Number of records found: 8
Chiral Seeded Growth of Gold Nanorods Into 4‐Fold Twisted Nanoparticles with Plasmonic Optical Activity”. Ni B, Mychinko M, Gómez‐Graña S, Morales‐Vidal J, Obelleiro‐Liz M, Heyvaert W, Vila‐Liarte D, Zhuo X, Albrecht W, Zheng G, González‐Rubio G, Taboada JM, Obelleiro F, López N, Pérez‐Juste J, Pastoriza‐Santos I, Cölfen H, Bals S, Liz‐Marzán LM, Advanced materials , 2208299 (2022).
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Morphological and Optical Transitions during Micelle-Seeded Chiral Growth on Gold Nanorods”. Zhuo X, Mychinko M, Heyvaert W, Larios D, Obelleiro-Liz M, Taboada JM, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, ACS nano (2022).
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Single Crystal and Pentatwinned Gold Nanorods Result in Chiral Nanocrystals with Reverse Handedness”. Van Gordon K, Ni B, Girod R, Mychinko M, Bevilacqua F, Bals S, Liz‐Marzán LM, Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2024).
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Tuning the Growth of Chiral Gold Nanoparticles Through Rational Design of a Chiral Molecular Inducer”. Van Gordon K, Baúlde S, Mychinko M, Heyvaert W, Obelleiro-Liz M, Criado A, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, Mosquera J, Nano Letters (2023).
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The Influence of Size, Shape, and Twin Boundaries on Heat‐Induced Alloying in Individual Au@Ag Core–Shell Nanoparticles”. Mychinko M, Skorikov A, Albrecht W, Sánchez‐Iglesias A, Zhuo X, Kumar V, Liz‐Marzán LM, Bals S, Small , 2102348 (2021).
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Nd3+-Doped Lanthanum Oxychloride Nanocrystals as Nanothermometers”. Renero-Lecuna C, Herrero A, Jimenez de Aberasturi D, Martínez-Flórez M, Valiente R, Mychinko M, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 19887 (2021).
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Effect of cobalt content on the properties of quintuple perovskites Sm₂Ba₃Fe₅-xCoxO₁₅-δ”. Golovachev IB, Mychinko MY, Volkova NE, Gavrilova LY, Raveau B, Maignan A, Cherepanov VA, Journal Of Solid State Chemistry 301, 122324 (2021).
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Mychinko M (2024) Advanced Electron Tomography to Investigate the Growth and Stability of Complex Metal Nanoparticles = Geavanceerde Elektronentomografie om de Groei en Stabiliteit van Complexe Metallische Nanodeeltjes te Onderzoeken. 227 p
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