Number of records found: 589
Transition thinking and business model innovation-towards a transformative business model and new role for the reuse centers of Limburg, Belgium”. Gorissen L, Vrancken K, Manshoven S, Sustainability 8 (2016).
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Transitioning from mesophilic to thermophilic nitrification: shaping a niche for archaeal ammonia oxidizers”. Vandekerckhove T, Courtens ENP, Prat D, Vilchez-Vargas R, Vital M, Pieper DH, Meerbergen K, Lievens B, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, , 9 p. T2 (2016)
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Uncoupling the solids retention times of flocs and granules in mainstream deammonification : a screen as effective out-selection tool for nitrite oxidizing bacteria”. Han M, Vlaeminck SE, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Bott C, Murthy S, De Clippeleir H, Bioresource technology 221, 195 (2016).
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Understanding the mechanisms of how poly aluminium chloride inhibits short-chain fatty acids production from anaerobic fermentation of waste activated sludge”. Chen Y, Wu Y, Wang D, Li H, Wang Q, Liu Y, Peng L, Yang Q, Li X, Zeng G, Chen Y, Chemical engineering journal 334, 1351 (2018).
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Understanding ultrafine particles dynamics within a one km urban grid”. Mishra VK, Dons E, Panis LI, Frijns E, van Poppel M, Berghmans P, Bleux N, Wuyts K, Samson R, (2010)
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Universal natural shapes : from unifying shape description to simple methods for shape analysis and boundary value problems”. Gielis J, Caratelli D, Fougerolle Y, Ricci PE, Tavkelidze I, Gerats T, PLoS ONE 7, e29324 (2012).
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Urban soil exploration through multi-receiver electromagnetic induction and stepped-frequency ground penetrating radar”. Van de Vijver E, Van Meirvenne M, Vandenhaute L, Delefortrie S, De Smedt P, Saey T, Seuntjens P, Environmental science : processes &, impacts 17, 1271 (2015).
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Ureolytic activity and its regulation in vibrio campbellii and vibrio harveyi in relation to nitrogen recovery from human urine”. Defoirdt T, Vlaeminck SE, Sun X, Boon N, Clauwaert P, Environmental science and technology 51, 13335 (2017).
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Urine nitrification with a synthetic microbial community”. Christiaens MER, De Paepe J, Ilgrande C, De Vrieze J, Barys J, Teirlinck P, Meerbergen K, Lievens B, Boon N, Clauwaert P, Vlaeminck SE, Systematic and applied microbiology 42, Unsp 126021 (2019).
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Use of online water quality monitoring for assessing the effects of WWTP overflows in rivers”. Boënne W, Desmet N, Van Looy S, Seuntjens P, Environmental science : processes &, impacts 16, 1510 (2014).
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Used water and nutrients : recovery perspectives in a 'panta rhei' context”. Verstraete W, Clauwaert P, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 215, 199 (2016).
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Validation of a supervisory control system for energy savings in membrane bioreactors”. Huyskens C, Brauns E, van Hoof E, Diels L, de Wever H, Water research 45, 1443 (2011).
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Valorization of stainless steel slag by selective chromium recovery and subsequent carbonation of the matrix material”. Kim E, Spooren J, Broos K, Nielsen P, Horckmans L, Geurts R, Vrancken KC, Quaghebeur M, Journal of cleaner production 117, 221 (2016).
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Value in sustainable materials management strategies for open economies case of Flanders (Belgium)”. Christis M, Geerken T, Vercalsteren A, Vrancken KCM, Resources, conservation and recycling 103, 110 (2015).
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Valuing urban ecosystem services in sustainable brownfield redevelopment”. De Valck J, Beames A, Liekens I, Bettens M, Seuntjens P, Broekx S, Ecosystem services 35, 139 (2019).
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Viscosity measurement and correlation of unloaded and CO₂-loaded aqueous solutions of N-methyldiethanolamine + 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol”. Kummamuru NB, Eimer DA, Idris Z, Journal Of Chemical And Engineering Data 65, 3072 (2020).
