Number of records found: 109
Prediction of the optical characteristics and analytical qualities of an X-ray fluorescence microprobe at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble)”. van Langevelde F, Janssens KH, Adams FC, Vis RD, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research : A: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment 317, 383 (1992).
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Comparison of synchrotron X-ray microanalysis with electron and proton microscopy for individual particle analysis”. Janssens KH, Adams FC, van Langevelde F, Vis RD, Jones KW, Rivers M, Sutton S, Advances in X-ray analysis 35, 1265 (1992)
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Analysis of individual microscopic particles by means of synchrotron radiation induced X-ray micro fluorescence”. Janssens K, Adams F, Rivers ML, Jones KW, Proceedings 27th MAS (1992)
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Optimization of tapered capillary optics for use at the microfocus beamline (ID 13) at the European Synchroton Radiation Facility”. Vincze L, Janssens K, Adams F, Rindby A, Engström P, Riekel C, Advances in X-ray analysis 41, 252 (1999)
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Fluorescent tomography of phantom samples at the beamline L”. Vekemans B, Vincze L, Vittiglio G, Janssens K, Adams F, HASYLAB Jahresbericht (1999)
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Multianalytical study of patina formed on archaeological metal objects from Bliesbruck-Reinheim”. Wadsak M, Constantinides I, Vittiglio G, Adriaens A, Janssens K, Schreiner M, Adams FC, Brunella P, Wuttmann M, Microchimica acta 133, 159 (2000).
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Synchrotron light through ancient glass”. de Raedt I, Vekemans B, Janssens K, Adams F, Europhysics news 31, 15 (2000)
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Interpretation and use of inter-element correlation graphs obtained by scanning X-ray fluorescence micro-beam spectrometry from individual particles: part 2: application”. Somogyi A, Janssens K, Vincze L, Vekemans B, Rindby A, Adams F, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 55, 1039 (2000).
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Analysis of the composition of glass objects from Qumran, Israel and the comparison with other Roman glass from western Europe”. Aerts A, Janssens K, Velde B, Adams F, Wouters H page 113 (2000).
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High-resolution X-ray fluorescence microtomography of homogeneous samples”. Simionovici AS, Chukalina M, Schroer C, Drakopoulos M, Snigirev A, Snigireva I, Lengeler B, Janssens K, Adams F, IEEE transactions on nuclear science 47, 2736 (2000).
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Chemische en morfologische karakterisatie van de grissailles van Capronnier met behulp van EPXMA”. Schalm O, Janssens K, Caen J, Adams F, (1999)
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X-ray fluorescence microtomography”. Chukalina M, Simionovici AS, Snigirev A, Drakopoulos M, Snigireva I, Adams F, Janssens K, Poverhnost 3, 40 (2001)
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ID18F: a new micro-X-ray fluorescence end-station at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF): preliminary results”. Somogyi A, Drakopoulos M, Vincze L, Vekemans B, Camerani C, Janssens K, Snigirev A, Adams F, X-ray spectrometry 30, 242 (2001).
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High energy X-ray microscopy for characterisation of fuel particles”. Salbu B, Krekling T, Lind OC, Oughton DH, Drakopoulos M, Simionovici AS, Snigireva I, Snigirev A, Weitkamp T, Adams F, Janssens K, Kashparov VA, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research : A: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment 467, 1249 (2001).
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Can plasma spectrochemistry assist in improving the accuracy of chemical analysis?”.Adams F, Adriaens A, Bogaerts A, Analytica chimica acta 456, 63 (2002).
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ID18F: a new X-ray microprobe end station”. Somogyi A, Drakopoulos M, Vincze L, Vekemans B, Camerani C, Janssens K, Snigirev A, Adams F, ESRF highlights 2001 , 96 (2002)
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Quantitative trace element analysis of individual fly ash particles by means of X-ray microfluorescence”. Vincze L, Somogyi A, Osán J, Vekemans B, Török S, Janssens K, Adams F, Analytical chemistry 74, 1128 (2002).
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Observation of Sb203 nanocrystals in SiO2 after Sb ion implantation”. Ignatova VA, Lebedev OI, Wätjen U, van Vaeck L, van Landuyt J, Gijbels R, Adams F, Microchimica acta 139, 77 (2002).
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High-resolution X-ray fluorescence micro-tomography on single sediment particles”. Vincze L, Vekemans B, Szalóki I, Janssens K, Van Grieken R, Feng H, Jones KW, Adams F page 240 (2002).
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A Monte Carlo model for studying the microheterogeneity of trace elements in reference materials by means of synchrotron microscopic X-ray fluorescence”. Kempenaers L, Janssens K, Vincze L, Vekemans B, Somogyi A, Drakopoulos M, Simionovici AS, Adams F, Analytical chemistry 74, 5017 (2002).
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Metal and composite nanocluster precipitate formation in silicon dioxide implanted with Sb+ ions”. Ignatova VA, Lebedev OI, Watjen U, van Vaeck L, van Landuyt J, Gijbels R, Adams F, Journal of applied physics 92, 4336 (2002).
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Effects of beamline components (undulators, monochromator, focusing devices) on the beam intensity at ID18F (ESRF)”. Somogyi A, Drakopoulos M, Vekemans B, Vincze L, Simionovici AS, Adams F, Nuclear instruments and methods: B 199, 559 (2003).
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Quantitative X-ray fluorescence analysis at the ESRF ID18F microprobe”. Vekemans B, Vincze L, Somogyi A, Drakopoulos M, Kempenaers L, Simionovici AS, Adams F, Nuclear instruments and methods: B 199, 396 (2003).
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Micro-heterogeneity study of trace elements in USGS, MPI-DING and glass reference materials by means of synchrotron micro-XRF”. Kempenaers L, Janssens K, Jochum KP, Vincze L, Vekemans B, Somogyi A, Drakopoulos M, Adams F, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 18, 350 (2003).
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Molecular speciation of inorganic mixtures by Fourier transform laser microprobe mass sepctrometry”. Ignatova VA, van Vaeck L, Gijbels R, Adams F, International journal of mass spectrometry 225, 213 (2003).
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Study of microgeometry of porous materials using synchrotron computed microtomography”. Jones KW, Feng H, Lindquist WB, Adler PM, Thover JF, Vekemans B, Vincze L, Szalóki I, Van Grieken R, Adams F, Riekel C page 39 (2003).
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Comparison of synchrotron X-ray microanalysis with electron and proton microscopy for individual particle analysis”. Janssens K, van Langevelde F, Adams F, Vis R, Sutton S, Rivers M, Jones K, Bowen D, (1992)
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Synchrotron computed X-ray fluorescence microtomography in environmental and earth sciences”. Vincze L, Vekemans B, Adams F, (2003)
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Capabilities and limitations of Fourier transform laser microprobe mass spectrometry for molecular analysis of solids”. Ignatova VA, van Vaeck L, Gijbels R, Adams F, Vacuum 69, 307 (2002).
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Monte Carlo simulation for X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy”. Vincze L, Janssens K, Vekemans B, Adams F page 435 (2004).
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