Number of records found: 2109
Temperature impact on sludge yield, settleability and kinetics of three heterotrophic conversions corroborates the prospect of thermophilic biological nitrogen removal”. Vandekerckhove TGL, De Mulder C, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 269, 104 (2018).
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Associations between PM2.5 and heart rate variability are modified by particle composition and beta-blocker use in patients with coronary heart disease”. de Hartog JJ, Lanki T, Timonen KL, Hoek G, Janssen NAH, Ibald-Mulli A, Peters A, Heinrich J, Tarkainen TH, Van Grieken R, van Wijnen JH, Brunekreef B, Pekkanen J, Environmental health perspectives 117, 105 (2009).
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Characteristics of atomic absorption calibration curves with the transversely heated graphite furnace”. Bencs L, Szakács O, Szoboszlai N, Ajtony Z, Bozsai G, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 18, 105 (2003).
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Characterization of colloidal and particulate matter transported by the Magela Creek system, Northern Australia”. Hart BT, Douglas GB, Beckett R, van Put A, Van Grieken R, Hydrological processes 7, 105 (1993)
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Infrared investigation of hard human teeth tissues exposed to various doses of ionizing radiation from the 1986 Chernobyl accident”. Darchuk LA, Zaverbna LV, Bebeshko VG, Worobiec A, Stefaniak EA, Van Grieken R, Spectroscopy 22, 105 (2008).
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Study of individual particle types and heavy metal deposition for North Sea aerosols using micro and trace analysis techniques”. Van Grieken R, Injuk J, de Bock L, van Malderen H page 105 (2000).
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Synthesis of a chelating cellulose filter with 2,2-diaminodiethylamine functional groups”. Smits J, Van Grieken R, Zeitschrift für angewandte Makromolekare Chemie 72, 105 (1978)
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Yang T (2023) Characterization of Laves phase structural evolution and regulation of its precipitation behavior in Al-Zn-Mg based alloys. ii, 106 p
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The patron of Hieronymus Bosch's 'Last Judgment' triptych in Vienna”. Koldeweij J, Hoogstede L, Ilsink M, Janssens K, De Keyser N, Gotink RK, Legrand S, Nauhaus JM, van der Snickt G, Spronk R, The Burlington magazine 160, 106 (2018)
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Mixed layers in copper based superconducting materials”. Hervieu, Van Tendeloo G, Michel, Pelloquin, Raveau, Microscopy, microanalysis, microstructures 7, 107 (1996).
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New erbium silicide superstructures: a study by high resolution electron microscopy”. Frangis N, Van Tendeloo G, van Landuyt J, Kaltsas G, Travlos A, Nassiopoulos AG, Physica status solidi: A: applied research 158, 107 (1996)
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Structural instabilities associated with phase transitions: an electron microscopy study”. Van Tendeloo G, Schryvers D, Tanner LE, , 107 (1992)
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How participation in vegetables market affects livelihoods : empirical evidence from Northern Ethiopia”. Gebrehiwot NT, Azadi H, Taheri F, Van Passel S, Journal of international food and agribusiness marketing 30, 107 (2018).
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Emerging halogenated flame retardants in the indoor environment”. Poma G, McGrath TJ, Christia C, Govindan M, Covaci A, Comprehensive analytical chemistry 88, 107 (2020).
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Background aerosol composition at Gobabeb, South West Africa”. Annegarn H, Van Grieken R, van Espen P, von Blottnitz F, Sellschop J, Winchester J, Maenhaut W, Madoqua , 107 (1976)
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Characterization of individual environmental particles by beam techniques”. Xhoffer C, Wouters L, Artaxo P, van Put A, Van Grieken R page 107 (1992).
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A note about generalized forms of the Gielis formula”. Gielis J, Natalini P, Ricci PE page 107 (2017).
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Chemkar PM10 : an extensive look at the local differences in chemical composition of PM10 in Flanders, Belgium”. Vercauteren J, Matheeussen C, Wauters E, Roekens E, Van Grieken R, Krata A, Makarovska Y, Maenhaut W, Chi X, Geypens B, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 45, 108 (2011).
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Rapid on-site detection of illicit drugs in smuggled samples with a portable electrochemical device”. Parrilla M, Slosse A, Van Echelpoel R, Montiel FN, Langley AR, Van Durme F, De Wael K, Chemosensors 10, 108 (2022).
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AXIL-PC, software for the analysis of complex-x-ray spectra”. van Espen P, Janssens K, Nobels J, Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems 1, 109 (1986).
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Accounting for land-use efficiency and temporal variations between brownfield remediation alternatives in life-cycle assessment”. Beames A, Broekx S, Heijungs R, Lookman R, Boonen K, Van Geert Y, Dendoncker K, Seuntjens P, Journal of cleaner production 101, 109 (2015).
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Microbial fixation of CO2 in water bodies and in drylands to combat climate change, soil loss and desertification”. Rossi F, Olguin EJ, Diels L, De Philippis R, New biotechnology 32, 109 (2015).
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Advanced particle swarm optimization methods for electromagnetics”. Mescia L, Bia P, Gielis J, Caratelli D, , 109 (2023).
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Assessing the success of electricity demand response programs : a meta-analysis”. Srivastava A, Van Passel S, Laes E, Energy Research and Social Science 40, 110 (2018).
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Analise de solos por meio de fluorescencia de raios-X nao-dispersiva”. Costa Dantas C, Da Silveira Dantas H, Van 't dack L, Van Grieken R, Química nova 4, 110 (1981)
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Value in sustainable materials management strategies for open economies case of Flanders (Belgium)”. Christis M, Geerken T, Vercalsteren A, Vrancken KCM, Resources, conservation and recycling 103, 110 (2015).
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The use of full-field XRF for simultaneous elemental mapping”. Alfeld M, Janssens K, Sasov A, Liu X, Kostenko A, Rickers-Appel K, Falkenberg G, , 111 (2010).
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The value of groundwater modeling to support a pump and treat design”. Compernolle T, Van Passel S, Lebbe L, Groundwater monitoring &, remediation 33, 111 (2013).
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Application of thin-window EPMA to environmental problems in Hungary”. Osán J, Kurunczi S, Török S, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Microchimica acta 139, 111 (2002).
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Atmospheric aerosol and stone conservation”. Van Grieken R, Delalieux F, Cardell Fernandez C page 111 (1999).
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