Number of records found: 7465
Circular quantum dots in twisted bilayer graphene”. Mirzakhani M, Peeters FM, Zarenia M, Physical Review B 101, 075413 (2020).
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Formation of Hollow Gold Nanocrystals by Nanosecond Laser Irradiation”. González-Rubio G, Milagres de Oliveira T, Albrecht W, Díaz-Núñez P, Castro-Palacio JC, Prada A, González RI, Scarabelli L, Bañares L, Rivera A, Liz-Marzán LM, Peña-Rodríguez O, Bals S, Guerrero-Martínez A, Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 670 (2020).
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Circumventing Wear and Tear of Adaptive Porous Materials”. Canossa S, Ji Z, Wuttke S, Advanced Functional Materials , 1908547 (2020).
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Skyrmionic chains and lattices in s plus id superconductors”. Zhang L, Zhang Y-Y, Zha G-Q, Milošević, MV, Zhou S-P, Physical Review B 101, 064501 (2020).
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Chronic interstitial nephritis in agricultural communities is a toxin induced proximal tubular nephropathy”. Vervaet BA, Nast CC, Jayasumana C, Schreurs G, Roels F, Herath C, Kojc N, Samaee V, Rodrigo S, Gowrishankar S, Mousson C, Dassanayake R, Orantes CM, Vuiblet V, Rigothier C, d' Haese PC, de Broe ME, Kidney international 97, 350 (2019).
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Control of C3N4 and C4N3 carbon nitride nanosheets' electronic and magnetic properties through embedded atoms”. Bafekry A, Stampfl C, Akgenc B, Ghergherehchi M, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 2249 (2020).
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Research frontiers in energy-related materials and applications for 2020-2030”. Blay V, Galian RE, Muresan LM, Pancratov D, Pinyou P, Zampardi G, Advanced sustainable systems 4, 1900145 (2020).
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Adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers toward climate change: evidence from Hamadan province in Iran”. Jamshidi O, Asadi A, Kalantari K, Movahhed Moghaddam S, Dadrass Javan F, Azadi H, Van Passel S, Witlox F, Climate And Development , 1 (2020).
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High-performance CO2-selective hybrid membranes by exploiting MOF-breathing effects”. Kertik A, Wee LH, Şentosun K, Navarro JAR, Bals S, Martens JA, Vankelecom IFJ, Acs Applied Materials &, Interfaces 12, 2952 (2020).
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Ti-doped SBA-15 catalysts used in phenol oxidation reactions”. Almohammadi G, O'Modhrain C, Kelly S, Sullivan JA, ACS Omega 5, 791 (2020).
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Defect‐Directed Growth of Symmetrically Branched Metal Nanocrystals”. Smith JD, Bladt E, Burkhart JAC, Winckelmans N, Koczkur KM, Ashberry HM, Bals S, Skrabalak SE, Angewandte Chemie (International ed. Print) 132, 953 (2020).
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Identifying Social Indicators for Sustainability Assessment of CCU Technologies: A Modified Multi-criteria Decision Making”. Rafiaani P, Dikopoulou Z, Van Dael M, Kuppens T, Azadi H, Lebailly P, Van Passel S, Social Indicators Research 147, 15 (2020).
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Real-time wood behaviour : the use of strain gauges for preventive conservation applications”. Anaf W, Cabal A, Robbe M, Schalm O, Sensors 20, 305 (2020).
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Accelerated molecular dynamics simulation of large systems with parallel collective variable-driven hyperdynamics”. Fukuhara S, Bal KM, Neyts EC, Shibuta Y, Computational Materials Science 177, 109581 (2020).
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Harvesting time and biomass composition affect the economics of microalgae production”. Sui Y, Jiang Y, Moretti M, Vlaeminck SE, Journal Of Cleaner Production 259, 120782 (2020).
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Parabolic trigonometry”. Dattoli G, Di Palma E, Gielis J, Licciardi S, International journal of applied and computational mathematics 6, 37 (2020).
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A note on spirals and curvature”. Gielis J, Caratelli D, Shi P, Ricci PE, Growth and form 1, 1 (2020).
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Nitrogen fixation with water vapor by nonequilibrium plasma : toward sustainable ammonia production”. Gorbanev Y, Vervloessem E, Nikiforov A, Bogaerts A, Acs Sustainable Chemistry &, Engineering 8, 2996 (2020).
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Chemistry reduction of complex CO2chemical kinetics: application to a gliding arc plasma”. Sun SR, Wang HX, Bogaerts A, Plasma Sources Science &, Technology 29, 025012 (2020).
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CO2and CH4conversion in “real&rdquo, gas mixtures in a gliding arc plasmatron: how do N2and O2affect the performance?”.Slaets J, Aghaei M, Ceulemans S, Van Alphen S, Bogaerts A, Green Chemistry 22, 1366 (2020).
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CaLa2FeCoSbO9 and ALa2FeNiSbO9 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba): cation-ordered, inhomogeneous, ferrimagnetic perovskites”. Hendrickx M, Tang Y, Hunter EC, Battle PD, Cadogan Jm, Hadermann J, Journal Of Solid State Chemistry 285, 121226 (2020).
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Insight into the Mechanisms of High Activity and Stability of Iridium Supported on Antimony-Doped Tin Oxide Aerogel for Anodes of Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers”. Saveleva VA, Wang L, Kasian O, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Gallet J-j, Bournel F, Alonso-Vante N, Ozouf G, Beauger C, Mayrhofer KJJ, Cherevko S, Gago AS, Friedrich KA, Zafeiratos S, Savinova ER, Acs Catalysis 10, 2508 (2020).
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Measuring Dynamic Structural Changes of Nanoparticles at the Atomic Scale Using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy”. De wael A, De Backer A, Jones L, Varambhia A, Nellist PD, Van Aert S, Physical Review Letters 124, 106105 (2020).
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Percentage selenium in consumed belgian feeding”. Robberecht H, Deelstra H, vanden Berghe D, Van Grieken R, Revue des fermentations et des industries alimentaires 37, 188 (1982)
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A 3D cell death assay to quantitatively determine ferroptosis in spheroids”. Demuynck R, Efimova I, Lin A, Declercq H, Krysko DV, Cells 9, 703 (2020).
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Reducing winter peaks in electricity consumption: A choice experiment to structure demand response programs”. Srivastava A, Van Passel S, Kessels R, Valkering P, Laes E, Energy Policy 137, 111183 (2020).
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Eliciting policymakers&rsquo, preferences for technologies to decarbonise transport: A discrete choice experiment”. Bjørnåvold A, Lizin S, Van Dael M, Arnold F, Van Passel S, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 35, 21 (2020).
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Ecosystem services assessment tools for African Biosphere Reserves: A review and user-informed classification”. Hugé, J, Rochette Aj, de Béthune S, Parra Paitan Cc, Vanderhaegen K, Vandervelden T, Van Passel S, Vanhove Mpm, Verbist B, Verheyen D, Waas T, Janssens I, Janssens de Bisthoven L, Ecosystem Services 42, 101079 (2020).
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The effect of policy leveraging climate change adaptive capacity in agriculture”. Vanschoenwinkel J, Moretti M, Van Passel S, European Review Of Agricultural Economics (2020).
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Cubic lead perovskite PbMoO3 with anomalous metallic behavior”. Takatsu H, Hernandez O, Yoshimune W, Prestipino C, Yamamoto T, Tassel C, Kobayashi Y, Batuk D, Shibata Y, Abakumov AM, Brown CM, Kageyama H, Physical review B 95, 155105 (2017).
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