Number of records found: 849
Simultaneous determination of silicon and phosphorus in cast iron by 14 MeV neutron activation analysis”. Van Grieken R, Speecke A, Hoste J, Journal of radioanalytical chemistry 6, 385 (1970).
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Spatial neutron flux distributions around A 14 MeV neutron generator”. Van Grieken R, Speecke A, Hoste J, Journal of radioanalytical chemistry 10, 95 (1972).
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Relative evaluation of neutron activation, X-ray fluorescence and spark source mass spectrometry for multi-element analysis of geothermal waters”. Blommaert W, Vandelannoote R, Van 't dack L, Gijbels R, van Grieken R, Journal of radioanalytical chemistry 57, 382 (1980)
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Occupational allergic contact dermatitis from bisphenol A in vinyl gloves”. Matthieu L, Godoi AFL, Lambert J, Van Grieken R, Contact dermatitis 49, 281 (2003).
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Analise de solos por meio de fluorescencia de raios-X nao-dispersiva”. Costa Dantas C, Da Silveira Dantas H, Van 't dack L, Van Grieken R, Química nova 4, 110 (1981)
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Physico-chemical fate of chromium compounds in the lung sheep model”. Perrault G, Dufresne A, Strati G, McNeil M, Michaud D, Baril M, Bégin R, Labbé, J, Larivière P, Eeckhaoudt S, Van Grieken R, Journal of toxicology and environmental health 44, 247 (1995).
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Behavior of semi-volatile particles under a laser and electron beam: influence on the quality of analytical results”. Worobiec A, Potgieter-Vermaak S, Darchuk L, Vishnyakov V, Potgieter H, Van Grieken R, AIP conference proceedings 1267, 523 (2010).
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Composition of aerosols from the shelter of the Chernobyl power plant”. Darchuk L, Worobiec A, Khan V, Krasnov V, Van Grieken R, AIP conference proceedings 1267, 512 (2010).
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Associations between PM2.5 and heart rate variability are modified by particle composition and beta-blocker use in patients with coronary heart disease”. de Hartog JJ, Lanki T, Timonen KL, Hoek G, Janssen NAH, Ibald-Mulli A, Peters A, Heinrich J, Tarkainen TH, Van Grieken R, van Wijnen JH, Brunekreef B, Pekkanen J, Environmental health perspectives 117, 105 (2009).
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Biogeochemical study of a coccolithophore bloom in the northern Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic Ocean) in June 2004”. Harlay J, Borges AV, van der Zee C, Delille B, Godoi RHM, Schiettecatte L-S, Roevros N, Aerts K, Lapernat P-E, Rebreanu L, Groom S, Daro M-H, Van Grieken R, Chou L, Progress in oceanography 86, 317 (2010).
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Dispersal of suspended matter in Makasar Strait and the Flores Basin”. Eisma D, Kalf J, Karmini M, Mook WG, Van Put A, Bernard P, Van Grieken R, Netherlands journal of sea research 24, 383 (1989).
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The major-element composition of suspended matter in the Zaire river and estuary”. Sholkovitz ER, Van Grieken R, Eisma D, Netherlands journal of sea research 12, 407 (1978).
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Trace element composition of Zaire suspended sediments”. Martin J-M, Thomas AJ, Van Grieken RE, Netherlands journal of sea research 12, 414 (1978).
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Chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols sampled worldwide”. Van Grieken R, Maenhaut W, Winchester JW, National Geographic Society research reports 20, 791 (1985)
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Chemical composition of riverine suspended matter and sediments from the Indian sub-continent”. Dekov V, Subramanian V, Van Grieken R, Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 82, 99 (1999)
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Distribution and composition of suspended matter around Sumbawa Island, Indonesia”. Eisma D, van Put A, Van Grieken R, Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 70, 137 (1992)
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Loss of particulate organic matter in estuaries as exemplified by the Ems and Gironde estuaries”. Eisma D, Bernard P, Boon JJ, Van Grieken R, Kalf J, Mook WG, Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 58, 397 (1985)
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Preconcentration methods for the analysis of liquid samples by X-ray fluorescence techniques”. Marguí, E, Van Grieken R, Fontàs C, Hidalgo M, Queralt I, Applied spectroscopy reviews 45, 179 (2010).
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Evaluation of the ArmstrongBuseck correction for automated electron probe X-ray microanalysis of particles”. Storms HM, Janssens KH, Török SB, Van Grieken RE, X-ray spectrometry 18, 45 (1989).
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X-ray spectrometry applied for characterization of bricks of Brazilian historical sites”. Asfora VK, Bueno CC, de Barros VM, Khoury H, Van Grieken R, X-Ray Spectrometry , 1 (2020).
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2014 Award for best referee of X-Ray Spectrometry”. Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 43, 311 (2014).
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Application of auxiliary signals in X-ray fluorescence and electron microprobe analysis for density evaluation”. Kuczumov A, Vekemans B, Schalm O, Vincze L, Dorriné, W, Gysels K, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 28, 282 (1999).<282::AID-XRS352>3.0.CO;2-H
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Assessment of aerosol particles within the Rubens' House Museum in Antwerp, Belgium”. Godoi RHM, Potgieter-Vermaak S, Godoi AFL, Stranger M, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 37, 298 (2008).
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Automated matrix-correction of line ratios in energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrum deconvolution”. Van Dyck P, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 12, 111 (1983).
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Automatic absorption correction in x-ray fluorescence analysis of intermediate thickness samples using a dual external reference signal”. Van Dyck P, Markowicz A, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 9, 70 (1980).
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Awards for best referees of X-ray Spectrometry”. Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 43, 68 (2014).
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Comprehensive microanalytical study of welding aerosols with x-ray and Raman based methods”. Worobiec A, Stefaniak EA, Kiro S, Oprya M, Bekshaev A, Spolnik Z, Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Ennan A, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 36, 328 (2007).
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Current trends in the literature on X-ray emission spectrometry”. Van Grieken R, Markowicz A, Veny P, X-ray spectrometry 20, 271 (1991).
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Determination of barium, lanthanum, cerium and neodymium in lateritic materials by various energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence techniques and neutron activation analysis”. Labrecque JJ, Beusen JM, Van Grieken RE, X-ray spectrometry 15, 13 (1986).
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Determination of sample thickness via scattered radiation in X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with filtered continuum excitation”. Araujo MF, van Espen P, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 19, 29 (1990).
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