and the Biosphere Reserves”. Janssens de Bisthoven L, Rochette A-J, Verheyen E, Akpona TJ-D, Verbist B, Vanderhaegen K, Naturinda Z, Van Passel S, Berihun D, Munishi L, Hugé, J, Oryx 53, 609 (2019).
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Control of Knock-On Damage for 3D Atomic Scale Quantification of Nanostructures: Making Every Electron Count in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy”. Van Aert S, De Backer A, Jones L, Martinez GT, Béché, A, Nellist PD, Physical review letters 122, 066101 (2019).
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Electrical Polarization in AlN/GaN Nanodisks Measured by Momentum-Resolved 4D Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy”. Müller-Caspary K, Grieb T, Müßener J, Gauquelin N, Hille P, Schörmann J, Verbeeck J, Van Aert S, Eickhoff M, Rosenauer A, Physical review letters 122, 106102 (2019).
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Hydrogen-induced high-temperature superconductivity in two-dimensional materials : the example of hydrogenated monolayer MgB2”. Bekaert J, Petrov M, Aperis A, Oppeneer PM, Milošević, MV, Physical review letters 123, 077001 (2019).
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Azimuthal and radial flow patterns of 1g-Geldart B-type particles in a gas-solid vortex reactor”. Gonzalez-Quiroga A, Kulkarni SR, Vandewalle L, Perreault P, Goel C, Heynderickx GJ, van Geem KM, Marin GB, Powder technology 354, 410 (2019).
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Recent advances in analysis of trace elements in environmental samples by X-ray based techniques (IUPAC Technical Report)”. Terzano R, Denecke MA, Falkenberg G, Miller B, Paterson D, Janssens K, Pure and applied chemistry 91, 1029 (2019).
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Climate variable choice in Ricardian studies of European Agriculture”. Vaitkeviciute J, Chakir R, Van Passel S, Revue économique 70, 375 (2019).
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T4,4,4-graphyne : a 2D carbon allotrope with an intrinsic direct bandgap”. Wang W, Li L, Kong X, Van Duppen B, Peeters FM, Solid state communications 293, 23 (2019).
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Removal of alachlor in water by non-thermal plasma: Reactive species and pathways in batch and continuous process”. Wardenier N, Gorbanev Y, Van Moer I, Nikiforov A, Van Hulle SWH, Surmont P, Lynen F, Leys C, Bogaerts A, Vanraes P, Water research 161, 549 (2019).
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Determining stoichiometry and kinetics of two thermophilic nitrifying communities as a crucial step in the development of thermophilic nitrogen removal”. Vanderkerckhove TGL, Kerckhof F-M, De Mulder C, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, Water research 156, 34 (2019).
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Volatile fatty acids impacting phototrophic growth kinetics of purple bacteria : paving the way for protein production on fermented wastewater”. Alloul A, Wuyts S, Lebeer S, Vlaeminck SE, Water research 152, 138 (2019).
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Leaf-deposited semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) : an exploratory study using GCxGC-TOFMS on leaf washing solutions”. Castanheiro A, Joos P, Wuyts K, De Wael K, Samson R, Chemosphere 214, 103 (2019).
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Overcoming floc formation limitations in high-rate activated sludge systems”. Van Winckel T, Liu X, Vlaeminck SE, Takács I, Al-Omari A, Sturm B, Kjellerup BV, Murthy SN, De Clippeleir H, Chemosphere 215, 342 (2019).
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Impact of urban street canyon architecture on local atmospheric pollutant levels and magneto-chemical PM10 composition : an experimental study in Antwerp, Belgium”. Hofman J, Castanheiro A, Nuyts G, Joosen S, Spassov S, Blust R, De Wael K, Lenaerts S, Samson R, The science of the total environment 712, 135534 (2019).
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Modelling environmental impacts of treated municipal wastewater reuse for tree crops irrigation in the Mediterranean coastal region”. Moretti M, Van Passel S, Camposeo S, Pedrero F, Dogot T, Lebailly P, Vivaldi GA, Science Of The Total Environment 660, 1513 (2019).
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Interpreting technical evidence from spectral imaging of paintings by Edouard Manet in the Courtauld Gallery”. Amato SR, Burnstock A, Cross M, Janssens K, Rosi F, Cartechini L, Fontana R, Dal Fovo A, Paolantoni M, Grazia C, Romani A, Michelin A, Andraud C, Tournie A, Dik J, X-ray spectrometry T2 –, MA-XRF Workshop on Developments and Applications of Macro-XRF in, Conservation, Art, and Archeology, SEP 24-25, 2017, Trieste, ITALY 48, 282 (2019).
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Preface to the special issue on: MA-XRF “developments and applications of macro-XRF in conservation, art, and archeology&rdquo, (Trieste, Italy, 24 and 25 September 2017)”. Romano FP, Janssens K, X-ray spectrometry 48, 249 (2019).
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Chronic interstitial nephritis in agricultural communities is a toxin induced proximal tubular nephropathy”. Vervaet BA, Nast CC, Jayasumana C, Schreurs G, Roels F, Herath C, Kojc N, Samaee V, Rodrigo S, Gowrishankar S, Mousson C, Dassanayake R, Orantes CM, Vuiblet V, Rigothier C, d' Haese PC, de Broe ME, Kidney international 97, 350 (2019).
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A hidden single-stage martensitic transformation from B2 parent phase to B19 ' martensite phase in an aged Ni51Ti49 alloy”. Zeng CY, Cao S, Li YY, Zhao ZX, Yao XY, Ma X, Zhang XP, Materials letters 253, 99 (2019).
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Material relaxation in chalcogenide OTS SELECTOR materials”. Clima S, Garbin D, Devulder W, Keukelier J, Opsomer K, Goux L, Kar GS, Pourtois G, Microelectronic engineering 215, 110996 (2019).
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