Number of records found: 414
The electrochemistry of tetrapropylammonium perruthenate, its role in the oxidation of primary alcohols and its potential for electrochemical recycling”. Lybaert J, Maes BUW, Tehrani KA, De Wael K, Electrochimica acta 182, 693 (2015).
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Evidence for degradation of the chrome yellows in Van Gogh's sunflowers : a study using noninvasive in situ methods and synchrotron-radiation-based x-ray techniques”. Monico L, Janssens K, Hendriks E, Vanmeert F, van der Snickt G, Cotte M, Falkenberg G, Brunetti BG, Miliani C, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 54, 13923 (2015).
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Full spectral XANES imaging using the Maia detector array as a new tool for the study of the alteration process of chrome yellow pigments in paintings by Vincent van Gogh”. Monico L, Janssens K, Alfeld M, Cotte M, Vanmeert F, Ryan CG, Falkenberg G, Howard DL, Brunetti BG, Miliani C, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 30, 613 (2015).
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Identification of artificial orpiment in the interior decorations of the Japanese tower in Laeken, Brussels, Belgium”. Vermeulen M, Sanyova J, Janssens K, Heritage science 3, Unsp 9 (2015).
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Improvement in the coating homogeneity in electrosynthesized Rh structured catalysts for the partial oxidation of methane”. Benito P, Monti M, de Nolf W, Nuyts G, Janssens K, et al, Catalysis today 246, 154 (2015).
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Indoor particulate matter in four Belgian heritage sites : case studies on the deposition of dark-colored and hygroscopic particles”. Anaf W, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, Janssens K, De Wael K, The science of the total environment 506, 361 (2015).
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Intercalation of proflavine in ssDNA aptamers : effect on binding of the specific target chloramphenicol”. Pilehvar S, Jambrec D, Gebala M, Schuhmann W, De Wael K, Electroanalysis 27, 1836 (2015).
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Iron allocation in leaves of Fe-deficient cucumber plants fed with natural Fe complexes”. Zanin L, Tomasi N, Rizzardo C, Gottardi S, Terzano R, Alfeld M, Janssens K, De Nobili M, Mimmo T, Cesco S, Physiologia plantarum 154, 82 (2015).
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Iron speciation in soda-lime-silica glass: a comparison of XANES and UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy”. Ceglia A, Nuyts G, Meulebroeck W, Cagno S, Silvestri A, Zoleo A, Nys K, Janssens K, Thienpont H, Terryn H, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 30, 1552 (2015).
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Kinetic properties and heme pocket structure of two domains of the polymeric hemoglobin of Artemia in comparison with the native molecule”. Borhani AH, Berghmans H, Trashin S, De Wael K, Fago A, Moens L, Habibi-Rezaei M, Dewilde S, Biochimica et biophysica acta : proteins and proteomics 1854, 1307 (2015).
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Label-free impedance aptasensor for major peanut allergen Ara h 1”. Trashin S, De Jong M, Breugelmans T, Pilehvar S, De Wael K, Electroanalysis 27, 32 (2015).
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Micro-XANES study on Mn browning: use of quantitative valence state maps”. Nuyts G, Cagno S, Bugani S, Janssens K, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 30, 642 (2015).
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Mitigation strategies for radiation damage in the analysis of ancient materials”. Bertrand L, Schoeeder S, Anglos D, Breese MBH, Janssens K, Moini M, Simon A, Trends in analytical chemistry 66, 128 (2015).
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Mixed hemi/ad-micelle sodium dodecyl sulfate-coated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for the efficient removal and trace determination of rhodamine-B and rhodamine-6G”. Ranjbari E, Hadjmohammadi MR, Kiekens F, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 87, 7894 (2015).
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Mixed hemi/ad-micelles coated magnetic nanoparticles for the entrapment of hemoglobin at the surface of a screen-printed carbon electrode and its direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis”. Amiri-Aref M, Raoof JB, Kiekens F, De Wael K, Biosensors and bioelectronics 74, 518 (2015).
