Number of records found: 2109
Atmospheric particles”. Harrison RM, Van Grieken RE page 610 p. (1998).
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Correlation between aerosols, deposits, and weathering crusts on ancient marbles”. Moropoulou A, Bisbikou K, Van Grieken R, Torfs K, Polikreti K, Environmental technology 22, 607 (2001).
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Distribution of atmospheric marine salt depositions over Continental Western Europe”. Delalieux F, Van Grieken R, Potgieter JH, Marine pollution bulletin 52, 606 (2006).
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Electron microscopy study of coiled carbon tubules”. Bernaerts D, Zhang XB, Zhang XF, Amelinckx S, Van Tendeloo G, van Landuyt J, Ivanov V, Nagy JB, Philosophical magazine: A: physics of condensed matter: defects and mechanical properties 71, 605 (1995).
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A case study of high-temperature corrosion in rotary cement kilns”. Potgieter JH, Godoi RHM, Van Grieken R, Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 104, 603 (2004)
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Temperate bamboos in ornamental horticulture: differentiators and spillover effects into the 21st century”. Gielis J page 603 (2012).
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Ultrastructural localization of aluminium in liver of aluminium maltol-treated rabbits by laser microprobe mass analysis”. Vandeputte D, Van Grieken RE, Jacob WA, Savory J, Bertholf RL, Wills MR, Biomedical and environmental mass spectrometry 18, 598 (1989).
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Laboratory-scale membrane up-concentration and co-anaerobic digestion for energy recovery from sewage and kitchen waste”. Nguyen Thi Tuyet, Nguyen Phuoc Dan, Nguyen Cong Vu, Nguyen Le Hoang Trung, Bui Xuan Thanh, De Wever H, Goemans M, Diels L, Water science and technology 73, 597 (2016).
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Quantum oscillations in the Hall effect of thin Sc1-xErxAs epitaxial layers burried in GaAs”. Bogaerts R, de Keyser A, Herlach F, Peeters FM, DeRosa F, Palmstrøm CJ, Brehmer D, Allen SJ, , 596 (1995)
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Laser microprobe Fourier transform mass spectrometer with external ion source for organic and inorganic microanalysis”. Struyf H, van Roy W, van Vaeck L, Gijbels R, Caravatti P San Francisco Press, San Francisco, Calif., page 595 (1993).
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Enhanced biomethanation of kitchen waste by different pre-treatments”. Ma J, Duong TH, Smits M, Verstraete W, Carballa M, Bioresource technology 102, 592 (2011).
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Laser microprobe mass spectrometric identification of cyclosporine-induced intrarenal microliths in rat”. Verbueken AH, Van Grieken RE, Verpooten GA, de Broe ME, Wedeen RP, Biological mass spectrometry 21, 590 (1992).
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A peculiar diffraction effect in FCC crystals of C60”. Amelinckx S, van Heurck C, van Dyck D, Van Tendeloo G, Physica status solidi: A: applied research 131, 589 (1992).
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Process development for hydrometallurgical recovery of valuable metals from sulfide-rich residue generated in a secondary lead smelter”. Kim E, Roosen J, Horckmans L, Spooren J, Broos K, Binnemans K, Vrancken KCM, Quaghebeur M, Hydrometallurgy 169, 589 (2017).
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High field magnetotransport in a Ga0.8In0.2As quantum well with a parallel δ-layer”. van der Burgt M, Karavolas VC, Peeters FM, Singleton J, Nicholas RJ, Herlach F, Harris JJ, van Hove M, Borghs G, , 588 (1995)
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A spatial approach to identify priority areas for pesticide pollution mitigation”. Quaglia G, Joris I, Broekx S, Desmet N, Koopmans K, Vandaele K, Seuntjens P, Journal of environmental management 246, 583 (2019).
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Why does not the leaf weight-area allometry of bamboos follow the 3/2-power law?”.Lin S, Shao L, Hui C, Song Y, Reddy GVP, Gielis J, Li F, Ding Y, Wei Q, Shi P, Reddy GVP, Frontiers in plant science 9, 583 (2018).
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Benchmark study on algae harvesting with backwashable submerged flat panel membranes”. de Baerdemaeker T, Lemmens B, Dotremont C, Fret J, Roef L, Goiris K, Diels L, Bioresource technology 129, 582 (2013).
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Resource recovery from pig manure via an integrated approach : a technical and economic assessment for full-scale applications”. De Vrieze J, Colica G, Pintucci C, Sarli J, Pedizzi C, Willeghems G, Bral A, Varga S, Prat D, Peng L, Spiller M, Buysse J, Colsen J, Benito O, Carballa M, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 272, 582 (2019).
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Characterization and optimization of \beta-galactosidase immobilization process on a mixed-matrix membrane”. Jochems P, Satyawali Y, van Roy S, Doyen W, Diels L, Dejonghe W, Enzyme and microbial technology 49, 580 (2011).
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Platinum : environmental pollution and health effects”. Bencs L, Ravindra K, Van Grieken R page 580 (2011).
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Detection of a Ca-rich lithology in the Earth's deep (>, 300 km) convecting mantle”. Brenker FE, Vincze L, Vekemans B, Nasdala L, Stachel T, Vollmer C, Kersten M, Somogyi A, Adams F, Joswig W, Harris JW, Earth and planetary science letters 236, 579 (2005).
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Editorial: Award for best XRS referee during 2007-2008”. Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 37, 571 (2008).
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Geophysical applicability of aerosol size distribution measurements using cascade impactors and proton-induced X-ray-emission”. Van Grieken RE, Johansson TB, Akselsson KR, Winchester JW, Nelson JW, Chapman KR, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 10, 571 (1976).
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Measuring adaptive capacity of urban wastewater infrastructure : change impact and change propagation”. Spiller M, The science of the total environment 601-602, 571 (2017).
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Penetration of atmospheric aerosols during collection in cellulose filters, studied by secondary ion mass spectrometry”. Rojas CM, Goossens D, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 20, 569 (1989).
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Speciation and surface analysis of single particles using electron-excited X-ray emission spectrometry”. Szalóki I, Ro C-U, Osán J, de Hoog J, Van Grieken R page 569 (2004).
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Airborne particles in the Miyagi Museum of Art in Sendai, Japan, studied by electron probe X-ray microanalysis and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis”. Injuk J, Osán J, Van Grieken R, Tsuji K, Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 18, 561 (2002).
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Doped albumin : stndardization possibilities for LAMMA-analysis of thin freeze-dried cryosections of biological tissue”. Verbueken AH, Jacob WA, Frederik PM, Busing WM, Hersten RC, Van Grieken RE, Journal de physique 45, 561 (1984)
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Effects of beamline components (undulators, monochromator, focusing devices) on the beam intensity at ID18F (ESRF)”. Somogyi A, Drakopoulos M, Vekemans B, Vincze L, Simionovici AS, Adams F, Nuclear instruments and methods: B 199, 559 (2003).
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