Number of records found: 392
Supersonic Microwave Plasma: Potential and Limitations for Energy-Efficient CO2Conversion”. Vermeiren V, Bogaerts A, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 122, 25869 (2018).
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Capacitive electrical asymmetry effect in an inductively coupled plasma reactor”. Zhang Q-Z, Bogaerts A, Plasma Sources Science &, Technology 27, 105019 (2018).
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Plasma streamer propagation in structured catalysts”. Zhang Q-Z, Bogaerts A, Plasma Sources Science &, Technology 27, 105013 (2018).
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Plasma-based multi-reforming for Gas-To-Liquid: tuning the plasma chemistry towards methanol”. Snoeckx R, Wang W, Zhang X, Cha MS, Bogaerts A, Scientific reports 8, 15929 (2018).
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Reduction of Human Glioblastoma Spheroids Using Cold Atmospheric Plasma: The Combined Effect of Short- and Long-Lived Reactive Species”. Privat-Maldonado A, Gorbanev Y, Dewilde S, Smits E, Bogaerts A, Cancers 10, 394 (2018).
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Recent Advances in Transmission Electron Microscopy for Materials Science at the EMAT Lab of the University of Antwerp”. Guzzinati G, Altantzis T, Batuk M, De Backer A, Lumbeeck G, Samaee V, Batuk D, Idrissi H, Hadermann J, Van Aert S, Schryvers D, Verbeeck J, Bals S, Materials 11, 1304 (2018).
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In Situ Electron Diffraction Tomography Using a Liquid-Electrochemical Transmission Electron Microscopy Cell for Crystal Structure Determination of Cathode Materials for Li-Ion batteries”. Karakulina OM, Demortière A, Dachraoui W, Abakumov AM, Hadermann J, Nano letters 18, 6286 (2018).
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Revealing pH-Dependent Activities and Surface Instabilities for Ni-Based Electrocatalysts during the Oxygen Evolution Reaction”. Yang C, Batuk M, Jacquet Q, Rousse G, Yin W, Zhang L, Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Cibin G, Chadwick A, Tarascon J-M, Grimaud A, ACS energy letters , 2884 (2018).
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Enhanced electrochemical performance of Li-rich cathode materials through microstructural control”. Serrano-Sevillano J, Reynaud M, Saracibar A, Altantzis T, Bals S, van Tendeloo G, Casas-Cabanas M, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 20, 23112 (2018).
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Metal–insulator-transition engineering by modulation tilt-control in perovskite nickelates for room temperature optical switching”. Liao Z, Gauquelin N, Green RJ, Müller-Caspary K, Lobato I, Li L, Van Aert S, Verbeeck J, Huijben M, Grisolia MN, Rouco V, El Hage R, Villegas JE, Mercy A, Bibes M, Ghosez P, Sawatzky GA, Rijnders G, Koster G, America 115, 9515 (2018).
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Spectral field mapping in plasmonic nanostructures with nanometer resolution”. Krehl J, Guzzinati G, Schultz J, Potapov P, Pohl D, Martin J, Verbeeck J, Fery A, Büchner B, Lubk A, Nature communications 9, 4207 (2018).
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Impact of the Particle Diameter on Ion Cloud Formation from Gold Nanoparticles in ICPMS”. Fuchs J, Aghaei M, Schachel TD, Sperling M, Bogaerts A, Karst U, Analytical chemistry 90, 10271 (2018).
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Nanoscale investigation by TEM and STEM-EELS of the laser induced yellowing”. Godet M, Vergès-Belmin V, Gauquelin N, Saheb M, Monnier J, Leroy E, Bourgon J, Verbeeck J, Andraud C, Micron 115, 25 (2018).
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Ammonia Synthesis by Radio Frequency Plasma Catalysis: Revealing the Underlying Mechanisms”. Shah J, Wang W, Bogaerts A, Carreon ML, ACS applied energy materials 1, 4824 (2018).
