Number of records found: 153
Molecular evidence for feedstock-dependent nucleation mechanisms of CNTs”. Khalilov U, Vets C, Neyts EC, Nanoscale Horizons 4, 674 (2019).
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Reactive plasma cleaning and restoration of transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers”. Marinov D, de Marneffe J-F, Smets Q, Arutchelvan G, Bal KM, Voronina E, Rakhimova T, Mankelevich Y, El Kazzi S, Nalin Mehta A, Wyndaele P-J, Heyne MH, Zhang J, With PC, Banerjee S, Neyts EC, Asselberghs I, Lin D, De Gendt S, npj 2D Materials and Applications 5, 17 (2021).
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Effect of van der Waals interactions on the adhesion strength at the interface of the hydroxyapatite-titanium biocomposite : a first-principles study”. Grubova IY, Surmeneva MA, Surmenev RA, Neyts EC, RSC advances 10, 37800 (2020).
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