Number of records found: 392
A Chemical Approach to Raise Cell Voltage and Suppress Phase Transition in O3 Sodium Layered Oxide Electrodes”. Sathiya M, Jacquet Q, Doublet ML, Karakulina OM, Hadermann J, Tarascon J-M, Advanced energy materials (2018).
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Levamisole : a common adulterant in cocaine street samples hindering electrochemical detection of cocaine”. De Jong M, Florea A, de Vries A-M, van Nuijs ALN, Covaci A, Van Durme F, Martins JC, Samyn N, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 90, 5290 (2018).
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Transport and accumulation of plasma generated species in aqueous solution”. Verlackt CCW, Van Boxem W, Bogaerts A, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 20, 6845 (2018).
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Reversible Clustering of Gold Nanoparticles under Confinement”. Sánchez-Iglesias A, Claes N, Solís DM, Taboada JM, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, Grzelczak M, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 57, 3183 (2018).
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Enhancement of cellular glucose uptake by reactive species: a promising approach for diabetes therapy”. Kumar N, Shaw P, Razzokov J, Yusupov M, Attri P, Uhm HS, Choi EH, Bogaerts A, RSC advances 8, 9887 (2018).
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Pinpointing energy losses in CO 2 plasmas &ndash, Effect on CO 2 conversion”. Berthelot A, Bogaerts A, Journal of CO2 utilization 24, 479 (2018).
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Titania-functionalized diatom frustules as photocatalyst for indoor air purification”. Ouwehand J, Van Eynde E, De Canck E, Lenaerts S, Verberckmoes A, Van der Voort P, Applied catalysis : B : environmental 226, 303 (2018).
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Model-based assessment of estrogen removal by nitrifying activated sludge”. Peng L, Dai X, Liu Y, Sun J, Song S, Ni B-J, Chemosphere 197, 430 (2018).
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Effect of diclofenac on the production of volatile fatty acids from anaerobic fermentation of waste activated sludge”. Hu J, Zhao J, Wang D, Li X, Zhang D, Xu Q, Peng L, Yang Q, Zeng G, Bioresource technology 254, 7 (2018).
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Modeling electron competition among nitrogen oxides reduction and N2Oaccumulation in hydrogenotrophic denitrification”. Liu Y, Ngo HH, Guo W, Peng L, Chen X, Wang D, Pan Y, Ni B-J, Biotechnology and bioengineering 115, 978 (2018).
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Fast micromagnetic simulations on GPU-recent advances made with mumax3”. Leliaert J, Dvornik M, Mulkers J, De Clercq J, Milošević, MV, Van Waeyenberge B, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 51, 123002 (2018).
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Influence of stress aging process on variants of nano-N4Ti3precipitates and martensitic transformation temperatures in NiTi shape memory alloy”. Radi A, Khalil-Allafi J, Etminanfar MR, Pourbabak S, Schryvers D, Amin-Ahmadi B, Materials &, design 262, 74 (2018).
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Zinc and iron concentration as affected by nitrogen fertilization and their localization in wheat grain”. Singh BR, Timsina YN, Lind OC, Cagno S, Janssens K, Frontiers in plant science 9 (2018).
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Resistivity scaling model for metals with conduction band anisotropy”. De Clercq M, Moors K, Sankaran K, Pourtois G, Dutta S, Adelmann C, Magnus W, Sorée B, Physical review materials 2, 033801 (2018).
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Climate response of rainfed versus irrigated farms: the bias of farm heterogeneity in irrigation”. Vanschoenwinkel J, Van Passel S, Climatic Change 147, 225 (2018).
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Structural, mechanical and electronic properties of two-dimensional structure of III-arsenide (111) binary compounds: An ab-initio study”. Gonzalez-Garcia A, Lopez-Perez W, Rivera-Julio J, Peeters FM, Mendoza-Estrada V, Gonzalez-Hernandez R, Computational materials science 144, 285 (2018).
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Tuning electronic and magnetic properties of monolayer \alpha-RuCl3 by in-plane strain”. Iyikanat F, Yagmurcukardes M, Senger RT, Sahin H, Journal of materials chemistry C : materials for optical and electronic devices 6, 2019 (2018).
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Gold nanoclusters with bright near-infrared photoluminescence”. Pramanik G, Humpolickova J, Valenta J, Kundu P, Bals S, Bour P, Dracinsky M, Cigler P, Nanoscale 10, 3792 (2018).
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Magnetic field dependence of electronic properties of MoS2 quantum dots with different edges”. Chen Q, Li LL, Peeters FM, Physical review B 97, 085437 (2018).
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Magnetopolaron effect on shallow-impurity states in the presence of magnetic and intense terahertz laser fields in the Faraday configuration”. Wang W, Van Duppen B, Van der Donck M, Peeters FM, Physical review B 97, 064108 (2018).
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Diversified vortex phase diagram for a rotating trapped two-band Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover”. Klimin SN, Tempere J, Milošević, MV, New journal of physics 20, 025010 (2018).
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Electrorheological fluids with high shear stress based on wrinkly tin titanyl oxalate”. Wu J, Zhang L, Xin X, Zhang Y, Wang H, Sun A, Cheng Y, Chen X, Xu G, ACS applied materials and interfaces 10, 6785 (2018).
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Controlling the formation and stability of ultra-thin nickel silicides : an alloying strategy for preventing agglomeration”. Geenen FA, van Stiphout K, Nanakoudis A, Bals S, Vantomme A, Jordan-Sweet J, Lavoie C, Detavernier C, Journal of applied physics 123, 075303 (2018).
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Strong valley Zeeman effect of dark excitons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides in a tilted magnetic field”. Van der Donck M, Zarenia M, Peeters FM, Physical review B 97, 081109 (2018).
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Sulfur-based denitrification treating regeneration water from ion exchange at high performance and low cost”. Vandekerckhove TGL, Kobayashi K, Janda J, Van Nevel S, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 257, 266 (2018).
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Pinpointing wastewater and process parameters controlling the AOB to NOB activity ratio in sewage treatment plants”. Seuntjens D, Han M, Kerckhof F-M, Boon N, Al-Omari A, Takacs I, Meerburg F, De Mulder C, Wett B, Bott C, Murthy S, Carvajal Arroyo JM, De Clippeleir H, Vlaeminck SE, Water research 138, 37 (2018).
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Success of mainstream partial nitritation/anammox demands integration of engineering, microbiome and modeling insights”. Agrawal S, Seuntjens D, De Cocker P, Lackner S, Vlaeminck SE, Current opinion in biotechnology 50, 214 (2018).
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Tunable Snell's law for spin waves in heterochiral magnetic films”. Mulkers J, Van Waeyenberge B, Milošević, MV, Physical review B 97, 104422 (2018).
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Assessing the stability of arsenic sulfide pigments and influence of the binding media on their degradation by means of spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques”. Vermeulen M, Janssens K, Sanyova J, Rahemi V, McGlinchey C, De Wael K, Microchemical journal 138, 82 (2018).
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Detection of amyloid fibrils in Parkinson’s disease using plasmonic chirality”. Kumar J, Eraña H, López-Martínez E, Claes N, Martín VF, Solís DM, Bals S, Cortajarena AL, Castilla J, Liz-Marzán LM, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115, 3225 (2018).
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