Number of records found: 154
Structure and properties of artificial [(La0.7Sr0.3MnO3)m(SrTiO3)n]15 superlattices on (001)SrTiO3”. Lebedev OI, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Dubourdieu C, Rosina M, Chaudouët P, Journal of applied physics 94, 7646 (2003).
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Study of a hollow cathode glow discharge in He: Monte Carlo-fluid model combined with a transport model for the metastable atoms”. Baguer N, Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Journal of applied physics 93, 47 (2003).
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Fe and Co nanowires and nanotubes synthesized by template electrodeposition: a HRTEM and EELS study”. Verbeeck J, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Cagnon L, Bougerol C, Tourillon T, Journal of the electrochemical society 150, E468 (2003).
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Magnetic field tuning of the effective g factor in a diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dot”. Chang K, Xia JB, Peeters FM, Applied physics letters 82, 2661 (2003).
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Papp G, Peeters FM (2003) Strong wave-vector filtering and nearly 100% spin polarization through resonant tunneling antisymmetrical magnetic structure (vol 81, pg 691, 2002). American Institute of Physics, New York, N.Y., 3570–3570
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A Monte Carlo program for quantitative electron-induced x-ray analysis of individual particles”. Ro C-U, Osán J, Szalóki I, de Hoog J, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Analytical chemistry 75, 851 (2003).
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A microstructural study of the thermal stability of atomic layer deposited Al2O3 thin films”. Nistor LC, Richard O, Zhao O, Bender H, Stesmans A, Van Tendeloo G, Institute of physics conference series T2 –, Microscopy of semiconducting materials , 397 (2003)
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Present state of the composition evaluation of ternary semiconductor nanostructures by lattice fringe analysis”. Rosenauer A, Gerthsen D, Van Aert S, van Dyck D, den Dekker AJ, Institute of physics conference series , 19 (2003)
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Few-particle states in coupled electron-hole quantum dots”. Anisimovas E, Peeters FM, Functions II , 330 (2003).
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Analysis of nonconducting materials by dc glow discharge spectrometry”. Bogaerts A, Schelles W, van Grieken R Wiley, Chichester, page 293 (2003).
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The application of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in the research of inorganic colorants in stained glass windows and parchment illustrations”. Fredrickx P, Wouters J, Schryvers D Archetype, London, page 137 (2003).
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Electron diffraction and microscopy of single-walled carbon nanotube bundles”. Colomer J-F, Van Tendeloo G Kluwer, Boston, Mass., page 45 (2003).
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Excitons in single and vertically coupled type II quantum dots in high magnetic fields”. Peeters FM, Janssens KL, Partoens B s.l., page 117 (2003).
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Glow discharges in emission and mass spectrometry”. Jakubowski N, Bogaerts A, Hoffmann V Blackwell, Sheffield (2003).
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Liber amicorum in honour of Jozef T. Devreese”. Brosens F, Fomin VM, Lemmens L, Peeters FM Wiley, Weinheim (2003).
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Longitudinal hollow cathode copper ion laser: optimization of excitation and geometry”. Mihailova D, Grozeva M, Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Sabotinov N, , 49 (2003)
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The many faces of TOF-SIMS for the characterization of solid (sub)surfaces”. Gijbels R, , 101 (2003)
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Numerical modelling of analytical glow discharges”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R Wiley, Chichester, page 155 (2003).
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Structural characterisation of nanostructured Ni3Al processed by inert gas condensation”. Yandouzi M, Pauwels B, Schryvers D, van Swygenhoven H, Van Tendeloo G, Defects and diffusion in metals 213/215, 19 (2003)
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Editorial”. Janssens K, (2003)
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Methods 4: elemental analysis (AAS/AES/X-ray fluorescence)”. Janssens K (2003).
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Micro-XANES determination of ferric iron and its application in thermobarometry”. Schmid R, Wilke M, Ober R, Dong S, Janssens K, Falkenberg G, Franz L, Gaab A, Lithos 70, 381 (2003).
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The use of focussed X-ray beams for non-destructive characterization of historical materials: from elemental trace analysis towards chemical state investigations”. Janssens K, Proost K, Deraedt I, Bulska E, Wagner B, Schreiner M, , 193 (2003)
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X-ray fluorescence analysis”. Janssens K (2003).
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Assessment of atmospheric particles emitted from sugar cane burning in Southeast Brazil”. Godoi RHM, Godoi AFL, Andrade SJ, Santiago-Silva M, de Hoog J, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Journal od aerosol science , S749 (2003)
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Van Grieken R, Delalieux F, Potgieter S (2003) Assessment of damage caused by air pollution. 35 p
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Effects of beamline components (undulators, monochromator, focusing devices) on the beam intensity at ID18F (ESRF)”. Somogyi A, Drakopoulos M, Vekemans B, Vincze L, Simionovici AS, Adams F, Nuclear instruments and methods: B 199, 559 (2003).
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On the impact of precipitation amount on the concentration of elements and ions in urban aerosol particles”. Deutsch F, Stranger M, Kaplinskii AE, Samek L, Joos P, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric and oceanic optics 16, 850 (2003)
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Quantitative X-ray fluorescence analysis at the ESRF ID18F microprobe”. Vekemans B, Vincze L, Somogyi A, Drakopoulos M, Kempenaers L, Simionovici AS, Adams F, Nuclear instruments and methods: B 199, 396 (2003).
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Salt weathering research: present state and future directions”. Delalieux F, Van Grieken R, Moropoulou A, (2003)
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