Number of records found: 38
The “Historical Materials BAG&rdquo, : a new facilitated access to synchrotron X-ray diffraction analyses for cultural heritage materials at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility”. Cotte M, Gonzalez V, Vanmeert F, Monico L, Dejoie C, Burghammer M, Huder L, de Nolf W, Fisher S, Fazlic I, Chauffeton C, Wallez G, Jimenez N, Albert-Tortosa F, Salvado N, Possenti E, Colombo C, Ghirardello M, Comelli D, Avranovich Clerici E, Vivani R, Romani A, Costantino C, Janssens K, Taniguchi Y, McCarthy J, Reichert H, Susini J, Molecules: a journal of synthetic chemistry and natural product chemistry 27, 1997 (2022).
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Evidence for degradation of the chrome yellows in Van Gogh's sunflowers : a study using noninvasive in situ methods and synchrotron-radiation-based x-ray techniques”. Monico L, Janssens K, Hendriks E, Vanmeert F, van der Snickt G, Cotte M, Falkenberg G, Brunetti BG, Miliani C, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 54, 13923 (2015).
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Lead(II) formate in Rembrandt's Night Watch : detection and distribution from the macro- to the micro-scale”. Gonzalez V, Fazlic I, Cotte M, Vanmeert F, Gestels A, De Meyer S, Broers F, Hermans J, van Loon A, Janssens K, Noble P, Keune K, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English , 1 (2023).
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Applications of synchrotron X-ray nano-probes in the field of cultural heritage”. Cotte M, Genty-Vincent A, Janssens K, Susini J, Comptes rendus : physique 19, 575 (2018).
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Study of the early stages of Mn intrusion in corroded glass by means of combined SR FTIR/\muXRF imaging and XANES spectroscopy”. Nuyts G, Cagno S, Hellemans K, Veronesi G, Cotte M, Janssens K, Procedia Chemistry T2 –, Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage Conference (YOCOCU), June 18-20, 2012, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium , 239 (2013).
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Deeper insights into the photoluminescence properties and (photo)chemical reactivity of cadmium red (CdS1-xSex) paints in renowned twentieth century paintings by state-of-the-art investigations at multiple length scales”. Monico L, Rosi F, Vivani R, Cartechini L, Janssens K, Gauquelin N, Chezganov D, Verbeeck J, Cotte M, D'Acapito F, Barni L, Grazia C, Buemi LP, Andral J-L, Miliani C, Romani A, The European Physical Journal Plus 137, 311 (2022).
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Probing the chemistry of CdS paints in The Scream by in situ noninvasive spectroscopies and synchrotron radiation x-ray techniques”. Monico L, Cartechini L, Rosi F, Chieli A, Grazia C, De Meyer S, Nuyts G, Vanmeert F, Janssens K, Cotte M, De Nolf W, Falkenberg G, Sandu ICA, Tveit ES, Mass J, De Freitas RP, Romani A, Miliani C, Science Advances 6, eaay3514 (2020).
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Disclosing the binding medium effects and the pigment solubility in the (photo)reduction process of chrome yellows (PbCrO4/PbCr1-xSxO4)”. Monico L, Sorace L, Cotte M, de Nolf W, Janssens K, Romani A, Miliani C, ACS Omega 4, 6607 (2019).
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