Number of records found: 1475
Overcoming Old Scaling Relations and Establishing New Correlations in Catalytic Surface Chemistry: Combined Effect of Charging and Doping”. Bal KM, Neyts EC, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 123, 6141 (2019).
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Nanosecond Pulsed Discharge for CO2Conversion: Kinetic Modeling To Elucidate the Chemistry and Improve the Performance”. Heijkers S, Martini LM, Dilecce G, Tosi P, Bogaerts A, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 123, 12104 (2019).
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C3N Monolayer: Exploring the Emerging of Novel Electronic and Magnetic Properties with Adatom Adsorption, Functionalizations, Electric Field, Charging, and Strain”. Bafekry A, Shayesteh SF, Peeters FM, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 123, 12485 (2019).
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Enhanced stability of single-layer w-Gallenene through hydrogenation”. Badalov SV, Yagmurcukardes M, Peeters FM, Sahin H, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 122, 28302 (2018).
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Single-layer Janus-type platinum dichalcogenides and their heterostructures”. Kahraman Z, Kandemir A, Yagmurcukardes M, Sahin H, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 123, 4549 (2019).
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CO2 activation on TiO2-supported Cu5 and Ni5 nanoclusters : effect of plasma-induced surface charging”. Jafarzadeh A, Bal KM, Bogaerts A, Neyts EC, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 123, 6516 (2019).
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Improving the Energy Efficiency of CO2Conversion in Nonequilibrium Plasmas through Pulsing”. Vermeiren V, Bogaerts A, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 123, 17650 (2019).
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Coupled plasmon modes in 2D gold nanoparticle clusters and their effect on local temperature control”. Borah R, Verbruggen SW, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 123, 30594 (2019).
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Predicting the surface plasmon resonance wavelength of gold-silver alloy nanoparticles”. Verbruggen SW, Keulemans M, Martens JA, Lenaerts S, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 117, 19142 (2013).
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Mechanistic studies of gas reactions with multicomponent solids : what can we learn by combining NAP XPS and atomic resolution STEM/EDX?”.Sirotina AP, Callaert C, Volykhov AA, Frolov AS, Sanchez-Barriga J, Knop-Gericke A, Hadermann J, Yashina LV, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 123, 26201 (2019).
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Vertical van der Waals heterostructure of single layer InSe and SiGe”. Eren I, Ozen S, Sozen Y, Yagmurcukardes M, Sahin H, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 123, 31232 (2019).
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Plasma-Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Methane on Pt(111): A Microkinetic Study on the Role of Different Plasma Species”. Loenders B, Engelmann Y, Bogaerts A, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 2966 (2021).
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Nd3+-Doped Lanthanum Oxychloride Nanocrystals as Nanothermometers”. Renero-Lecuna C, Herrero A, Jimenez de Aberasturi D, Martínez-Flórez M, Valiente R, Mychinko M, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 19887 (2021).
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Kinetic regulation of the synthesis of pentatwinned gold nanorods below room temperature”. Sanchez-Iglesias A, Jenkinson K, Bals S, Liz-Marzan LM, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 23937 (2021).
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Probing the electron beam-induced structural evolution of halide perovskite thin films by scanning transmission electron microscopy”. Zhou X-G, Yang C-Q, Sang X, Li W, Wang L, Yin Z-W, Han J-R, Li Y, Ke X, Hu Z-Y, Cheng Y-B, Van Tendeloo G, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 10786 (2021).
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Optimized 3D Reconstruction of Large, Compact Assemblies of Metallic Nanoparticles”. Altantzis T, Wang D, Kadu A, van Blaaderen A, Bals S, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 26240 (2021).
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Determining the molecular orientation on the metal nanoparticle surface through surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and density functional theory simulations”. Akbali B, Yagmurcukardes M, Peeters FM, Lin H-Y, Lin T-Y, Chen W-H, Maher S, Chen T-Y, Huang C-H, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 16289 (2021).
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Point defects in a two-dimensional ZnSnN₂, nanosheet : a first-principles study on the electronic and magnetic properties”. Bafekry A, Faraji M, Fadlallah MM, Mortazavi B, Ziabari AA, Khatibani AB, Nguyen C V, Ghergherehchi M, Gogova D, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 13067 (2021).
