Number of records found: 399
First-Principles Investigation of the Stability of the Oxygen Framework of Li-Rich Battery Cathodes”. Bercx M, Slap L, Partoens B, Lamoen D, MRS advances 4, 813 (2019).
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Transport of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species across Aquaporin: A Molecular Level Picture”. Yusupov M, Razzokov J, Cordeiro RM, Bogaerts A, Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity 2019, 1 (2019).
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Electron Bessel beam diffraction for precise and accurate nanoscale strain mapping”. Guzzinati G, Ghielens W, Mahr C, Béché, A, Rosenauer A, Calders T, Verbeeck J, Applied physics letters 114, 243501 (2019).
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Oxidation destabilizes toxic amyloid beta peptide aggregation”. Razzokov J, Yusupov M, Bogaerts A, Scientific reports 9, 5476 (2019).
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Transport of cystine across xC-antiporter”. Ghasemitarei M, Yusupov M, Razzokov J, Shokri B, Bogaerts A, Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 664, 117 (2019).
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Electron Transfer and Near-Field Mechanisms in Plasmonic Gold-Nanoparticle-Modified TiO2Photocatalytic Systems”. Asapu R, Claes N, Ciocarlan R-G, Minjauw M, Detavernier C, Cool P, Bals S, Verbruggen SW, ACS applied nano materials 2, 4067 (2019).
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Surface Functionalization of Grown-on-Tip ZnO Nanopyramids: From Fabrication to Light-Triggered Applications”. Gasparotto A, Maccato C, Carraro G, Sada C, Štangar UL, Alessi B, Rocks C, Mariotti D, La Porta A, Altantzis T, Barreca D, Acs Applied Materials &, Interfaces 11, 15881 (2019).
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Controlled Surface Modification of ZnO Nanostructures with Amorphous TiO2for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting”. Gasparotto A, Maccato C, Sada C, Carraro G, Kondarides DI, Bebelis S, Petala A, La Porta A, Altantzis T, Barreca D, Advanced Sustainable Systems , 1900046 (2019).
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Catalyzed growth of encapsulated carbyne”. Khalilov U, Vets C, Neyts EC, Carbon 153, 1 (2019).
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Suppressing the formation of NOxand N2O in CO2/N2dielectric barrier discharge plasma by adding CH4: scavenger chemistry at work”. Snoeckx R, Van Wesenbeeck K, Lenaerts S, Cha MS, Bogaerts A, Sustainable Energy &, Fuels 3, 1388 (2019).
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Perspectives of Plasma-treated Solutions as Anticancer Drugs”. Attri P, Bogaerts A, Anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry 19, 436 (2019).
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Isolating hydrogen in hexagonal boron nitride bubbles by a plasma treatment”. He L, Wang H, Chen L, Wang X, Xie H, Jiang C, Li C, Elibol K, Meyer J, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Wu Z, Wang W, Ni Z, Miao X, Zhang C, Zhang D, Wang H, Xie X, Nature communications 10, 2815 (2019).
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Controlling the interfacial conductance in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 in 90 degrees off-axis sputter deposition”. Yin C, Krishnan D, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Aarts J, Physical review materials 3, 034002 (2019).
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Fully inorganic Ruddlesden-Popper double CI-I and triple CI-Br-I lead halide perovskite nanocrystals”. Akkerman QA, Bladt E, Petralanda U, Dang Z, Sartori E, Baranov D, Abdelhady AL, Infante I, Bals S, Manna L, Chemistry of materials 31, 2182 (2019).
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Highly porous palladium nanodendrites : wet-chemical synthesis, electron tomography and catalytic activity”. Mourdikoudis S, Montes-Garcia V, Rodal-Cedeira S, Winckelmans N, Perez-Juste I, Wu H, Bals S, Perez-Juste J, Pastoriza-Santos I, Journal of the Chemical Society : Dalton transactions 48, 3758 (2019).
