Number of records found: 2704
Geothermal water analysis by X-ray fluorescence and neutron activation”. van Grieken R, Gijbels R, Blommaert W, Vandelannoote R, Van 't dack L US Energy Research and Development Administration, S.l., page 368 (1978).
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Gold particles supported on TiO2”. Giorgio S, Henry CR, Pauwels B, Van Tendeloo G, , 369 (2000)
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Future of m-XRF”. Adams F, Janssens K page 370 (2000).
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Immunoreactivity for p53 protein in malignant mesothelioma and non-neoplastic mesothelium”. Ramael M, Lemmens G, Eerdekens C, Buysse C, Deblier I, Jacobs W, Van Marck E, The journal of pathology 168, 371 (1992).
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Selective leaching of Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn from secondary lead smelting residues”. Kim E, Horckmans L, Spooren J, Vrancken KC, Quaghebeur M, Broos K, Hydrometallurgy 169, 372 (2017).
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M\alpha/L\alpha intensity ratios for Ta, W, Pt, Au, Pb and Bi for electron energies in the 11-40 keV range”. Trincavelli J, Montoro S, van Espen P, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 22, 372 (1993).
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Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods”. Janssens K, Alfeld M, Van der Snickt G, De Nolf W, Vanmeert F, Monico L, Legrand S, Dik J, Cotte M, Falkenberg G, van der Loeff L, Leeuwestein M, Hendriks E page 373 (2014).
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Martensitic transformations studied on nano- and microscopic length scales”. Schryvers D, Boullay P, Potapov P, Satto C, Festkörperprobleme 40, 375 (2000)
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Impact of carbon to nitrogen ratio and aeration regime on mainstream deammonification”. Han M, De Clippeleir H, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Vlaeminck SE, Bott C, Murthy S, Water science and technology 74, 375 (2016).
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Laser microprobe mass analysis (LAMMA) in nephrological investigations”. Verbueken AH, Van de Vyver FL, Paulus GJ, Visser WJ, Verpooten GA, de Broe ME, Van Grieken RE page 375 (1984).
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Substrate selection for optimum qualitative and quantitative single atmospheric particles analysis using nano-manipulation, sequential thin-window electron probe X-ray microanalysis and micro-Raman spectrometry”. Godoi RHM, Potgieter-Vermaak S, de Hoog J, Kaegi R, Van Grieken R, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 61, 375 (2006).
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Impact of urban land use on the bacterial phyllosphere of ivy (Hedera sp.)”. Smets W, Wuyts K, Oerlemans E, Wuyts S, Denys S, Samson R, Lebeer S, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 147, 376 (2016).
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Enhanced carbon and nitrogen removal performance of simultaneous anammox and denitrification (SAD) with mannitol addition treating saline wastewater”. Yang Z, Zhu W, Yu D, Bo Y, Li J, Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology 94, 377 (2019).
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Ultra-thin window electron probe microanalysis of suspended particles in tributaries of Lake Baikal, Siberia”. Semenov MY, Spolnik Z, Granina L, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 85, 377 (2005).
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Analysis of X-ray spectra excited by X rays, electrons, and protons in monazite”. Annegarn HJ, Madiba CCP, Sellschop JPF, Genz H, Hoffmann DHH, Low W, Richter A, Van Grieken RE, Physical review : C : nuclear physics 16, 379 (1977).
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Protection of stone monuments using a brushing treatment with ammonium oxalate”. Mudronja D, Vanmeert F, Fazinic S, Janssens K, Tibljas D, Desnica V, Coatings 11, 379 (2021).
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Orientation fluctuations, diffuse scattering and orientational order in solid C60”. Michel KH, Copley JRD World Scientific, Singapore, page 381 (1996).
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Micro-XANES determination of ferric iron and its application in thermobarometry”. Schmid R, Wilke M, Ober R, Dong S, Janssens K, Falkenberg G, Franz L, Gaab A, Lithos 70, 381 (2003).
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Relative evaluation of neutron activation, X-ray fluorescence and spark source mass spectrometry for multi-element analysis of geothermal waters”. Blommaert W, Vandelannoote R, Van 't dack L, Gijbels R, van Grieken R, Journal of radioanalytical chemistry 57, 382 (1980)
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A cyclotron resonance study of the resonant polaron coupling in CdTe/CdMgTe quantum wells”. Chang CC, Michels JG, Cheng HH, Nicholas RJ, Peeters FM, Wu XG, Ossau W, Waag A, Landwehr G, , 383 (1997)
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Modification of the 2D electronic properties in Si-δ-doped InSb due to surface effects”. de Keyser A, Bogaerts R, van Bockstal L, Herlach F, Karavolas VC, Peeters FM, van de Graaf W, Borghs G, , 383 (1997)
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Structural properties of Au clusters on MgO”. Pauwels B, Van Tendeloo G, Bouwen W, Kuhn LT, Lievens P, , 383 (2000)
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Prediction of the optical characteristics and analytical qualities of an X-ray fluorescence microprobe at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble)”. van Langevelde F, Janssens KH, Adams FC, Vis RD, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research : A: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment 317, 383 (1992).
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Dispersal of suspended matter in Makasar Strait and the Flores Basin”. Eisma D, Kalf J, Karmini M, Mook WG, Van Put A, Bernard P, Van Grieken R, Netherlands journal of sea research 24, 383 (1989).
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Monitoring of tropospheric ozone in the ambient air with passive samplers”. Alejo ellys, Morales MC, Nuñez V, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, van Espen P, Microchemical journal 99, 383 (2011).
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Unconventional microanalysis for low-Z, volatile and organic aerosol compounds”. Worobiec A, de Hoog J, Osán J, Szalóki I, Joos P, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 31, 384 (2000)
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Simultaneous determination of silicon and phosphorus in cast iron by 14 MeV neutron activation analysis”. Van Grieken R, Speecke A, Hoste J, Journal of radioanalytical chemistry 6, 385 (1970).
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Trace metals in the St-Louis aerosol”. Winchester JW, Meinert DL, Nelson JW, Johansson TB, Van Grieken RE, Orsini C, Kaufmann HC, Akselsson R page 385 (1975).
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Optimisation of light element analysis of individual particles using UTW-EPMA”. de Hoog J, Osán J, Worobiec A, Ro C-U, Szalóki I, Joos P, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 31, 388 (2000)
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Interactions between DC plasma and HF fields”. Cenian A, Chernukho A, Leys C, Bogaerts A, , 389 (2001)
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