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Tetramethylbenzidine-TetrafluoroTCNQ (TMB-TCNQF(4)) : a narrow-gap semiconducting salt with room-temperature relaxor ferroelectric behavior”. Canossa S, Ferrari E, Sippel P, Fischer JKH, Pfattner R, Frison R, Masino M, Mas-Torrent M, Lunkenheimer P, Rovira C, Girlando A, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 25816 (2021).
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Computation of the thermal expansion coefficient of graphene with Gaussian approximation potentials”. Demiroglu I, Karaaslan Y, Kocabas T, Keceli M, Vazquez-Mayagoitia A, Sevik C, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 14409 (2021).
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Contrasting H-etching to OH-etching in plasma-assisted nucleation of carbon nanotubes”. Van de Sompel P, Khalilov U, Neyts EC, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 7849 (2021).
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DFT and microkinetic comparison of ru-doped porphyrin-like graphene and nanotubes toward catalytic formic acid decomposition and formation”. Nematollahi P, Ma H, Schneider WF, Neyts EC, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 18673 (2021).
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k ·, p parametrization and linear and circular dichroism in strained monolayer (Janus) transition metal dichalcogenides from first-principles”. Korkmaz YA, Bulutay C, Sevik C, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 7439 (2021).
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Modified chitosan coated mesoporous strontium hydroxyapatite nanorods as drug carriers”. Filippousi M, Siafaka PI, Amanatiadou EP, Nanaki SG, Nerantzaki M, Bikiaris DN, Vizirianakis IS, Van Tendeloo G, Journal of materials chemistry B : materials for biology and medicine 3, 5991 (2015).
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Magnetic Ordering in the Layered Cr(II) Oxide Arsenides Sr2CrO2Cr2As2and Ba2CrO2Cr2As2”. Xu X, Jones MA, Cassidy SJ, Manuel P, Orlandi F, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Clarke SJ, Inorganic Chemistry 59, 15898 (2020).
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Ambient and high pressure CuNiSb₂, : metal-ordered and metal-disordered NiAs-type derivative pnictides”. Skaggs CM, Kang C-J, Perez CJ, Hadermann J, Emge TJ, Frank CE, Pak C, Lapidus SH, Walker D, Kotliar G, Kauzlarich SM, Tan X, Greenblatt M, Inorganic Chemistry 59, 14058 (2020).
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Chemistry, local molybdenum clustering, and electrochemistry in the Li2+xMo1-xO3 solid solutions”. Savina AA, Saiutina VV, Morozov AV, Boev AO, Aksyonov DA, Dejoie C, Batuk M, Bals S, Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Inorganic chemistry 61, 5637 (2022).
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Structures and magnetic ordering in layered Cr oxide arsenides Sr₂CrO₂Cr₂OAs₂, and Sr₂CrO₃CrAs”. Sheath BC, Xu X, Manuel P, Hadermann J, Batuk M, O'Sullivan J, Bonilla RS, Clarke SJ, Inorganic chemistry 61, 10 (2022).
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The “Historical Materials BAG&rdquo, : a new facilitated access to synchrotron X-ray diffraction analyses for cultural heritage materials at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility”. Cotte M, Gonzalez V, Vanmeert F, Monico L, Dejoie C, Burghammer M, Huder L, de Nolf W, Fisher S, Fazlic I, Chauffeton C, Wallez G, Jimenez N, Albert-Tortosa F, Salvado N, Possenti E, Colombo C, Ghirardello M, Comelli D, Avranovich Clerici E, Vivani R, Romani A, Costantino C, Janssens K, Taniguchi Y, McCarthy J, Reichert H, Susini J, Molecules: a journal of synthetic chemistry and natural product chemistry 27, 1997 (2022).
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Impact of anionic ordering on the iron site distribution and valence states in oxyfluoride Sr2FeO3+xF1-x(x=0.08, 0.2) with a layered Perovskite network”. Gamon J, Bassat J-M, Villesuzanne A, Duttine M, Batuk M, Vandemeulebroucke D, Hadermann J, Alassani F, Weill F, Durand E, Demourgues A, Inorganic chemistry 62, 10822 (2023).
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