Number of records found: 2704
Economic performance of using batteries in European residential microgrids under the net-metering scheme”. Saviuc I, Peremans H, Van Passel S, Milis K, Energies 12, 165 (2019).
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Economic and environmental multi-objective optimization to evaluate the impact of Belgian policy on solar power and electric vehicles”. De Schepper E, Van Passel S, Lizin S, Vincent T, Martin B, Gandibleux X, Journal of environmental economics and policy 5, 1 (2016).
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Conserving African biosphere reserves : a workshop on the valuation of ecosystem services in Man and the Biosphere Reserves”. Janssens de Bisthoven L, Rochette A-J, Verheyen E, Akpona TJ-D, Verbist B, Vanderhaegen K, Naturinda Z, Van Passel S, Berihun D, Munishi L, Hugé, J, Oryx 53, 609 (2019).
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Canola adoption enhancement in Western Iran”. Zarafshani K, Ghasemi S, Houshyar E, Ghanbari R, Van Passel S, Azadi H, Journal Of Agricultural Science And Technology 19, 47 (2017)
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Yao X (2019) An advanced TEM study on quantification of Ni4Ti3 precipitates in low temperature aged Ni-Ti shape memory alloy. 149 p
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Callaert C (2020) Characterization of defects, modulations and surface layers in topological insulators and structurally related compounds. 180 p
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Trenchev G (2019) Computational modelling of atmospheric DC discharges for CO2 conversion. 206 p
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Van der Paal J (2019) Generation, transport and molecular interactions of reactive species in plasma medicine. 237 p
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Vets C (2020) Growth properties of carbon nanomaterials : towards tuning for electronic applications. 130 p
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Pourbabak S (2020) Influence of nano and microstructural features and defects in finegrained NiTi on the thermal and mechanical reversibility of the martensitic transformation. 166 p
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Lumbeeck G (2019) Mechanisms of nano-plasticity in as-deposited and hydrided nanocrystalline Pd and Ni thin films. 130 p
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Anđ,elković, M (2019) O(N) numerical methods for investigating graphene heterostructures and moiré patterns. 207 p
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Chuon S (2019) Simulation numérique multi-échelles du procédé de dépôt par pulvérisation cathodique magnétron. 137 p
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Electroactivity of superoxide anion in aqueous phosphate buffers analyzed with platinized microelectrodes”. Lefrancois P, Girard-Sahun F, Badets V, Clement F, Arbault S, Electroanalysis (2020).
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Bio-electrochemical COD removal for energy-efficient, maximum and robust nitrogen recovery from urine through membrane aerated nitrification”. De Paepe J, De Paepe K, Gòdia F, Rabaey K, Vlaeminck SE, Clauwaert P, Water Research 185, 116223 (2020).
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Vermeiren V (2020) Chemical kinetics modeling of non-equilibrium and thermal effects in vibrationally active CO2 plasmas. 207 p
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Covalent immobilization of delipidated human serum albumin on poly(pyrrole-2-carboxylic) acid film for the impedimetric detection of perfluorooctanoic acid”. Moro G, Bottari F, Liberi S, Covaceuszach S, Cassetta A, Angelini A, De Wael K, Moretto LM, Bioelectrochemistry 134, 107540 (2020).
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Nematollahi P (2020) Density functional theory calculations for understanding gas conversion reactions on single metal atom embedded carbon-based nanocatalysts. 173 p
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Do aptamers always bind? The need for a multifaceted analytical approach when demonstrating binding affinity between aptamer and low molecular weight compounds”. Bottari F, Daems E, de Vries A-M, Van Wielendaele P, Trashin S, Blust R, Sobott F, Madder A, Martins JC, De Wael K, Journal Of The American Chemical Society 142, jacs.0c08691 (2020).
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Effect of ultra-fine fly ash on concrete performance and durability”. Kara De Maeijer P, Craeye B, Snellings R, Kazemi-Kamyab H, Loots M, Janssens K, Nuyts G, Construction And Building Materials 263, 120493 (2020).
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Emerging halogenated flame retardants in the indoor environment”. Poma G, McGrath TJ, Christia C, Govindan M, Covaci A, Comprehensive analytical chemistry 88, 107 (2020).
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A five-stage treatment train for water recovery from urine and shower water for long-term human Space missions”. Lindeboom REF, De Paepe J, Vanoppen M, Alonso-Fariñas B, Coessens W, Alloul A, Christiaens MER, Dotremont C, Beckers H, Lamaze B, Demey D, Clauwaert P, Verliefde ARD, Vlaeminck SE, Desalination 495, 114634 (2020).
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Gold-sputtered microelectrodes with built-in gold reference and counter electrodes for electrochemical DNA detection”. Thiruvottriyur Shanmugam S, Trashin S, De Wael K, Analyst (2020).
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De Jong M (2020) A highly accurate portable electrochemical sensor for cocaine : from methodology to testing in the field. 263 p
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Ik drink (geen) afval! Een exploratieve studie naar socio-demografische verschillen in publieke steun voor het hergebruik van afvalwater in Vlaanderen”. Geerts R, Vandermoere F, Halet D, Van Winckel T, Joos P, Van Den Steen K, Van Meenen E, Blust R, Vlaeminck SE, Vlaams tijdschrift voor overheidsmanagement , 51 (2020)
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Bafekry A (2020) Investigation of the effects of defects and impurities on nanostructures consisting of Group IV and V elements using First-principles calculations. 126 p
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Conti S (2020) Multi-band superfluidity and BEC-BCS crossover in novel ultrathin materials. 123 p
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A note on spirals and curvature”. Gielis J, Caratelli D, Shi P, Ricci PE, Growth and form 1, 1 (2020).
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Zhang H (2020) Optical diagnostics of spatiotemporal evolution characteristics of nanosecond laser-induced plasma in gases. 117 p
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Parabolic trigonometry”. Dattoli G, Di Palma E, Gielis J, Licciardi S, International journal of applied and computational mathematics 6, 37 (2020).
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