Number of records found: 2704
Correlation of serum aluminium values with tissue aluminium concentration”. de Broe ME, van de Vijver FL, Bekaert AB, d'Haese P, Paulus GJ, Visser WJ, Van Grieken R, de Wolff FA, Verbueken AH, Contributions to nephrology 38, 37 (1984)
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Localization of aluminum in tissues”. Verbueken AH, van de Vijver FL, Nouwen EJ, Van Grieken RE, de Broe ME, Contributions to nephrology 64, 124 (1988)
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Patterns of iron storage in patients with severe renal failure”. van de Vijver FL, Vanheule AO, Verbueken AH, Van Grieken R, d'Haese P, Visser WJ, Bekaert AB, Buyssens N, de Broe ME, Contributions to nephrology 38, 153 (1984)
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Modelling concentrations of airborne primary and secondary PM10 and PM2.5 with the BelEUROS-model in Belgium”. Deutsch F, Vankerkom J, Janssen L, Janssen S, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, Fierens F, Dumont G, Mensink C, Ecological modelling 217, 230 (2008).
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Process development for hydrometallurgical recovery of valuable metals from sulfide-rich residue generated in a secondary lead smelter”. Kim E, Roosen J, Horckmans L, Spooren J, Broos K, Binnemans K, Vrancken KCM, Quaghebeur M, Hydrometallurgy 169, 589 (2017).
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Recycling of a secondary lead smelting matte by selective citrate leaching of valuable metals and simultaneous recovery of hematite as a secondary resource”. Kim E, Horckmans L, Spooren J, Broos K, Vrancken KCM, Quaghebeur M, Hydrometallurgy 169, 290 (2017).
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Selective leaching of Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn from secondary lead smelting residues”. Kim E, Horckmans L, Spooren J, Vrancken KC, Quaghebeur M, Broos K, Hydrometallurgy 169, 372 (2017).
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Selective recovery of Cr from stainless steel slag by alkaline roasting followed by water leaching”. Kim E, Spooren J, Broos K, Horckmans L, Quaghebeur M, Vrancken KC, Hydrometallurgy 158, 139 (2015).
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Characterization of gas concrete materials used in buildings of Turkey”. Damla N, Čevik U, Kobya AI, Celik A, Van Grieken R, Kobya Y, Journal of hazardous materials 168, 681 (2009).
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Combined SEM/EDX and micro-Raman spectroscopy analysis of uranium minerals from a former uranium mine”. Stefaniak EA, Alsecz A, Frost R, Máthé, Z, Sajó, IE, Török S, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Journal of hazardous materials 168, 416 (2009).
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Corrosion rate estimations of microscale zerovalent iron particles via direct hydrogen production measurements”. Velimirovic M, Carniato L, Simons Q, Schoups G, Seuntjens P, Bastiaens L, Journal of hazardous materials 270, 18 (2014).
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Natural and artificial radioactivity measurements in Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey”. Celik N, Čevik U, Celik A, Koz B, Journal of hazardous materials 162, 146 (2009).
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Radiation dose estimation and mass attenuation coefficients of cement samples used in Turkey”. Damla N, Čevik U, Kobya AI, Celik A, Celik N, Van Grieken R, Journal of hazardous materials 176, 644 (2010).
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Engineering green wall botanical biofiltration to abate indoor volatile organic compounds : a review on mechanisms, phyllosphere bioaugmentation, and modeling”. Alvarado-Alvarado AA, Smets W, Irga P, Denys S, Journal of hazardous materials 465, 133491 (2024).
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ab initio description of bonding for transmission electron microscopy”. Madsen J, Pennycook TJ, Susi T, Ultramicroscopy 231 (2021).
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Nanowire facilitated transfer of sensitive TEM samples in a FIB”. Gorji S, Kashiwar A, Mantha LS, Kruk R, Witte R, Marek P, Hahn H, Kübel C, Scherer T, Ultramicroscopy 219, 113075 (2020).
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On central focusing for contrast optimization in direct electron ptychography of thick samples”. Gao C, Hofer C, Pennycook TJ, Ultramicroscopy 256, 113879 (2024).
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Barite formation in the Southern Ocean water column”. Stroobants N, Dehairs F, Goeyens L, Vanderheijden N, Van Grieken R, Marine chemistry 35, 411 (1991).
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Geochemical characterization of recent sediments in the Baltic Sea by bulk and electron microprobe analysis”. Belmans F, Van Grieken R, Brügmann L, Marine chemistry 42, 223 (1993).
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Geochemistry of suspended matter from the baltic sea : 1 : results of individual particle characterization by automated electron microprobe”. Bernard PC, Van Grieken RE, Brügmann L, Marine chemistry 26, 155 (1989).
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Geochemistry of suspended matter from the Baltic Sea: 2: results of bulk trace metal analysis by AAS”. Brügmann L, Bernard PC, Van Grieken R, Marine chemistry 38, 303 (1992).
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Individual particle analysis of Western Mediterranean sediment cores, Rhône suspended matter and Sahara aerosols: investigation of inputs to the sediments”. Wegrzynek D, Jambers W, Van Grieken R, Eisma D, Marine chemistry 57, 25 (1997)
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Kinetics of iron(II) oxidation in seawater of various pH”. Roekens EJ, Van Grieken RE, Marine chemistry 13, 195 (1983).
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Kinetics of iron(II) oxidation in seawater of various pH : reply”. Roekens EJ, Van Grieken RE, Marine chemistry 15, 281 (1984).
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Single particle characterisation of inorganic and organic North Sea suspension”. Jambers W, Dekov V, Van Grieken R, Marine chemistry 67, 17 (1999).
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X-ray spectrometry for preventive conservation of cultural heritage”. Van Grieken R, Worobiec A, Pramåna: a journal of physics 72, 191 (2011).
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Soliton motion induced along ferromagnetic skyrmion chains in chiral thin nanotracks”. Souza JCB, Vizarim NP, Reichhardt CJO, Reichhardt C, Venegas PA, Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 587, 171280 (2023).
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X-ray optics for synchrotron-radiation-induced X-ray micro fluorescence at the european synchrotron-radiation facility, Grenoble”. Vincze L, Janssens K, Adams F, Institute of physics conference series , 613 (1993)
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Trace-level microanalysis of Roman glass from Khirbet Qumran, Israel”. Aerts A, Janssens K, Adams F, Journal of archaeological science 26, 883 (1999).
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Laser microprobe mass analysis : a review of applications in the life sciences”. Verbueken AH, Bruynseels FJ, Van Grieken RE, Biomedical mass spectrometry 12, 438 (1985).
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