Number of records found: 7465
The path to sustainable energy supply systems: Proposal of an integrative sustainability assessment framework”. Buchmayr A, Verhofstadt E, Van Ootegem L, Sanjuan Delmás D, Thomassen G, Dewulf J, Renewable &, Sustainable Energy Reviews 138, 110666 (2021).
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Urban green infrastructure: A review on valuation toolkits from an urban planning perspective”. Van Oijstaeijen W, Van Passel S, Cools J, Journal Of Environmental Management 267, 110603 (2020).
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Diffusion of interacting particles in discrete geometries”. Becker T, Nelissen K, Cleuren B, Partoens B, van den Broeck C, Physical review letters 111, 110601 (2013).
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Quantitative FIB/SEM three-dimensional characterization of a unique Ni₄Ti₃, network in a porous Ni50.8Ti49.2 alloy undergoing a two-step martensitic transformation”. Cao S, Zeng CY, Li YY, Yao X, Ma X, Samaee V, Schryvers D, Zhang XP, Materials Characterization 169, 110595 (2020).
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Adsorption of molecules on C3N nanosheet : a first-principles calculations”. Bafekry A, Ghergherehchi M, Shayesteh SF, Peeters FM, Chemical physics 526, 110442 (2019).
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Modeling the hygrothermal behavior of green walls in Comsol Multiphysics®, : validation against measurements in a climate chamber”. Alvarado-Alvarado AA, De Bock A, Ysebaert T, Belmans B, Denys S, Building and environment 238, 110377 (2023).
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Impact of rough substrates on hydrogen-doped indium oxides for the application in CIGS devices”. Erfurt D, Koida T, Heinemann MD, Li C, Bertram T, Nishinaga J, Szyszka B, Shibata H, Klenk R, Schlatmann R, Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 206, 110300 (2020).
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Terahertz optoelectronic properties of synthetic single crystal diamond”. Xiao H, Zhang Z, Xu W, Wang Q, Xiao Y, Ding L, Huang J, Li H, He B, Peeters FM, Diamond and related materials 139, 110266 (2023).
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Atomic-resolution interfacial structures and diffusion kinetics in Gd/Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 magnetocaloric/thermoelectric composites”. Wei P, Ke B, Xing L, Li C, Ma S, Nie X, Zhu W, Sang X, Zhang Q, Van Tendeloo G, Zhao W, Materials Characterization 163, 110240 (2020).
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TEM investigation of the role of the polycrystalline-silicon film/substrate interface in high quality radio frequency silicon substrates”. Ding L, Raskin J-P, Lumbeeck G, Schryvers D, Idrissi H, Materials Characterization 161, 110174 (2020).
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Interfacial characteristics and cohesion mechanisms of linear friction welded dissimilar titanium alloys: Ti–5Al–2Sn–2Zr–4Mo–4Cr (Ti17) and Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo (Ti6242)”. Boyat X, Ballat-Durand D, Marteau J, Bouvier S, Favergeon J, Orekhov A, Schryvers D, Materials characterization 158, 109942 (2019).
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A review on learning effects in prospective technology assessment”. Thomassen G, Van Passel S, Dewulf J, Renewable &, Sustainable Energy Reviews 130, 109937 (2020).
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A review on the leaf area index (LAI) in vertical greening systems”. De Bock A, Belmans B, Vanlanduit S, Blom J, Alvarado Alvarado AA, Audenaert A, Building and environment 229, 109926 (2023).
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Darkening of lead white in old master drawings and historic prints : a multi-analytical investigation”. Pastorelli G, Miranda ASO, Avranovich Clerici E, d'Imporzano P, Hansen BV, Janssens K, Davies GR, Borring N, Microchemical journal 199, 109912 (2024).
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In silico study of the impact of oxidation on pyruvate transmission across the hVDAC1 protein channel”. Rezaei M, Ghasemitarei M, Razzokov J, Yusupov M, Ghorbanalilu M, Ejtehadi MR, Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 751, 109835 (2024).
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Effect of lipid oxidation on the channel properties of Cx26 hemichannels : a molecular dynamics study”. Oliveira MC, Cordeiro RM, Bogaerts A, Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 746, 109741 (2023).
