Number of records found: 98
Editorial: leaf functional traits : ecological and evolutionary implications”. Niklas KJ, Shi P, Gielis J, Schrader J, Niinemets U, Frontiers in plant science 14, 1169558 (2023).
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‘biogeom&rsquo, : an R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes”. Shi P, Gielis J, Quinn BK, Niklas KJ, Ratkowsky DA, Schrader J, Ruan H, Wang L, Niinemets Ü, Niinennets U, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123 (2022).
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Comparison of a universal (but complex) model for avian egg shape with a simpler model”. Shi P, Gielis J, Niklas KJ, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1514, 34 (2022).
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A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs”. Shi P, Chen L, Quinn BK, Yu K, Miao Q, Guo X, Lian M, Gielis J, Niklas KJ, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118 (2023).
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Gielis J (2021) Double helix of phyllotaxis : analysis of the geometric model of plant morphogenesis, by Boris Rozin. 139–140
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Comparison of seed morphology of two ginkgo cultivars”. Tian F, Wang Y, Sandhu HS, Gielis J, Shi P, Journal Of Forestry Research 31, 751 (2020).
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An elliptical blade is not a true ellipse, but a superellipse : evidence from two Michelia species”. Li Y, Niklas KJ, Gielis J, Niinemets Ü, Schrader J, Wang R, Shi P, Journal of forestry research 33, 1341 (2022).
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New indices to balance α-diversity against tree size inequality”. Zhang L, Quinn BK, Hui C, Lian M, Gielis J, Gao J, Shi P, Journal of forestry research 35, 31 (2024).
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The generalized Gielis geometric equation and its application”. Shi P, Ratkowsky DA, Gielis J, Symmetry-Basel 12, 645 (2020).
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Evidence that supertriangles exist in nature from the vertical projections of Koelreuteria paniculata fruit”. Li Y, Quinn BK, Gielis J, Li Y, Shi P, Symmetry 14, 23 (2022).
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A new program to estimate the parameters of Preston's equation, a general formula for describing the egg shape of birds”. Shi P, Wang L, Quinn BKK, Gielis J, Symmetry 15, 231 (2023).
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Effects of the numerical values of the parameters in the Gielis equation on its geometries”. Wang L, Ratkowsky DA, Gielis J, Ricci PE, Shi P, Symmetry 14, 2475 (2022).
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A superellipse with deformation and its application in describing the cross-sectional shapes of a square bamboo”. Huang W, Li Y, Niklas KJ, Gielis J, Ding Y, Cao L, Shi P, Symmetry-Basel 12, 2073 (2020).
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A generalized performance equation and its application in measuring the Gini index of leaf size inequality”. Lian M, Shi P, Zhang L, Yao W, Gielis J, Niklas KJ, Trees: structure and function 37, 1555 (2023).
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Can leaf shape be represented by the ratio of leaf width to length? Evidence from nine species of Magnolia and Michelia (Magnoliaceae)”. Shi P, Yu K, Niinemets Ü, Gielis J, Forests 12, 41 (2021).
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Evidence that Chinese white olive (Canarium album(Lour.) DC.) fruits are solids of revolution”. Wang L, Shi P, Chen L, Gielis J, Niklas KJ, Botany letters , 1 (2023).
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Stomatal shape described by a superellipse in four Magnoliaceae species”. Li Q, Niklas KJJ, Niinemets U, Zhang L, Yu K, Gielis J, Gao J, Shi P, Botany letters , 1 (2023).
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Comparison of the performance of two polar equations in describing the geometries of elliptical fruits”. Yao W, Hui C, Wang L, Wang J, Gielis J, Shi P, Botany letters (2024).
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Ellipticalness index : a simple measure of the complexity of oval leaf shape”. Li Y, Quinn BK, Niinemets Ü, Schrader J, Gielis J, Liu M, Shi P, Pakistan journal of botany : An official publication of pakistan botanical society 54, 1 (2022).
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A note on spirals and curvature”. Gielis J, Caratelli D, Shi P, Ricci PE, Growth and form 1, 1 (2020).
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Parabolic trigonometry”. Dattoli G, Di Palma E, Gielis J, Licciardi S, International journal of applied and computational mathematics 6, 37 (2020).
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Exploring and selecting supershapes in virtual reality with line, quad, and cube shaped widgets”. Nicolau F, Gielis J, Simeone AL, Simoes Lopes D, , 21 (2022).
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Following the photons route : mathematical models describing the interaction of diatoms with light”. De Tommasi E, Rogato A, Caratelli D, Mescia L, Gielis J page 1 (2022).
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Ricci PE, Gielis J (2022) From Pythagoras to Fourier and from geometry to nature. 146 p
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Lamé, curves and Rvachev's R-functions”. Gielis J, Grigolia R, Sn –, 1512-0066 37, 1 (2022)
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Quantifying the variation in the geometries of the outer rims of corolla tubes of Vinca major L”. Wang L, Miao Q, Niinemets Ü, Gielis J, Shi P, Plants 11, 1987 (2022).
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Universal equations : a fresh perspective”. Gielis J, Shi P, Caratelli D, Growth and Form (2022)
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Comparison of two simplified versions of the Gielis equation for describing the shape of bamboo leaves”. Yao W, Niinemets Ü, Yao W, Gielis J, Schrader J, Yu K, Shi P, Plants 11, 3058 (2022).
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A general leaf area geometric formula exists for plants evidence from the simplified Gielis equation”. Shi P, Ratkowsky DA, Li Y, Zhang L, Lin S, Gielis J, Forests (19994907) 9, 714 (2018).
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About “bulky” links, generated by generalized Möbius-Listing bodies”. Gielis J, Tavkelidze I, Ricci PE page 115 (2011).
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