Number of records found: 7465
Enzyme-gelatin electrochemical biosensors : scaling down”. De Wael K, De Belder S, Pilehar S, Van Steenberge G, Herrebout W, Heering HA, Biosensors 2, 101 (2012).
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Evaluation of energy-dispersive x-ray-spectra with the aid of expert systems”. Janssens K, van Espen P, Analytica chimica acta 191, 169 (1986).
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Evaluation of polyvinyl alcohol–borax/agarose (PVA–B/AG) blend hydrogels for removal of deteriorated consolidants from ancient Egyptian wall paintings”. Al-Emam E, Motawea AG, Janssens K, Caen J, Heritage science 7, 22 (2019).
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Evaluation of the ArmstrongBuseck correction for automated electron probe X-ray microanalysis of particles”. Storms HM, Janssens KH, Török SB, Van Grieken RE, X-ray spectrometry 18, 45 (1989).
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Examination of historical paintings by state-of-the-art hyperspectral imaging methods : from scanning infra-red spectroscopy to computed X-ray laminography”. Legrand S, Vanmeert F, van der Snickt G, Alfeld M, de Nolf W, Dik J, Janssens K, Heritage science 2, 13 (2014).
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A general Monte-Carlo simulation of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers : 1 : unpolarized radiation, homogenious samples”. Vincze L, Janssens K, Adams F, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 48, 553 (1993).
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High resolution micro-XRF maps of iron oxides inside sensory dendrites of putative avian magnetoreceptors”. Falkenberg G, Fleissner GE, Fleissner GUE, Schuchardt K, Kühbacher M, Chalmin E, Janssens K, Journal of physics : conference series 186, 012084 (2009).
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Identification of artificial orpiment in the interior decorations of the Japanese tower in Laeken, Brussels, Belgium”. Vermeulen M, Sanyova J, Janssens K, Heritage science 3, Unsp 9 (2015).
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The identification of chromophores in ancient glass by the use of UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy”. Meulebroeck W, Baert K, Wouters H, Cosyns P, Ceglia A, Cagno S, Janssens K, Nys K, Terryn H, Thienpont H, Proceedings of the Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers 7726, 77260d (2010).
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Imaging secondary reaction products at the surface of Vermeer's Girl with the Pearl Earring by means of macroscopic X-ray powder diffraction scanning”. De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Vertongen R, van Loon A, Gonzalez V, van der Snickt G, Vandivere A, Janssens K, Heritage science 7, 67 (2019).
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Implementation of an expert system for the qualitative interpretation of x-ray-fluorescence spectra”. Janssens K, van Espen P, Analytica chimica acta 184, 117 (1986).
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Increased accuracy in the automated interpretation of large epma data sets by the use of an expert system”. Janssens K, Vanborm W, van Espen P, Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards (1934) 93, 260 (1988).
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Integrated X-ray fluorescence and diffuse visible-to-near-infrared reflectance scanner for standoff elemental and molecular spectroscopic imaging of paints and works on paper”. Delaney JK, Conover DM, Dooley KA, Glinsman L, Janssens K, Loew M, Heritage science 6, 31 (2018).
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An intrusive portrait by Goya”. Bull D, Krekeler A, Alfeld M, Dik J, Janssens K, The Burlington magazine 153, 668 (2011)
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Jan Davidsz. de Heem (1606-1684): a technical examination of fruit and flower still lifes combining MA-XRF scanning, cross-section analysis and technical historical sources”. De Keyser N, van der Snickt G, Van Loon A, Legrand S, Wallert A, Janssens K, Heritage science 5, 38 (2017).
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LA-ICP-MS labels early medieval Tuscan finds from Siena and Donoratico as late natron glass”. Hellemans K, Cagno S, Bogana L, Janssens K, Mendera M, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23, 844 (2019).
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Label-free impedance aptasensor for major peanut allergen Ara h 1”. Trashin S, De Jong M, Breugelmans T, Pilehvar S, De Wael K, Electroanalysis 27, 32 (2015).
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MA-XRF imaging on Rene Magritte's La condition humaine : insights into the artist's palette and technique and the discovery of a third quarter of La pose enchantee”. da Silva AT, Legrand S, van der Snickt G, Featherstone R, Janssens K, Bottinelli G, Heritage science 5, 37 (2017).
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Macroscopic x-ray powder diffraction imaging reveals Vermeer's discriminating use of lead white pigments in Girl with a Pearl Earring”. De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Vertongen R, Van Loon A, Gonzalez V, Delaney J, Dooley K, Dik J, van der Snickt G, Vandivere A, Janssens K, Science Advances 5, eaax1975 (2019).
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Micro-heterogeneity study of trace elements in BCR CRM 680 by means of synchrotron micro-XRF”. Kempenaers L, de Koster C, van Borm W, Janssens K, Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry 369, 733 (2001).
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Micro-XANES determination of ferric iron and its application in thermobarometry”. Schmid R, Wilke M, Ober R, Dong S, Janssens K, Falkenberg G, Franz L, Gaab A, Lithos 70, 381 (2003).
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A micro XRF spectrometer based on rotating anode generator and capillary optics”. Janssens K, Vekemans B, Vincze L, Adams F, Rindby A, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 51, 1661 (1996)
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Microscopic X-ray fluorescence analysis”. Janssens K, Vincze L, Rubio J, Bernasconi G, Adams F, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 9, 151 (1994).
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Monte Carlo simulation of conventional and synchrotron energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometers”. Janssens K, Vincze L, van Espen P, Adams F, X-ray spectrometry 22, 234 (1993).
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The non-destructive determination of REE in fossilized bone using synchrotron radiation induced K-line X-ray microfluorescence analysis”. Janssens K, Vincze L, Vekemans B, Williams CT, Radtke M, Haller M, Knöchel A, Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry 363, 413 (1999).
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Optical readout of controlled monomer-dimer self-assembly”. Tarakanov PA, Tarakanova EN, Dorovatovskii PV, Zubavichus YV, Khrustalev VN, Trashin SA, De Wael K, Neganova ME, Mischenko DV, Sessler JL, Stuzhin PA, Pushkarev VE, Tomilova LG, Journal of the Chemical Society : Dalton transactions 47, 14169 (2018).
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Optics for X-ray microfluorescence to be used at the European synchrotron radiation facility”. Vincze L, Janssens K, Adams F, Advances in X-ray analysis 37, 553 (1994)
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PC-MCA : a software package for the acquisition and processing of spectral data”. Janssens K, Nobels J, van Espen P, Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems 3, 335 (1988).
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Polycyclodextrin and carbon nanotubes as composite for tyrosinase immobilization and its superior electrocatalytic activity towards butylparaben an endocrine disruptor”. Rather JA, Pilehvar S, De Wael K, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 15, 3365 (2015).
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Prediction of the optical characteristics and analytical qualities of an X-ray fluorescence microprobe at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble)”. van Langevelde F, Janssens KH, Adams FC, Vis RD, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research : A: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment 317, 383 (1992).
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