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Neutron activation autoradiography and scanning macro-XRF of Rembrandt van Rijn's Susanna and the Elders (Gemaldegalerie Berlin) : a comparison of two methods for imaging of historical paintings with elemental contrast”. Alfeld M, Laurenze-Landsberg C, Denker A, Janssens K, Noble P, Applied physics A : materials science &, processing 119, 795 (2015).
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Optimization of sample clean-up for the GC-C-IRMS and GC-IT-MS analysis of PAHs from air particulate matter”. Buczyńska AJ, Geypens B, Van Grieken R, De Wael K, Microchemical journal 119, 83 (2015).
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Plumbonacrite identified by X-ray powder diffraction tomography as a missing link during degradation of red lead in a Van Gogh painting”. Vanmeert F, van der Snickt G, Janssens K, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 54, 3607 (2015).
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Polycyclodextrin and carbon nanotubes as composite for tyrosinase immobilization and its superior electrocatalytic activity towards butylparaben an endocrine disruptor”. Rather JA, Pilehvar S, De Wael K, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 15, 3365 (2015).
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Recent advances in electrochemical biosensors based on fullerene-C60 nano-structured platforms”. Pilehvar S, De Wael K, Biosensors 5, 712 (2015).
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A redox signalling globin is essential for reproduction in Caenorhabditis elegans”. De Henau S, Tilleman L, Vangheel M, Luyckx E, Trashin S, Pauwels M, Germani F, Vlaeminck C, Vanfleteren JR, Bert W, Pesce A, Nardini M, Bolognesi M, De Wael K, Moens L, Dewilde S, Braeckman BP, Nature communications 6, 8782 (2015).
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Rembrandt's An Old Man in Military Costume: the underlying image re-examined”. Trentelman K, Janssens K, van der Snickt G, Szafran Y, Woollett AT, Dik J, Applied physics A : materials science &, processing 121, 801 (2015).
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Stable Rh particles in hydrotalcite-derived catalysts coated on FeCrAlloy foams by electrosynthesis”. Benito P, Nuyts G, Monti M, de Nolf W, Fornasari G, Janssens K, Scavetta E, Vaccari A, Applied catalysis : B : environmental 179, 321 (2015).
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Strategies for processing mega-pixel X-ray fluorescence hyperspectral data: a case study on a version of Caravaggio's painting Supper at Emmaus”. Alfeld M, Janssens K, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 30, 777 (2015).
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A survey of occupational exposure to inhalable wood dust among workers in small- and medium-scale wood-processing enterprises in Ethiopia”. Ayalew E, Gebre Y, De Wael K, The annals of occupational hygiene 59, 253 (2015).
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Swift electrochemical detection of paraben an endocrine disruptor by In2O3 nanobricks”. Qurashi A, Rather JA, Yamazaki T, Sohail M, De Wael K, Merzougui B, Hakeem AS, Sensors and actuators : B : chemical 221, 167 (2015).
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Synchrotron-based X-ray spectromicroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to investigate the redox properties of lead chromate pigments under the effect of visible light”. Monico L, Janssens K, Cotte M, Romani A, Sorace L, Grazia C, Brunetti BG, Miliani C, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 30, 1500 (2015).
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The use of vitrum obsianum in the Roman Empire: some new insights and future prospects”. Cagno S, Cosyns P, Ceglia A, Nys K, Janssens K, Periodico di mineralogia 84, 465 (2015).
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Thermodynamic and experimental study of the degradation of the red pigment mercury sulfide”. Radepont M, Coquinot Y, Janssens K, Ezrati J-J, de Nolf W, Cotte M, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 30, 599 (2015).
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Understanding the (in)stability of semiconductor pigments by a thermodynamic approach”. Anaf W, Schalm O, Janssens K, De Wael K, Dyes and pigments 113, 409 (2015).
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