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Superconductor-insulator transition driven by pressure-tuned intergrain coupling in nanodiamond films”. Zhang G, Zhou Y, Korneychuk S, Samuely T, Liu L, May PW, Xu Z, Onufriienko O, Zhang X, Verbeeck J, Samuely P, Moshchalkov VV, Yang Z, Rubahn H-G, Physical review materials 3, 034801 (2019).
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LaFeO3 nanofibers for high detection of sulfur-containing gases”. Queralto A, Graf D, Frohnhoven R, Fischer T, Vanrompay H, Bals S, Bartasyte A, Mathur S, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 7, 6023 (2019).
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Thermal Stability of Gold/Palladium Octopods Studied in Situ in 3D: Understanding Design Rules for Thermally Stable Metal Nanoparticles”. Albrecht W, Bladt E, Vanrompay H, Smith JD, Skrabalak SE, Bals S, ACS nano 13, 6522 (2019).
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Synergistic Effects of Melittin and Plasma Treatment: A Promising Approach for Cancer Therapy”. Shaw P, Kumar N, Hammerschmid D, Privat-Maldonado A, Dewilde S, Bogaerts A, Cancers 11, 1109 (2019).
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Applications of the COST Plasma Jet: More than a Reference Standard”. Gorbanev Y, Golda J, Gathen VS, Bogaerts A, Plasma 2, 316 (2019).
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Removal of alachlor in water by non-thermal plasma: Reactive species and pathways in batch and continuous process”. Wardenier N, Gorbanev Y, Van Moer I, Nikiforov A, Van Hulle SWH, Surmont P, Lynen F, Leys C, Bogaerts A, Vanraes P, Water research 161, 549 (2019).
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Improving the Energy Efficiency of CO2Conversion in Nonequilibrium Plasmas through Pulsing”. Vermeiren V, Bogaerts A, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 123, 17650 (2019).
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Unraveling Structural Information of Turkevich Synthesized Plasmonic Gold-Silver Bimetallic Nanoparticles”. Blommaerts N, Vanrompay H, Nuti S, Lenaerts S, Bals S, Verbruggen SW, Small 15, 1902791 (2019).
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Accelerated Discovery of Efficient Solar Cell Materials Using Quantum and Machine-Learning Methods”. Choudhary K, Bercx M, Jiang J, Pachter R, Lamoen D, Tavazza F, Chemistry of materials 31, 5900 (2019).
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Risk Assessment of kINPen Plasma Treatment of Four Human Pancreatic Cancer Cell Lines with Respect to Metastasis”. Bekeschus S, Freund E, Spadola C, Privat-Maldonado A, Hackbarth C, Bogaerts A, Schmidt A, Wende K, Weltmann K-D, von Woedtke T, Heidecke C-D, Partecke L-I, Käding A, Cancers 11, 1237 (2019).
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Physical properties of epitaxial SrMnO2.5−δFγoxyfluoride films”. Wang J, Shin Y, Gauquelin N, Yang Y, Lee C, Jannis D, Verbeeck J, Rondinelli JM, May SJ, Journal of physics : condensed matter 31, 365602 (2019).
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High-TCInterfacial Ferromagnetism in SrMnO3/LaMnO3Superlattices”. Keunecke M, Lyzwa F, Schwarzbach D, Roddatis V, Gauquelin N, Müller-Caspary K, Verbeeck J, Callori SJ, Klose F, Jungbauer M, Moshnyaga V, Advanced functional materials , 1808270 (2019).
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Interstitial defects in the van der Waals gap of Bi2Se3”. Callaert C, Bercx M, Lamoen D, Hadermann J, Acta Crystallographica. Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials (Online) 75, 717 (2019).
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Stabilization of the Perovskite Phase in the Y-Bi-O System By Using a BaBiO3 Buffer Layer”. Bouwmeester RL, de Hond K, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Koster G, Brinkman A, Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 13, 1970028 (2019).
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Rational design of an XNA ligase through docking of unbound nucleic acids to toroidal proteins”. Vanmeert M, Razzokov J, Mirza MU, Weeks SD, Schepers G, Bogaerts A, Rozenski J, Froeyen M, Herdewijn P, Pinheiro VB, Lescrinier E, Nucleic acids research 47, 7130 (2019).
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