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Importance of design and operating parameters in a sonication system for viscous solutions : effects of input power, horn tip diameter and reactor capacity”. Bampouli A, Goris Q, Hussain MN, Louisnard O, Stefanidis GD, Van Gerven T, Chemical engineering and processing 198, 109715 (2024).
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Basalt addition improves the performance of young grassland monocultures under more persistent weather featuring longer dry and wet spells”. Reynaert S, Vienne A, de Boeck HJ, D'Hose T, Janssens I, Nijs I, Portillo-Estrada M, Verbruggen E, Vicca S, Agricultural and forest meteorology 340, 109610 (2023).
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Accelerated molecular dynamics simulation of large systems with parallel collective variable-driven hyperdynamics”. Fukuhara S, Bal KM, Neyts EC, Shibuta Y, Computational Materials Science 177, 109581 (2020).
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Geranium lake pigments : the role of the synthesis on the structure and composition”. Beltran V, Marchetti A, De Meyer S, Nuyts G, De Wael K, Dyes And Pigments 189, 109260 (2021).
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Microneedle array-based electrochemical sensor functionalized with SWCNTs for the highly sensitive monitoring of MDMA in interstitial fluid”. Drăgan A-M, Parrilla M, Cambré, S, Domínguez-Robles J, Detamornrat U, Donnelly RF, Oprean R, Cristea C, De Wael K, Microchemical journal 193, 109257 (2023).
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Win-win possibilities through capacity tariffs and battery storage in microgrids”. Milis K, Peremans H, Springael J, Van Passel S, Renewable &, Sustainable Energy Reviews 113, 109238 (2019).
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Distribution of lipid aldehydes in phase-separated membranes: A molecular dynamics study”. Oliveira MC, Yusupov M, Bogaerts A, Cordeiro RM, Archives Of Biochemistry And Biophysics 717, 109136 (2022).
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Longer dry and wet spells alter the stochasticity of microbial community assembly in grassland soils”. Li L, Nijs I, De Boeck H, Vinduskova O, Reynaert S, Donnelly C, Zi L, Verbruggen E, Soil biology and biochemistry 178, 108969 (2023).
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Integrated poultry waste management by co-digestion with perennial grass : effects of mixing ratio, pretreatments, reaction temperature, and effluent recycle on biomethanation yield”. Phuttaro C, Krishnan S, Saritpongteeraka K, Charnnok B, Diels L, Chaiprapat S, Biochemical engineering journal 196, 108937 (2023).
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NanoMIPs-based electrochemical sensors for selective detection of amphetamine”. Truta F, Cruz AG, Tertis M, Zaleski C, Adamu G, Allcock NS, Suciu M, Stefan M-G, Kiss B, Piletska E, De Wael K, Piletsky SA, Cristea C, Microchemical journal 191, 108821 (2023).
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Compatibility of Zr₂AlC MAX phase-based ceramics with oxygen-poor, static liquid lead-bismuth eutectic”. Tunca B, Lapauw T, Callaert C, Hadermann J, Delville R, Caspi E'ad N, Dahlqvist M, Rosen J, Marshal A, Pradeep KG, Schneider JM, Vleugels J, Lambrinou K, Corrosion Science 171, 108704 (2020).
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Singlet oxygen-based photoelectrochemical detection of miRNAs in prostate cancer patients&rsquo, plasma : a novel diagnostic tool for liquid biopsy”. Thiruvottriyur Shanmugam S, Campos R, Trashin S, Daems E, Carneiro D, Fraga A, Ribeiro R, De Wael K, Bioelectrochemistry: an international journal devoted to electrochemical aspects of biology and biological aspects of electrochemistry 158, 108698 (2024).
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Validated portable device for the qualitative and quantitative electrochemical detection of MDMA ready for on-site use”. Van Echelpoel R, Parrilla M, Sleegers N, Thiruvottriyur Shanmugam S, van Nuijs ALN, Slosse A, Van Durme F, De Wael K, Microchemical journal 190, 108693 (2023).
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The organo-metal-like nature of long-range conduction in cable bacteria”. Pankratov D, Hidalgo Martinez S, Karman C, Gerzhik A, Gomila G, Trashin S, Boschker HTS, Geelhoed JS, Mayer D, De Wael K, Meysman FJR, Bioelectrochemistry: an international journal devoted to electrochemical aspects of biology and biological aspects of electrochemistry 157, 108675 (2024).
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