Number of records found: 2109
Auranofin repurposing for lung and pancreatic cancer : low CA12 expression as a marker of sensitivity in patient-derived organoids, with potentiated efficacy by AKT inhibition”. Deben C, Freire Boullosa L, Rodrigues Fortes F, Cardenas De La Hoz E, Le Compte M, Seghers S, Peeters M, Vanlanduit S, Lin A, Dijkstra KK, Van Schil P, Hendriks JMH, Prenen H, Roeyen G, Lardon F, Smits E, Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research 43, 88 (2024).
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Microscopic synchroton radiation induced X-ray fluorescence analysis”. Janssens K, Vincze L, Aerts A, Vekemans B, Adams F, Jones K, Knöchel A, Mikrochimica acta: supplementum , 87 (1996)
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The preparation and preliminary characterisation of eight geological MPI-DING reference glasses for in-site microanalysis”. Jochum KP, Dingwell DB, Rocholl A, Janssens K, Vincze L, et al, Geostandards newsletter 24, 87 (2000).
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Synchrotron radiation induced X-ray microfluorescence analysis”. Janssens K, Vincze L, Vekemans B, Aerts A, Adams F, Jones KW, Knöchel A, Microchimica acta T2 –, 4th Workshop of the European-Microanalysis-Society on Modern, Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis, MAY, 1995, ST MALO, FRANCE , 87 (1996)
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Nitrogen cycling in bioregenerative life support systems : challenges for waste refinery and food production processes”. Clauwaert P, Muys M, Alloul A, De Paepe J, Luther A, Sun X, Ilgrande C, Christiaens MER, Hu X, Zhang D, Lindeboom REF, Sas B, Rabaey K, Boon N, Ronsse F, Geelen D, Vlaeminck SE, Progress in aerospace sciences 91, 87 (2017).
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Thermodynamic equilibrium theory revealing increased hysteresis in ferroelectric field-effect transistors with free charge accumulation”. Bizindavyi J, Verhulst AS, Sorée B, Vandenberghe WG, Communications Physics 4, 86 (2021).
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Correlations géothermométriques des éléments-traces des hydrothermes de terrains granitiques (Bulgarie Méridionale)”. Pentcheva EN, Van 't dack L, Veldeman E, Gijbels R, Doklady na Balgarskata Akademija na Naukite 44, 85 (1992)
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Exhaust composition of a small diesel engine”. Smits M, Vanpachtenbeke F, Hauchecorne B, van Langenhove H, Demeestere K, Lenaerts S, Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 77, 85 (2012)
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The elemental chemistry of sediments in the Nainital lake, Kumaun Himalaya, India”. Das BK, Singh M, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 168, 85 (1995).
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Immune cells enhance selectivity of nanosecond-pulsed DBD plasma against tumor cells”. Lin A, Truong B, Fridman G, Friedman AA, Miller V, Plasma medicine 7, 85 (2017).
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Methods and materials of the Amsterdam sunflowers”. Geldof M, Monico L, Johnson DH, Miliani C, Romani A, Grazia C, Buti D, Brunetti BG, Janssens K, Van der Snickt G, Vanmeert F page 85 (2019).
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Selenium content of soils and rye grass (Lolium multiflorum) in Belgium”. vanden Berghe D, Deelstra H, Robberecht H, Van Grieken R page 85 (1981).
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Performance of a new compact EDXRF spectrometer for aerosol analysis”. Samek L, Injuk J, van Espen P, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 31, 84 (2002).
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On the quasi-random entropy of linear species”. Slanina Z, Martin JML, François JP, Gijbels R, Theochem: applications of theoretical chemistry to organic, inorganic and biological problems 99, 83 (1993)
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Combined Micro- and Macro scale X-ray powder diffraction mapping of degraded Orpiment paint in a 17th century still life painting by Martinus Nellius”. Simoen J, De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, De Keyser N, Avranovich E, van der Snickt G, Van Loon A, Keune K, Janssens K, Heritage science 7, 83 (2019).
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The addition of organic carbon and nitrate affects reactive transport of heavy metals in sandy aquifers”. Satyawali Y, Seuntjens P, Van Roy S, Joris I, Vangeel S, Dejonghe W, Vanbroekhoven K, Journal of contaminant hydrology 123, 83 (2011).
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A biogeometrical model for corolla fusion in Asclepiad flowers”. Gielis J, Caratelli D, Fougerolle Y, Ricci PE, Gerats T page 83 (2017).
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Composition and sources of atmospheric particulate matter at Kayseri, Central Turkey”. Kartal S, Dogan M, Rojas CM, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 133, 83 (1993).
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Preparation of conducting electrodes from biological samples for multi-element trace analysis by spark-source mass spectrometry or emission spectrometry”. Vos L, Van Grieken R, Analytica chimica acta 164, 83 (1984).
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Mathematical modelling of an analytical glow discharge”. Bogaerts A, van Straaten M, Gijbels R KD Marketing Services, Milton Keynes, page 82 (1995).
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Simulation of poly-capillary lenses for coherent and partially coherent x-rays”. Vincze L, Kukhlevsky SV, Janssens K, Proceedings of the Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers T2 –, Conference on Advances in Computational Methods for X-Ray and Neutron, Optics, AUG 03-05, 2004, Denver, CO , 81 (2004).
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About some methods of analytic representation and classification of a wide set of geometric figures with “complex&rdquo, configuration”. Tavkhelidze I, Gielis J, Pinelas S, Sn –, 1512-0066 34, 81 (2020)
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Chelating 2,2′-diaminodiethylamine cellulose filters and X-ray fluorescence for preconcentration and trace analysis of natural waters”. Smits J, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 9, 81 (1981).
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Chemical composition of suspended matter and sediments from the Indian sub-continent: a fifteen-year research survey”. Dekov VM, Subramanian V, Van Grieken R page 81 (1998).
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Comparison and evaluation of hierarchical cluster techniques applied to automated electron probe X-ray microanalysis data”. Bernard PC, Van Grieken RE, Analytica chimica acta 267, 81 (1992).
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Historical changes in air pollution in the tri-border region of Poland, Czech Republic and Germany”. Worobiec A, Zwozdziak A, Sówka I, Zwozdziak J, Stefaniak EA, Buczyńska A, Krata A, van Meel K, Van Grieken R, Górka M, Jedrysek M-O, Environment protection engineering 34, 81 (2008)
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Radiochemical study of Cd, Co and Eu-coprecititation with iron hydroxide in seawater”. Chakravorty R, Van Grieken R, Mikrochimica acta 3, 81 (1986)
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CFD-modelling of activated carbon fibers for indoor air purification”. Roegiers J, Denys S, Chemical engineering journal 365, 80 (2019).
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Titanium (germano-)silicides featuring 10-9 Ω.cm2 contact resistivity and improved compatibility to advanced CMOS technology”. Yu H, Schaekers M, Chew SA, Eyeraert J-L, Dabral A, Pourtois G, Horiguchi N, Mocuta D, Collaert N, De Meyer K, 2018 18th International Workshop On Junction Technology (iwjt) , 80 (2018)
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Characterization of double structure tabular microcrystals of silver halide emulsions by means of electron energy-loss spectroscopy, zero-loss electron spectroscopic imaging and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis”. Oleshko V, Gijbels R, Jacob W, Lakiere F, van Daele A, Silaev E, Kaplun L, Microscopy, microanalysis, microstructures 6, 79 (1995).
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