Number of records found: 762
Atomic-scale insight into the interactions between hydroxyl radicals and DNA in solution using the ReaxFF reactive force field”. Verlackt CCW, Neyts EC, Jacob T, Fantauzzi D, Golkaram M, Shin Y-K, van Duin ACT, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 17, 103005 (2015).
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Sputter deposition of MgxAlyOz thin films in a dual-magnetron device : a multi-species Monte Carlo model”. Yusupov M, Saraiva M, Depla D, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 14, 073043 (2012).
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Two-dimensional particle-in cell/Monte Carlo simulations of a packed-bed dielectric barrier discharge in air at atmospheric pressure”. Zhang Y, Wang H-yu, Jiang W, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 17, 083056 (2015).
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Acquired non-thermal plasma resistance mediates a shift towards aerobic glycolysis and ferroptotic cell death in melanoma”. Lin A, Sahun M, Biscop E, Verswyvel H, De Waele J, De Backer J, Theys C, Cuypers B, Laukens K, Berghe WV, Smits E, Bogaerts A, Drug resistance updates 67, 100914 (2023).
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Gliding arc plasma for CO 2 conversion: Better insights by a combined experimental and modelling approach”. Wang W, Mei D, Tu X, Bogaerts A, Chemical engineering journal 330, 11 (2017).
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CO 2 dissociation in a packed bed DBD reactor: First steps towards a better understanding of plasma catalysis”. Michielsen I, Uytdenhouwen Y, Pype J, Michielsen B, Mertens J, Reniers F, Meynen V, Bogaerts A, Chemical engineering journal 326, 477 (2017).
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Streamer propagation in a packed bed plasma reactor for plasma catalysis applications”. Wang W, Kim H-H, Van Laer K, Bogaerts A, Chemical engineering journal 334, 2467 (2018).
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A packed-bed DBD micro plasma reactor for CO 2 dissociation: Does size matter?”.Uytdenhouwen Y, Van Alphen S, Michielsen I, Meynen V, Cool P, Bogaerts A, Chemical engineering journal 348, 557 (2018).
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Novel power-to-syngas concept for plasma catalytic reforming coupled with water electrolysis”. Li K, Liu J-L, Li X-S, Lian H-Y, Zhu X, Bogaerts A, Zhu A-M, Chemical engineering journal 353, 297 (2018).
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How process parameters and packing materials tune chemical equilibrium and kinetics in plasma-based CO2 conversion”. Uytdenhouwen Y, Bal Km, Michielsen I, Neyts Ec, Meynen V, Cool P, Bogaerts A, Chemical engineering journal 372, 1253 (2019).
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Plasma-catalytic dry reforming of methane: Screening of catalytic materials in a coaxial packed-bed DBD reactor”. Andersen Ja, Christensen Jm, Østberg M, Bogaerts A, Jensen Ad, Chemical Engineering Journal 397, 125519 (2020).
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How gas flow design can influence the performance of a DBD plasma reactor for dry reforming of methane”. Uytdenhouwen Y, Hereijgers J, Breugelmans T, Cool P, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 405, 126618 (2021).
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On the kinetics and equilibria of plasma-based dry reforming of methane”. Uytdenhouwen Y, Bal Km, Neyts Ec, Meynen V, Cool P, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 405, 126630 (2021).
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Carbon bed post-plasma to enhance the CO2 conversion and remove O2 from the product stream”. Girard-Sahun F, Biondo O, Trenchev G, van Rooij G, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 442, 136268 (2022).
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Carbon bed post-plasma to enhance the CO2 conversion and remove O2 from the product stream”. Girard-Sahun F, Biondo O, Trenchev G, van Rooij G, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 442, 136268 (2022).
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Effusion nozzle for energy-efficient NOx production in a rotating gliding arc plasma reactor”. Van Alphen S, Ahmadi Eshtehardi H, O'Modhrain C, Bogaerts J, Van Poyer H, Creel J, Delplancke M-P, Snyders R, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 443, 136529 (2022).
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Catalyst-free single-step plasma reforming of CH4 and CO2 to higher value oxygenates under ambient conditions”. Wang Y, Chen Y, Harding J, He H, Bogaerts A, Tu X, Chemical Engineering Journal 450, 137860 (2022).
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Plasma-catalytic ammonia synthesis in a dielectric barrier discharge reactor: A combined experimental study and kinetic modeling”. Andersen Ja, Holm Mc, van 't Veer K, Christensen Jm, Østberg M, Bogaerts A, Jensen Ad, Chemical engineering journal 457, 141294 (2023).
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Methane coupling in nanosecond pulsed plasmas: Correlation between temperature and pressure and effects on product selectivity”. Morais E, Delikonstantis E, Scapinello M, Smith G, Stefanidis GD, Bogaerts A, Chemical engineering journal 462, 142227 (2023).
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Modelling post-plasma quenching nozzles for improving the performance of CO2 microwave plasmas”. Van Alphen S, Hecimovic A, Kiefer CK, Fantz U, Snyders R, Bogaerts A, Chemical engineering journal 462, 142217 (2023).
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Hybrid plasma-thermal system for methane conversion to ethylene and hydrogen”. Liu R, Hao Y, Wang T, Wang L, Bogaerts A, Guo H, Yi Y, Chemical engineering journal 463, 142442 (2023).
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Modelling post-plasma quenching nozzles for improving the performance of CO2 microwave plasmas”. Van Alphen S, Hecimovic A, Kiefer CK, Fantz U, Snyders R, Bogaerts A, Chemical engineering journal 462, 142217 (2023).
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Inhibiting recombination to improve the performance of plasma-based CO2 conversion”. Wang K, Ceulemans S, Zhang H, Tsonev I, Zhang Y, Long Y, Fang M, Li X, Yan J, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 481, 148684 (2024).
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Importance of plasma discharge characteristics in plasma catalysis: Dry reforming of methane vs. ammonia synthesis”. De Meyer R, Gorbanev Y, Ciocarlan R-G, Cool P, Bals S, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 488, 150838 (2024).
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Coupled multi-dimensional modelling of warm plasmas: Application and validation for an atmospheric pressure glow discharge in CO2/CH4/O2”. Maerivoet S, Tsonev I, Slaets J, Reniers F, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 492, 152006 (2024).
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Atmospheric pressure glow discharge for CO2 conversion : model-based exploration of the optimum reactor configuration”. Trenchev G, Nikiforov A, Wang W, Kolev S, Bogaerts A, Chemical engineering journal 362, 830 (2019).
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Plasma-enabled catalyst-free conversion of ethanol to hydrogen gas and carbon dots near room temperature”. Zhou R, Zhou R, Xian Y, Fang Z, Lu X, Bazaka K, Bogaerts A, Ostrikov K(K), Chemical Engineering Journal 382, 122745 (2020).
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3D porous catalysts for plasma-catalytic dry reforming of methane : how does the pore size affect the plasma-catalytic performance?”.Wang J, Zhang K, Bogaerts A, Meynen V, Chemical engineering journal 464, 142574 (2023).
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Dry reforming in a dielectric barrier discharge reactor with non-uniform discharge gap : effects of metal rings on the discharge behavior and performance”. Wang J, Zhang K, Meynen V, Bogaerts A, Chemical engineering journal , 142953 (2023).
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Editorial”. van Grieken R, Bogaerts A, Janssens K, Spectrochimica acta: part A: molecular spectroscopy 64, 1089 (2006).
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