Number of records found: 8957
Chemical composition of riverine suspended matter and sediments from the Indian sub-continent”. Dekov V, Subramanian V, Van Grieken R, Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 82, 99 (1999)
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Chemical composition of sediments and suspended matter from the Cauvery and Brahmaputra rivers (India)”. Dekov VM, Araujo F, Van Grieken R, Subramanian V, The science of the total environment 212, 89 (1998).
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Chemical composition of sediments and suspended matter from the Cauvery and Brahmaputra rivers (India)”. Dekov VM, Araujo F, Van Grieken R, Subramanian V, The science of the total environment 203, 51 (1997)
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Chemical composition of sediments, suspended matter, river and ground water of the Nile (Aswan-Sohag transvers)”. Dekov VM, Komy Z, Araujo F, van Put A, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 201, 195 (1997).
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Chemical composition of suspended matter and sediments from the Indian sub-continent: a fifteen-year research survey”. Dekov VM, Subramanian V, Van Grieken R page 81 (1998).
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Chemical relations between atmospheric aerosols, deposition and stone decay layers on historic buildings at the Mediterranean coast”. Torfs K, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 31, 2179 (1997)
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Chemical speciation of individual atmospheric particles using low-Z electron probe X-ray microanalysis characterizing “Asian Dust&rdquo, deposited with rainwater in Seoul, Korea”. Ro C-U, Oh K-Y, Kim HK, Chun Y, Osán J, de Hoog J, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 35, 4995 (2001).
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Heyne MH (2019) Chemistry and plasma physics challenges for 2D materials technology. 167 p
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Chemistry of precipitation near a limestone building”. Roekens E, Komy Z, Leysen L, Veny P, Van Grieken R, Water, air and soil pollution 38, 273 (1988).
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Chemkar PM10 : an extensive look at the local differences in chemical composition of PM10 in Flanders, Belgium”. Vercauteren J, Matheeussen C, Wauters E, Roekens E, Van Grieken R, Krata A, Makarovska Y, Maenhaut W, Chi X, Geypens B, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 45, 108 (2011).
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Camuffo D, Pagan E, Schellen H, Van Grieken R, Bencs L, et al. (2006) Church heating and cultural heritage conservation : guide to the analysis of pros and cons of various heating systems. 240 p
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Classification of coal mine dust particles through fuzzy clustering of their energy-dispersive electron microprobe X-ray spectra”. Bondarenko I, van Espen P, Treiger B, Van Grieken R, Adams F, Microbeam analysis 3, 33 (1994)
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Classification of estuarine particles using automated electron-microprobe analysis and multivariate techniques”. Bernard PC, Van Grieken RE, Eisma D, Environmental science and technology 20, 467 (1986).
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Classification of mineral particles by nonlinear mapping of electron microprobe energy-dispersive X-ray spectra”. Treiger B, Bondarenko I, van Espen P, Van Grieken R, Adams F, The analyst 119, 971 (1994).
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Classification of suspended particles in deposition samples and run-off water samples from a limestone cathedral”. Leysen LA, Roekens EJ, Storms H, Van Grieken RE, Atmospheric environment 21, 2425 (1987).
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Alemam E (2021) Cleaning of wall paintings by Polyvinyl alcohol–Borax/Agarose (PVA–B/AG) double network hydrogels : characterization, assessment, and applications. 184 p
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Climatic quality evaluation by peak analysis and segregation of low-, mid-, and high-frequency fluctuations, applied on a historic chapel”. Anaf W, Schalm O, Building and environment 148, 286 (2019).
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Co-crystallization with 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol, and X-ray fluorescence, for trace metal analysis of water”. Vanderstappen MG, Van Grieken RE, Talanta : the international journal of pure and applied analytical chemistry 25, 653 (1978).
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Co-precipitation with iron hydroxide and X-ray fluorescence analysis of trace metals in water”. Chakravorty R, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 11, 67 (1982).
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De combinatie werk-gezin en het gebruik van formele kinderopvang bij vrouwen met een migratieachtergrond : een mixed methods-benadering”. Wood J, Geerts R, Majean L, Coene V, Vanheeswijck J, de Smalen D, Ronda T, Keizer K, Sociologos (Brussel) 40, 123 (2019)
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Combined 1D, 2D and 3D micro-XRF techniques for the analysis of illuminated manuscripts”. Lachmann T, van der Snickt G, Haschke M, Mantouvalou I, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 31, 1989 (2016).
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Combined effects of blockage and yield stress on drag and heat transfer from an in-line array of three spheres”. Dasgupta N, Borah R, Mishra P, Gupta AK, Chhabra RP, Journal of dispersion science and technology 40, 855 (2019).
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Combined SEM/EDX and micro-Raman spectroscopy analysis of uranium minerals from a former uranium mine”. Stefaniak EA, Alsecz A, Frost R, Máthé, Z, Sajó, IE, Török S, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Journal of hazardous materials 168, 416 (2009).
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Combined XRD, EPMA and X-ray absorption study of mineral ilmenite used in pigments production”. Klepka M, Lawniczak-Jablonska K, Jablonski M, Wolska A, Minikayev R, Paszkowicz W, Przepiera A, Spolnik Z, Van Grieken R, Journal of alloys and compounds 401, 281 (2005).
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Combining HPLC-GCXGC, GCXGC/ToF-MS, and selected ecotoxicity assays for detailed monitoring of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation in soil and leaching water”. Mao D, Lookman R, van de Weghe H, Weltens R, Vanermen G, de Brucker N, Diels L, Environmental science and technology 43, 7651 (2009).
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Combining multi-receiver electromagnetic induction and stepped frequency ground penetrating radar for industrial site investigation”. Van De Vijver E, Van Meirvenne M, Saey T, Delefortrie S, De Smedt P, De Pue J, Seuntjens P, European journal of soil science 66, 688 (2015).
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The common descent of biological shape description and special functions”. Gielis J, Caratelli D, de Jong van Coevorden M, Ricci PE page 119 (2018).
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Comparative assessment of air quality in two health resorts using carbon isotopes and palynological analyses”. Górka M, Jedrysek MO, Maj J, Worobiec A, Buczyńska A, Stefaniak E, Krata A, Van Grieken R, Zwozdziak A, Sówka I, Zwozdziak J, Lewicka-Szczebak D, Atmospheric environment 43, 682 (2009).
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Comparative overview of indoor air quality in Antwerp, Belgium”. Stranger M, Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Van Grieken R, Environment international 33, 789 (2007).
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Comparison and evaluation of hierarchical cluster techniques applied to automated electron probe X-ray microanalysis data”. Bernard PC, Van Grieken RE, Analytica chimica acta 267, 81 (1992).
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