Number of records found: 849
Identification of individual aerosol particles containing Cr, Pb, and Zn above the North Sea”. van Malderen H, Hoornaert S, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 30, 489 (1996).
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Laser microprobe mass analysis of individual North Sea aerosol particles”. Dierck I, Michaud D, Wouters L, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 26, 802 (1992).
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Micro-analysis of museum aerosols to elucidate the soiling of paintings: case of the Correr Museum, Venice, Italy”. de Bock LA, Van Grieken RE, Camuffo D, Grime GW, Environmental science and technology 30, 3341 (1996).
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Organic and inorganic compounds in limestone weathering crusts from cathedrals in Southern and Western Europe”. Fobe BO, Vleugels GJ, Roekens EJ, Van Grieken RE, Hermosin B, Ortega-Calvo JJ, Sanchez del Junco A, Saiz-Jimenez C, Environmental science and technology 29, 1691 (1995).
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Single-particle analysis of aerosols at Cheju Island, Korea, using low-Z electron probe X-ray microanalysis: a direct proof of nitrate formation from sea salts”. Ro C-U, Oh K-Y, Kim H, Kim YP, Lee CB, Kim K-H, Kang CH, Osán J, de Hoog J, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 35, 4487 (2001).
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Single particle characterisation of inorganic suspension in Lake Baikal”. Jambers W, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 31, 1525 (1997)
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Single-particle characterization of four “Asian Dust&rdquo, samples collected in Korea, using low-Z particle electron probe X-ray microanalysis”. Ro C-U, Hwang H, Kim HK, Chun Y, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 39, 1409 (2005).
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Single-particle characterization of urban aerosol particles collected in three Korean cities using low-Z electron probe x-ray microanalysis”. Ro C-U, Kim H, Oh K-Y, Yea SK, Lee CB, Jang M, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 36, 4770 (2002).
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Use of stable isotope measurements to evaluate the origin of suphur in gypsum layers on limestone buildings”. Torfs KM, Van Grieken RE, Buzek F, Environmental science and technology 31, 2650 (1997)
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Acute changes in pulse pressure in relation to constituents of particulate air pollution in elderly persons”. Jacobs L, Buczyńska A, Walgraeve C, Potgieter-Vermaak S, Van Grieken R, et al, Environmental research 117, 60 (2012).
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Base cation fluxes in mountain landscapes of Lake Baikal southern shore”. Semenov MY, Van Grieken R, Communications in soil science and plant analysis 38, 2635 (2007).
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van de Vijver FL, Verbueken AH, Van Grieken RE, de Broe ME, Visser WJ (1985) Laser microprobe mass analysis : a tool for evaluating histochemical staining of trace elements. 351–352
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Ultrastructural localization of aluminum in patients with dialysis-associated osteomalacia”. Verbueken AH, van de Vijver FL, Van Grieken RE, Paulus GJ, Visser WJ, d'Haese P, de Broe ME, Clinical chemistry : international journal of laboratory medicine and molecular diagnostics 30, 763 (1984)
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Trace elements in the atmospheric aerosols and soils in and around Recife, N.E. Brasil”. Costa Dantas C, Moura de Amorim W, Van 't dack L, Van Grieken R, Ciencia e cultura 32, 1525 (1980)
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Hydrogeochemistry in the zinclead mining district of Les Malines (Gard, France)”. Bosch B, Leleu M, Oustrière P, Sarcia C, Sureau JF, Blommaert W, Gijbels R, Sadurski A, Vandelannoote R, Van Grieken R, Van 'T Dack L;, Chemical geology 55, 31 (1986).
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Chemical composition of river sediments from the Indian sub-continent”. Subramanian V, Van 't dack L, Van Grieken R, Chemical geology 48, 271 (1985).
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The elemental chemistry of sediments in the Krishna River basin, India”. Ramesh R, Subramanian V, Van Grieken R, Van 't dack L, Chemical geology 74, 331 (1989).
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Ferrihydrite precipitation in groundwater-fed river systems (Nete and Demer river basins, Belgium) : insights from a combined Fe-Zn-Sr-Nd-Pb-isotope study”. Dekov VM, Vanlierde E, Billström K, Gatto Rotondo G, van Meel K, Darchuk L, Van Grieken R, et al, Chemical geology 386, 1 (2014).
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Micro-analysis of individual environmental particles”. Van Grieken R, Artaxo P, Bernard P, Leysen L, Otten P, Storms H, Van Put A, Wouters L, Xhoffer C, Chemia analityczna 35, 75 (1990)
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Accelerated microstructural evolution of a calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) phase in pozzolanic pastes using fine siliceous sources: comparison with historic pozzolanic mortars”. Moropoulou A, Cakmak A, Labropoulos KC, Van Grieken R, Torfs K, Cement and concrete research 34, 1 (2004).
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The application of Raman spectrometry to investigate and characterize cement: part I: a review”. Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Potgieter JH, Van Grieken R, Cement and concrete research 36, 656 (2006).
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The application of Raman spectrometry to the investigation of cement: part 2: a micro-Raman study of OPC, slag and fly ash”. Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Potgieter JH, Belleil M, DeWeerdt F, Van Grieken R, Cement and concrete research 36, 663 (2006).
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Fingerprinting of South African ordinary Portland cements, cement blends and mortars for identification purposes: discrimination with starplots and PCA”. Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Potgieter JH, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Marjanovic L, Moeketsi S, Cement and concrete research 37, 834 (2007).
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Classification of suspended particles in deposition samples and run-off water samples from a limestone cathedral”. Leysen LA, Roekens EJ, Storms H, Van Grieken RE, Atmospheric environment 21, 2425 (1987).
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Comparison of 3 dry deposition models applied to field-measurements in the Southern Bight of the North-Sea”. Rojas CM, Van Grieken RE, Laane RW, Atmospheric environment 27, 363 (1993).
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Direct detection of sulfate and nitrate layers on sampled marine aerosols by laser microprobe mass analysis”. Bruynseels F, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment 19, 1969 (1985).
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Rates of air pollution induced surface recession and material loss for a cathedral in Belgium”. Roekens E, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment 23, 271 (1989).
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Analysis of lateritic material from Cerro impacto by instrumental neutron activation employing a low-energy photon semiconductor and a high-energy Ge(Li) detector”. LaBrecque JJ, Beusen JM, Van Grieken RE, Applied spectroscopy 40, 140 (1986).
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Evaluation of secondary cathodes for glow discharge mass spectrometry analysis of different nonconducting sample types”. Schelles W, de Gendt S, Müller V, Van Grieken R, Applied spectroscopy 49, 939 (1995).
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Optimization of measurement conditions of an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer with high-energy polarized beam excitation for analysis of aerosol filters”. Spolnik Z, Belikov K, van Meel K, Adriaenssens E, de Roeck F, Van Grieken R, Applied spectroscopy 59, 1465 (2005).
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