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Volatile fatty acids impacting phototrophic growth kinetics of purple bacteria : paving the way for protein production on fermented wastewater”. Alloul A, Wuyts S, Lebeer S, Vlaeminck SE, Water research 152, 138 (2019).
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Water and nutrient recovery from combined urine and grey water treatment in Space”. Lindeboom REF, Clauwaert P, Alloul A, Coessens W, Christiaens M, Vanoppen M, Rabaey K, Verliefde ARD, Vlaeminck SE, , 3 p. T2 (2015)
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Water and process parameters as controllers for the ammonia to nitrite oxidation rate ratio in activated sludge”. Han M, Seuntjens D, Al-Omari A, Takacs I, Meerburg F, Murthy S, Vlaeminck SE, De Clippeleir H, , 3 p. T2 (2017)
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Water treatment unit breadboard : ground test facility for the recycling of urine and shower water for one astronaut”. de Paepe J, Lindeboom REF, Vanoppen M, Alonso Farinas B, Coessens W, Abbas A, Christiaens M, Dotremont C, Beckers H, Lamaze B, Demey D, Rabaey K, Clauwaert P, Verliefde ARD, Vlaeminck SE, , 2 p. T2 (2017)
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Why does not the leaf weight-area allometry of bamboos follow the 3/2-power law?”.Lin S, Shao L, Hui C, Song Y, Reddy GVP, Gielis J, Li F, Ding Y, Wei Q, Shi P, Reddy GVP, Frontiers in plant science 9, 583 (2018).
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Wintertime spatio-temporal variation of ultrafine particles in a Belgian city”. Mishra VK, Kumar P, Van Poppel M, Bleux N, Frijns E, Reggente M, Berghmans P, Int Panis L, Samson R, The science of the total environment 431, 307 (2012).
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A core-shell confined Pd@TS-1 @meso-SiO2 catalyst and its synergy effect on styrene oxidation”. Wang Y-T, Wu S-M, Luo G-Q, Tian G, Wang L-Y, Xiao S-T, Wu J-X, Wu A, Wu K-J, Lenaerts S, Yang X-Y, Applied catalysis : A : general 650, 119016 (2023).
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A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs”. Shi P, Chen L, Quinn BK, Yu K, Miao Q, Guo X, Lian M, Gielis J, Niklas KJ, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118 (2023).
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A step to disentangle diversity patterns in Uruguayan grasslands : climatic seasonality, novel land-uses, and landscape context drive diversity of ground flora”. Saeumel I, Ramirez LR, Santolin J, Pintado K, Conservation Science and Practice 5, 1 (2023).
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Autotrophic nitrogen polishing of secondary effluents : Alkaline pH and residual nitrate control S0-driven denitratation for downstream anammox treatment”. Xie Y, Van Tendeloo M, Zhu W, Peng L, Vlaeminck SE, Journal of Water Process Engineering 56, 104402 (2023).
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Can we find an optimal fatty acid composition of biodiesel in order to improve oxidation stability?”.Maes RR, Potters G, Fransen E, Geuens J, Van Schaeren R, Lenaerts S, Sustainability 15, 10310 (2023).
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Combined methane pyrolysis and solid carbon gasification for electrified CO₂-free hydrogen and syngas production”. Perreault P, Boruntea C-R, Dhawan Yadav H, Portela Soliño I, Kummamuru NB, Energies 16, 7316 (2023).
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Comparison of typical nitrite oxidizing bacteria suppression strategies and the effect on nitrous oxide emissions in a biofilm reactor”. Zhu W, Van Tendeloo M, De Paepe J, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 387, 129607 (2023).
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Continuous cultivation of microalgae yields high nutrient recovery from nitrified urine with limited supplementation”. De Paepe J, Garcia Gragera D, Arnau Jimenez C, Rabaey K, Vlaeminck SE, Gòdia F, Journal of environmental management 345, 118500 (2023).
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