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Nanoscale insight into silk-like protein self-assembly: effect of design and number of repeat units”. Razzokov J, Naderi S, van der Schoot P, Physical biology 15, 066010 (2018).
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Novel power-to-syngas concept for plasma catalytic reforming coupled with water electrolysis”. Li K, Liu J-L, Li X-S, Lian H-Y, Zhu X, Bogaerts A, Zhu A-M, Chemical engineering journal 353, 297 (2018).
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Analysis of Short-Lived Reactive Species in Plasma–Air–Water Systems: The Dos and the Do Nots”. Gorbanev Y, Privat-Maldonado A, Bogaerts A, Analytical Chemistry 90, 13151 (2018).
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Depth-resolved resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at a superconductor/half-metallic-ferromagnet interface through standing wave excitation”. Kuo C-T, Lin S-C, Ghiringhelli G, Peng Y, De Luca GM, Di Castro D, Betto D, Gehlmann M, Wijnands T, Huijben M, Meyer-Ilse J, Gullikson E, Kortright JB, Vailionis A, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Gerber T, Balestrino G, Brookes NB, Braicovich L, Fadley CS, Physical review B 98, 235146 (2018).
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Advanced first-principles theory of superconductivity including both lattice vibrations and spin fluctuations : the case of FeB4”. Bekaert J, Aperis A, Partoens B, Oppeneer PM, Milošević, MV, Physical review B 97, 014503 (2018).
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Ballistic electron channels including weakly protected topological states in delaminated bilayer graphene”. Lane TLM, Andelkovic M, Wallbank JR, Covaci L, Peeters FM, Fal'ko VI, Physical review B 97, 045301 (2018).
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Epitaxial stress-free growth of high crystallinity ferroelectric PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 on GaN/AlGaN/Si(111) substrate”. Li L, Liao Z, Gauquelin N, Minh Duc Nguyen, Hueting RJE, Gravesteijn DJ, Lobato I, Houwman EP, Lazar S, Verbeeck J, Koster G, Rijnders G, Advanced Materials Interfaces 5, 1700921 (2018).
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Frozen lattice and absorptive model for high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy : a comparison study in terms of integrated intensity and atomic column position measurement”. Alania M, Lobato Hoyos IP, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy 184, 188 (2018).
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Helical edge states in silicene and germanene nanorings in perpendicular magnetic field”. Jakovljevic DZ, Grujic MM, Tadic MZ, Peeters FM, Journal of physics : condensed matter 30, 035301 (2018).
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Magnetic field dependence of the atomic collapse state in graphene”. Moldovan D, Masir MR, Peeters FM, 2D materials 5, 015017 (2018).
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Nonlinear light mixing by graphene plasmons”. Kundys D, Van Duppen B, Marshall OP, Rodriguez F, Torre I, Tomadin A, Polini M, Grigorenko AN, Nano letters 18, 282 (2018).
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Quantitative HAADF STEM of SiGe in presence of amorphous surface layers from FIB preparation”. Grieb T, Tewes M, Schowalter M, Müller-Caspary K, Krause FF, Mehrtens T, Hartmann J-M, Rosenauer A, Ultramicroscopy 184, 29 (2018).
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Ş,entosun K (2018) 2D and 3D characterization of plasmonic and porous nanoparticles using transmission electron microscopy. Antwerp
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Atomistic simulations of plasma catalytic processes”. Neyts EC, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 12, 145 (2018).
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Comparative study of the magnetic properties of La3Ni2B'O9 for B' = Nb, Ta or Sb”. Chin C-M, Battle PD, Blundell SJ, Hunter E, Lang F, Hendrickx M, Sena RP, Hadermann J, Journal of solid state chemistry 258, 825 (2018).
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Controlling the formation and stability of ultra-thin nickel silicides : an alloying strategy for preventing agglomeration”. Geenen FA, van Stiphout K, Nanakoudis A, Bals S, Vantomme A, Jordan-Sweet J, Lavoie C, Detavernier C, Journal of applied physics 123, 075303 (2018).
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