Number of records found: 2704
Multiscale modeling of radiation damage and annealing in Si samples implanted with 57-Mn radioactive ions”. Abreu Y, Cruz CM, van Espen P, Piñera I, Leyva A, Cabal AE, IEEE conference record T2 –, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium/Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC)/18th, International Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and, Gamma-Ray Detectors, OCT 23-29, 2011, Valencia, SPAIN , 1754 (2011)
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Composition and sources of aerosols from the Amazon basin”. Artaxo P, Storms H, Bruynseels F, Van Grieken R, Maenhaut W, Journal of geophysical research 93, 1605 (1988).
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Characterization of North-Sea aerosols by individual particle analyses”. Bruynseels F, Storms H, Van Grieken R, Van der Auwera L, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 22, 2593 (1988).
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Recombination reactions and geometry effects in laser microprobe mass analysis studied with 12C/13C bilayers”. Bruynseels F, Van Grieken R, International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes 74, 161 (1986).
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Monte Carlo simulation of backscattered peaks in secondary target energy-dispersive X-ray spectra”. Van Dyck P, Török S, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 15, 231 (1986).
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Internal mixture of sea salt, silicates, and excess sulfate in marine aerosols”. Andreae MO, Charlson RJ, Bruynseels F, Storms H, Van Grieken R, Maenhaut W, Science 232, 1620 (1986).
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Classification of estuarine particles using automated electron-microprobe analysis and multivariate techniques”. Bernard PC, Van Grieken RE, Eisma D, Environmental science and technology 20, 467 (1986).
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Bremsstrahlung background in electron-probe X-ray-microanalysis of thin films”. Markowicz AA, Storms HM, Van Grieken RE, Analytical chemistry 57, 2885 (1985).
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Direct detection of sulfate and nitrate layers on sampled marine aerosols by laser microprobe mass analysis”. Bruynseels F, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment 19, 1969 (1985).
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Influence of ion-source geometry in spark source-mass spectrometric analysis”. Vos L, Van Grieken R, International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes 59, 221 (1984).
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Influence of spark generator parameters in the analysis of graphite-electrodes by spark source-mass spectrometry”. Vos L, Van Grieken R, International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes 55, 233 (1984).
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Automated quantitative electron-microprobe analysis of particulate material”. Van Dyck P, Storms H, Van Grieken R, Journal de physique 45, 781 (1984).
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LAMMA and electron-microprobe analysis of atmospheric aerosols”. Bruynseels F, Storms H, Van Grieken R, Journal de physique 45, 785 (1984).
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Background aerosol composition in the Namib Desert, South West-Africa (Namibia)”. Annegarn HJ, Van Grieken RE, Dibby DM, Von Blottnitz F, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 17, 2045 (1983).
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Influence of ion energy-distributions and matrix effects on spark source-mass spectrometric analysis”. Vos L, Van Grieken R, International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes 51, 63 (1983).
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Characterization of the atmospheric aerosol over the eastern equatorial Pacific”. Maenhaut W, Raemdonck H, Selen A, Van Grieken R, Winchester JW, Journal of geophysical research 88, 5353 (1983).
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Molecular ion distributions in laser microprobe mass-spectrometry of calcium-oxide and calcium salts”. Bruynseels FJ, Van Grieken RE, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 38, 853 (1983).
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Selenium in environmental waters : determination, speciation and concentration levels”. Robberecht H, Van Grieken R, Talanta : the international journal of pure and applied analytical chemistry 29, 823 (1982).
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Pixe analysis of aerosol samples collected over the atlantic-ocean from a sailboat”. Maenhaut W, Selen A, van Espen P, Van Grieken R, Winchester WJ, Nuclear instruments and methods 181, 399 (1981).
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Spark-source mass-spectrometric sensitivity factors for elements in a graphite matrix”. Vanderborght B, Van Grieken R, Talanta : the international journal of pure and applied analytical chemistry 26, 461 (1979).
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Automated evaluation of photographically recorded spark-source mass spectra”. Vanderborght B, Van Grieken R, Analytica chimica acta 103, 223 (1978).
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Chelex-100 ion-exchange filter membranes for preconcentration in x-ray-fluorescence analysis of water”. Van Grieken RE, Bresseleers CM, Vanderborght BM, Analytical chemistry 49, 1326 (1977).
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Application of proton induced X-ray emission analysis to the St. Louis regional air pollution study”. Akselsson R, Orsini C, Meinert DL, Johansson TB, Van Grieken RE, Kaufmann HC, Chapman KR, Nelson JW, Winchester JW, (1976)
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Enrichment procedures for water analysis by X-ray energy spectrometry”. Van Grieken R, Bresseleers K, Smits J, Vanderborght B, Vanderstappen M, (1976)
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Filter absorption correction for X-ray fluorescence analysis of aerosol loaded filters”. Van Grieken R, Adams F, (1976)
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Geophysical applicability of aerosol size distribution measurements using cascade impactors and proton-induced X-ray-emission”. Van Grieken RE, Johansson TB, Akselsson KR, Winchester JW, Nelson JW, Chapman KR, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 10, 571 (1976).
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Elemental abundance variation with particle-size in north florida aerosols”. Johansson TB, Van Grieken RE, Winchester JW, Journal of geophysical research 81, 1039 (1976).
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Elemental trace analysis of small samples by proton-induced X-ray-emission”. Johansson TB, Van Grieken RE, Nelson JW, Winchester JW, Analytical chemistry 47, 855 (1975).
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Absorption correction for X-ray-fluorescence analysis of aerosol loaded filters”. Adams FC, Van Grieken RE, Analytical chemistry 47, 1767 (1975).
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Marine influences on aerosol composition in the coastal zone”. Johansson TB, Van Grieken RE, Winchester JW, Journal de recherches atmosphériques 8, 761 (1974)
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