Number of records found: 138
A message in the dust”. Jambers W, Van Grieken R, Analysis Europe , 25 (1996)
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Micro-analysis of individual aerosol particles using electron, proton and laser beams”. de Bock LA, Jambers W, Van Grieken RE, South African journal of chemistry = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir chemie 49, 65 (1996)
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Micro- and trace analysis of ambient particles, runoff water and crusts to evaluate environmental effects on monument”. Van Grieken R, Torfs K, Proceedings of the EC Workshop on Non-Destructive Testing to Evaluate Damage due to Environmental Effects on Historic Monuments (1996)
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Siberian Haze: complex study of aerosols in Siberia”. Koutsenogii PK, van Malderen H, Hoornaert S, Van Grieken R, Koutsenogii KP, Boufetov N, Makarov VI, Smoljakov BS, Nemirovski AM, Osipova LP, Krjukov JA, Ivakin EA, Posukh OL, Bronstein EL, Optics of the atmosphere and ocean 9, 712 (1996)
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Single particle characterisation of inorganic North Sea suspensions”. Jambers W, Van Grieken R, (1996)
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Study of environmental effects on deterioration of monuments: case study the cathedral of Bari, Italy”. Zezza F, Torfs K, Van Grieken R, García Pascua N, Macri F, (1996)
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Study of individual particle types and heavy metal deposition for North Sea aerosols using micro- and trace analysis techniques”. Injuk J, de Bock L, van Malderen H, Van Grieken R, (1996)
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Studying the composition of atmospheric aerosols through the joint application of hierarchical, non-hierarchical and fuzzy clustering to EPXMA data sets”. Treiger B, Bondarenko I, van Malderen H, Van Grieken R, (1996)
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Use of grazing emission XRF spectrometry for silicon wafer surface contamination measurements”. de Gendt S, Kenis K, Mertens PW, Heyns MM, Claes M, Van Grieken RE, Bailleul A, Knotter M, de Bokx PK, (1996)
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Structural description of high Tc cuprate superconductors”. Milat O, Van Tendeloo G, Amelinckx S, Spie 2697, 95 (1996).
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A synchrotron radiation, HRTEM, X-ray powder diffraction, and Raman spectroscopic study of malayaite, CaSnSiO5”. Groat LA, Kek S, Bismayer U, Schmidt C, Krane HG, Meyer H, Nistor L, Van Tendeloo G, The American mineralogist 81, 595 (1996)
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Direct current glow discharge mass spectrometric analysis of Macor ceramic using a secondary cathode”. Schelles W, Van Grieken R, Analytical chemistry 68, 3570 (1996).
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X-ray spectrometry”. Török SB, Labar J, Injuk J, Van Grieken RE, Analytical chemistry R68, 467 (1996)
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Two-dimensional model of a direct current glow discharge : description of the argon metastable atoms, sputtered atoms and ions”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Analytical chemistry 68, 2676 (1996).
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Two-dimensional model of a direct current glow discharge: description of the electrons, argon ions and fast argon atoms”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Goedheer WJ, Analytical chemistry 68, 2296 (1996).
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Electron capture in GaAs quantum wells via electron-electron and optic phonon scattering”. Kálna K, Mo×ko M, Peeters FM, Applied physics letters 68, 117 (1996)
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Geometry and electronic structure of porphyrines and porphyrazines”. Lamoen D, Parrinello M, Chemical Physics Letters 248, 309 (1996)
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Ab initio study of the X2\Sigma+ and A 2\Pi states of the SiN radical”. Cai ZL, Martin JML, François JP, Gijbels R, Chemical physics letters 252, 398 (1996).
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Chemical characterization of individual aerosol particles in Central Siberia”. van Malderen H, Van Grieken R, Bufetov NV, Koutzenogii KP, Environmental science and technology 30, 312 (1996).
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Gypsum and other calcium-rich particles above the North Sea”. Hoornaert S, van Malderen H, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 30, 1515 (1996).
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Identification of individual aerosol particles containing Cr, Pb, and Zn above the North Sea”. van Malderen H, Hoornaert S, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 30, 489 (1996).
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Micro-analysis of museum aerosols to elucidate the soiling of paintings: case of the Correr Museum, Venice, Italy”. de Bock LA, Van Grieken RE, Camuffo D, Grime GW, Environmental science and technology 30, 3341 (1996).
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Intersubband-coupling and screening effects on the electron transport in a quasi-two-dimensional δ-doped semiconductor system”. Hai G-Q, Studart N, Peeters FM, Koenraad PM, Wolter JH, Journal of applied physics 80, 5809 (1996).
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Microstructural and physical properties of layered manganite oxides related to the magnetoresistive perovskites”. Laffez P, Van Tendeloo G, Seshadri R, Hervieu M, Martin C, Maignan A, Raveau B, Journal of applied physics 80, 5850 (1996).
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Role of sputtered Cu atoms and ions in a direct current glow discharge: combined fluid and Monte Carlo model”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Journal of applied physics 79, 1279 (1996).
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Structural defects and epitaxial rotation of C60 and C70 (111) films on GeS(001)”. Bernaerts D, Van Tendeloo G, Amelinckx S, Hevesi K, Gensterblum G, Yu LM, Pireaux JJ, Grey F, Bohr J, Journal of applied physics 80, 3310 (1996).
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Theoretical investigation of CoSi2/Si1-xGex detectors: influence of a Si tunneling barrier on the electro-optical characteristics”. Chu DP, Peeters FM, Kolodinski S, Roca E, Journal of applied physics 79, 1151 (1996)
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Long- and short-distance ordering of the metal cores of giant Pd clusters”. Volkov VV, Van Tendeloo G, Tsirkov GA, Cherkashina NV, Vargaftik MN, Moiseev II, Novotortsev VM, Kvit AV, Chuvilin AL, Journal of crystal growth 163, 377 (1996).
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Energy-filtering TEM and electron energy-loss spectroscopy of double structure tabular microcrystals of silver halide emulsions”. Oleshko V, Gijbels R, Jacob W, Journal of microscopy 183, 27 (1996).
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The crystal structure of Ba8Ta6NiO24: cation ordering in hexagonal perovskites”. Abakumov AM, Van Tendeloo G, Scheglov AA, Shpanchenko RV, Antipov EV, Journal of solid state chemistry 125, 102 (1996).
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