Number of records found: 216
Surface analysis of halide distributions in complex AgX microcrystals by imaging time-of-flight SIMS (TOF-SIMS)”. Verlinden G, Gijbels R, Geuens I, de Keyzer R Antwerp, page 528 (1998).
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Cytokinin dynamics in cell suspension cultures of Bambusa balcooa Roxburgh using UPLC-ESI/MS/MS”. Van den Akker S, Bormans P, Peeters H, Gielis J, Prinsen E page 539 (2012).
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Speciation and surface analysis of single particles using electron-excited X-ray emission spectrometry”. Szalóki I, Ro C-U, Osán J, de Hoog J, Van Grieken R page 569 (2004).
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Laser microprobe Fourier transform mass spectrometer with external ion source for organic and inorganic microanalysis”. Struyf H, van Roy W, van Vaeck L, Gijbels R, Caravatti P San Francisco Press, San Francisco, Calif., page 595 (1993).
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Temperate bamboos in ornamental horticulture: differentiators and spillover effects into the 21st century”. Gielis J page 603 (2012).
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In situ HREM study of electron irradiation effects in AgCl microcrystals”. Goessens C, Schryvers D, de Keyzer R, van Landuyt J Eurem 92, Granada, page 646 (1992).
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Sample preparation for XRF”. Injuk J, Van Grieken RE page 657 (1992).
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Scanning microanalysis”. Oleshko V, Gijbels R Vch, Weinheim, page 661 (1997).
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Scanning microanalysis”. Oleshko V, Gijbels R Vch, Weinheim, page 661 (1996).
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Provenance analysis of glass artefacts”. Gratuze B, Janssens K page 663 (2004).
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Glow discharge mass spectrometry, methods”. Bogaerts A Academic Press, San Diego, Calif., page 669 (2000).
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Complex structural and analytical characterization of silver halide photographic systems by means of analytical electron microscopy”. Oleshko V, Gijbels R, Jacob W, Alfimov M Editions de physique, Les Ulis, page 701 (1994).
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Weathering products and surface recession rates for sandy limestones exposed to air pollution”. Roekens E, Van Raemdonck C, Leysen L, Chakravorty R, Van Grieken R page 707 (1987).
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Photographic materials”. Verlinden G, Gijbels R, Geuens I Surface Spectra IM, Chichester, page 727 (2001).
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Study of the heavy metal concentration, deposition and sources of the North Sea aerosols using X-ray emission techniques”. Injuk J, van Malderen H, Van Grieken R page 793 (1993).
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Environmental problems”. Jambers W, Van Grieken RE page 803 (1997).
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Spatial and temporal variations in particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) levels over Menen (Belgium) and their relation with air mass trajectories”. Ravindra K, Wauters E, Van Grieken R page 838 (2007).
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The crystal structure of YSr2Cu3O6+x determined by HREM”. Lebedev O, Van Tendeloo G, Marezio M, Licci F, Gilioli E, Gauzzi A, Prodi A s.l., page 877 (2002).
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Sample preparation for X-ray fluorescence”. Schmeling M, Van Grieken RE page 933 (2002).
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Application of laser microprobe mass analysis (LAMMA) to problems in nephrology”. Verbueken AH, Van de Vyver FL, Visser WJ, de Broe ME, Van Grieken RE page 987 (1986).
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Structural phase transition in (La0.67Ca0.33MnO3)1-x: (MgO)x composite film”. Lebedev O, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Shapoval O, Belenchuk A, Moshnyaga V, Damaschke B, Samwer K s.l., page 1013 (2002).
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High-resolution electron microscopy for semiconducting materials science”. van Landuyt J, Vanhellemont J Elsevier, Amsterdam, page 1109 (1994).
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Accurate measurements of atomic displacements in La0.9Sr0.1MnO3 thin films grown on a SrTiO3 substrate”. Geuens P, Lebedev OI, van Dyck D, Van Tendeloo G s.l., page 1133 (2000).
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The notion of resolution”. Van Aert S, den Dekker AJ, van Dyck D, van den Bos A Springer, Berlin, page 1228 (2008).
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The notion of resolution”. Van Aert S, den Dekker AJ, van Dyck D, van den Bos A Springer, Berlin, page 1228 (2007).
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Characterization of Yenisey River U-particles using a combination of μ-XRF, μ-XRD and U-LIII μ-XANES”. Lind OC, Claussen-Kjerre L, de Nolf W, Falkenberg G, Jaroszewicz J, Janssens K, Salbu B page 1279 (2008).
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Reexamination of U and Pu in particles from Thule and Palomares by μ-XRD”. Lind O-C, Salbu B, de Nolf W, Jaroszewicz J, Janssens K, Falkenberg G page 1297 (2008).
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Quantitative Fe determination inside tomato roots by confocal μ-XRF”. Terzano R, Spagnuolo M, Ruggiero P, Vekemans B, Scoonjans T, Vincze L, Janssens K, Tomasi N, Cesco S, Falkenberg G page 1513 (2008).
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High-E scanning m-XRF experiment on test paintings”. Dik J, Janssens K, van der Snickt G, Wallert A, Rickers K, Falkenberg G page 1589 (2008).
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Combined micro-XRF/XRPD tomography on historical and modern paint multilayer samples at Beamline L”. de Nolf W, Jaroszewicz J, van der Snickt G, Janssens K, Farnell S, Klaassen L page 1633 (2008).
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