Number of records found: 37
Elemental and ionic components of atmospheric aerosols and associated gaseous pollutants in and near Dar es Salaam, Tanzania”. Mmari AG, Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Bencs L, McCrindle RI, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 77, 51 (2013).
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Chemkar PM10 : an extensive look at the local differences in chemical composition of PM10 in Flanders, Belgium”. Vercauteren J, Matheeussen C, Wauters E, Roekens E, Van Grieken R, Krata A, Makarovska Y, Maenhaut W, Chi X, Geypens B, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 45, 108 (2011).
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Environmental monitoring in four European museums”. Camuffo D, Van Grieken R, Busse H-J, Sturaro G, Valentino A, Bernardi A, Blades N, Shooter D, Gysels K, Deutsch F, Wieser M, Kim O, Ulrych U, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 35, S127 (2001)
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Analytical study of the deterioration of sandstone, marble and granite”. Sweevers H, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 26b, 159 (1992).
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A new opportunity for biomagnetic monitoring of particulate pollution in an urban environment using tree branches”. Wuyts K, Hofman J, van Wittenberghe S, Nuyts G, De Wael K, Samson R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 190, 177 (2018).
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Chemical composition and mass closure of particulate matter at six urban sites in Europe”. Sillanpää, M, Hillamo R, Saarikoski S, Frey A, Pennanen A, Makkonen U, Spolnik Z, Van Grieken R, Brani&scaron, M, Brunekreef B, Chalbot M-C, Kuhlbusch T, Sunyer J, Kerminen V-M, Kulmala M, Salonen RO, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 40, S212 (2006).
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Airborne bacteria in the atmosphere : presence, purpose, and potential”. Smets W, Moretti S, Denys S, Lebeer S, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 139, 214 (2016).
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Quantifying inflow uncertainties in RANS simulations of urban pollutant dispersion”. García Sánchez C, Van Tendeloo G, Gorle C, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 161, 263 (2017).
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Atmospheric BTEX-concentrations in an area with intensive street traffic”. Buczyńska AJ, Krata A, Stranger M, Godoi AFL, Kontozova-Deutsch V, Bencs L, Naveau I, Roekens E, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 43, 311 (2009).
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Characterisation of aerosol particles in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area”. de Miranda RM, de Fátima Andrade M, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 36, 345 (2002).
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Impact of urban land use on the bacterial phyllosphere of ivy (Hedera sp.)”. Smets W, Wuyts K, Oerlemans E, Wuyts S, Denys S, Samson R, Lebeer S, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 147, 376 (2016).
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A high-order model for accurately simulating the size distribution of ultrafine particles in a traffic tunnel”. Vos PEJ, Nikolova I, Janssen S, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 59, 415 (2012).
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Geophysical applicability of aerosol size distribution measurements using cascade impactors and proton-induced X-ray-emission”. Van Grieken RE, Johansson TB, Akselsson KR, Winchester JW, Nelson JW, Chapman KR, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 10, 571 (1976).
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CFD modelling of small particle dispersion: the influence of the turbulence kinetic energy in the atmospheric boundary layer”. Gorlé, C, van Beeck J, Rambaud P, Van Tendeloo G, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 43, 673 (2009).
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Inferring episodic atmospheric iron fluxes in the Western South Atlantic”. Evangelista H, Maldonado J, dos Santos EA, Godoi RHM, Garcia CAE, Garcia VMT, Johnson E, da Cunha KD, Leite CB, Van Grieken R, van Meel K, Makarovska Y, Gaiero DM, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 44, 703 (2010).
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Weathering of dolomitic sandstone under ambient conditions”. Sweevers H, Delalieux F, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 32, 733 (1998).
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Seasonal and site-specific variation in vapour and aerosol phase PAHs over Flanders (Belgium) and their relation with anthropogenic activities”. Ravindra K, Bencs L, Wauters E, de Hoog J, Deutsch F, Roekens E, Bleux N, Berghmans P, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 40, 771 (2006).
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Origin and growth of weathering crusts on ancient marbles in industrial atmosphere”. Moropoulou A, Bisbikou K, Torfs K, Van Grieken R, Zezza F, Macri F, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 32, 967 (1998).
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Electron microprobe characterization of individual aerosol particles collected by aircraft above the Southern Bight of the North Sea”. Rojas CM, Van Grieken RE, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 26a, 1231 (1992).
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The shielding effect of the protective glazing of historical stained glass windows from an atmospheric chemistry perspective: case study Sainte Chapelle, Paris”. Godoi RHM, Kontozova V, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 40, 1255 (2006).
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Composition of individual aerosol particles above Lake Baikal, Siberia”. van Malderen H, Van Grieken R, Khodzher T, Obolkin V, Potemkin V, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 30, 1453 (1996).
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Speciation and diurnal variation of thoracic, fine thoracic and sub-micrometer airborne particulate matter at naturally ventilated office environments”. Horemans B, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 44, 1497 (2010).
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Composition of individual aerosol particles above the Israelian Mediterranean coast during the summer time”. Ganor E, Levin Z, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 32, 1631 (1998).
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Background aerosol composition in the Namib Desert, South West-Africa (Namibia)”. Annegarn HJ, Van Grieken RE, Dibby DM, Von Blottnitz F, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 17, 2045 (1983).
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Chemical relations between atmospheric aerosols, deposition and stone decay layers on historic buildings at the Mediterranean coast”. Torfs K, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 31, 2179 (1997)
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Characterisation of wood combustion particles using electron probe microanalysis”. Osán J, Alföldy B, Török S, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 36, 2207 (2002).
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Atmospheric concentrations and size distributions of aircraft-sampled Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn over the Southern Bight of the North Sea”. Injuk J, Otten P, Laane R, Maenhaut W, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 26a, 2499 (1992).
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Characterization of North-Sea aerosols by individual particle analyses”. Bruynseels F, Storms H, Van Grieken R, Van der Auwera L, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 22, 2593 (1988).
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Atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: source attribution, emission factors and regulation”. Ravindra K, Sokhi R, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 42, 2895 (2008).
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Deposition of atmospheric trace elements into the North Sea: coastal, ship, platform measurements and model predictions”. Injuk J, Van Grieken R, de Leeuw G, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 32, 3011 (1998).
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