Number of records found: 7465
Orthorhombic vs. hexagonal epitaxial SrIrO3 thin films : structural stability and related electrical transport properties”. Bhat SG, Gauquelin N, Sebastian NK, Sil A, Béché, A, Verbeeck J, Samal D, Kumar PSA, Europhysics letters 122, 28003 (2018).
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A synchrotron radiation, HRTEM, X-ray powder diffraction, and Raman spectroscopic study of malayaite, CaSnSiO5”. Groat LA, Kek S, Bismayer U, Schmidt C, Krane HG, Meyer H, Nistor L, Van Tendeloo G, The American mineralogist 81, 595 (1996)
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Comparative study of electron temperature and excitation temperature in a magnetic pole enhanced-inductively coupled argon plasma”. Khan AW, Jan F, Saeed A, Zaka-ul-Islam M, Abrar M, Khattak NAD, Zakaullah M, Current applied physics 13, 1241 (2013).
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The superconducting bismuth-based mixed oxides”. Antipov EV, Khasanova NR, Pshirkov JS, Putilin SN, Bougerol C, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Baranov AN, Park YW, Current applied physics T2 –, QTSM and QFS 02 Symposium, MAY 08-10, 2002, SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA 2, 425 (2002).
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Analytical electron microscopy of silver halide photographic systems”. Oleshko VP, Gijbels RH, Jacob WA, Micron 31, 55 (2000).
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Do you believe that atoms stay in place when you observe them in HREM?”.van Dyck D, Lobato I, Chen F-R, Kisielowski C, Micron 68, 158 (2015).
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The effect of probe inaccuracies on the quantitative model-based analysis of high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy images”. Martinez GT, de Backer A, Rosenauer A, Verbeeck J, Van Aert S, Micron 63, 57 (2014).
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Electronic structure of Pd nanoparticles on carbon nanotubes”. Felten A, Ghijsen J, Pireaux J-J, Drube W, Johnson RL, Liang D, Hecq M, Van Tendeloo G, Bittencourt C, Micron 40, 74 (2009).
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Focused electron beam induced deposition as a tool to create electron vortices”. Béché, A, Winkler R, Plank H, Hofer F, Verbeeck J, Micron 80, 34 (2015).
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First-principles calculation of the electronic structure and energy loss near edge spectra of chiral carbon nanotubes”. Bertoni G, Calmels L, Micron 37, 486 (2006).
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Functionalization of MWCNTs with atomic nitrogen”. Ruelle B, Felten A, Ghijsen J, Drube W, Johnson RL, Liang D, Erni R, Van Tendeloo G, Sophie P, Dubois P, Godfroid T, Hecq M, Bittencourt C;, Micron 40, 85 (2009).
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How to optimize the experimental design of quantitative atomic resolution TEM experiments?”.Van Aert S, den Dekker AJ, van Dyck D, Micron 35, 425 (2004).
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Imaging from atomic structure to electronic structure”. Xu Q, Zandbergen HW, van Dyck D, Micron 43, 524 (2012).
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Model-based electron microscopy : from images toward precise numbers for unknown structure parameters”. Van Aert S, van den Broek W, Goos P, van Dyck D, Micron 43, 509 (2012).
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One-step synthesis of a suspended ultrathin graphene oxide film: Application in transmission electron microscopy”. Kirilenko DA, Dideykin AT, Aleksenskiy AE, Sitnikova AA, Konnikov SG, Vul' AY, Micron 68, 23 (2015).
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Study of changes in composition and EELS ionization edges upon Ni4Ti3 precipitation in a NiTi alloy”. Yang Z, Schryvers D, Micron 37, 503 (2006).
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Ultrastructure and composition of cell wall appositions in the roots of Asplenium (Polypodiales)”. Leroux O, Leroux F, Bagniewska-Zadworna, Knox JP, Claeys M, Bals S, Viane RLL, Micron 42, 863 (2011).
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Quantitative in-situ TEM nanotensile testing of single crystal Ni facilitated by a new sample preparation approach”. Samaeeaghmiyoni V, Idrissi H, Groten J, Schwaiger R, Schryvers D, Micron 94, 66 (2017).
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Strain mapping of semiconductor specimens with nm-scale resolution in a transmission electron microscope”. Cooper D, Denneulin T, Bernier N, Béché, A, Rouvière J-L, Micron 80, 145 (2016).
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Nanoscale investigation by TEM and STEM-EELS of the laser induced yellowing”. Godet M, Vergès-Belmin V, Gauquelin N, Saheb M, Monnier J, Leroy E, Bourgon J, Verbeeck J, Andraud C, Micron 115, 25 (2018).
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Effectiveness of reducing the influence of CTAB at the surface of metal nanoparticles during in situ heating studies by TEM”. De Meyer R, Albrecht W, Bals S, Micron 144, 103036 (2021).
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Assessing the sustainability of community forest management : a case study from Iran”. Jafari A, Kaji HS, Azadi H, Gebrehiwot K, Aghamir F, Van Passel S, Forest Policy And Economics 96, 1 (2018).
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Comparison of mono- and polyatomic primary ions for the characterization of organic dye overlayers with static secondary ion mass spectrometry”. Lenaerts J, van Vaeck L, Gijbels R, Van Luppen J, Rapid communications in mass spectrometry 18, 257 (2004).
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Matrix-enhanced secondary ion mass spectrometry: the influence of MALDI matrices on molecular ion yields of thin organic films”. Adriaensen L, Vangaever F, Lenaerts J, Gijbels R, Rapid communications in mass spectrometry 19, 1017 (2005).
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Secondary ion formation of low molecular weight organic dyes in time-of-flight static secondary ion mass spectrometry”. Lenaerts J, van Vaeck L, Gijbels R, Rapid communications in mass spectrometry 17, 2115 (2003).
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Large-volume injection combined with gas chromatography/isotope ratio mass spectrometry for the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons”. Buczyńska AJ, Geypens B, Van Grieken R, De Wael K, Rapid communications in mass spectrometry 28, 1 (2014).
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Analysis of 3D elemental distribution in nanomaterials : towards higher throughput and dose efficiency”. Skorikov A, Batenburg KJ, Bals S, Journal of microscopy 289, 157 (2023).
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The Split-operator technique for the study of spinorial wavepacket dynamics”. Chaves A, Farias GA, Peeters FM, Ferreira R, Communications in computational physics 17, 850 (2015).
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The extracellular matrix protein 1: its molecular interaction and implication in tumor progression”. Sercu S, Zhang L, Merregaert J, Cancer investigation 26, 375 (2008).
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Aerosol synthesis of fullerene nanocrystals in controlled flow reactor conditions”. Joutsensaari J, Ahonen PP, Kauppinen EI, Brown DP, Lehtinen KEJ, Jokiniemi JK, Pauwels B, Van Tendeloo G, Journal of nanoparticle research 2, 53 (2000)
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