Number of records found: 291
Lumped circuit model for inductive antenna spin-wave transducers”. Vanderveken F, Tyberkevych V, Talmelli G, Sorée B, Ciubotaru F, Adelmann C, Scientific reports 12, 3796 (2022).
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Structures and magnetic ordering in layered Cr oxide arsenides Sr₂CrO₂Cr₂OAs₂, and Sr₂CrO₃CrAs”. Sheath BC, Xu X, Manuel P, Hadermann J, Batuk M, O'Sullivan J, Bonilla RS, Clarke SJ, Inorganic chemistry 61, 10 (2022).
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Insights into the limitations to vibrational excitation of CO2: validation of a kinetic model with pulsed glow discharge experiments”. Biondo O, Fromentin C, Silva T, Guerra V, van Rooij G, Bogaerts A, Plasma Sources Science &, Technology 31, 074003 (2022).
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Heterometallic molecular complexes act as messenger building units to encode desired metal-atom combinations to multivariate metal-organic frameworks”. Lopez-Garcia C, Canossa S, Hadermann J, Gorni G, Oropeza FE, de la Pena O'Shea VA, Iglesias M, Monge MA, Gutierrez-Puebla E, Gandara F, Journal of the American Chemical Society 144, 16262 (2022).
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Enhancing bioflocculation in high-rate activated sludge improves effluent quality yet increases sensitivity to surface overflow rate”. Van Winckel T, Ngo N, Sturm B, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Bott C, Vlaeminck SE, De Clippeleir H, Chemosphere 308, 136294 (2022).
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Purple bacteria screening for photoautohydrogenotrophic food production : are new H₂-fed isolates faster and nutritionally better than photoheterotrophically obtained reference species?”.Spanoghe J, Ost KJ, Van Beeck W, Vermeir P, Lebeer S, Vlaeminck SE, New biotechnology 72, 38 (2022).
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Transition metal-free approach for the late-stage benzylic C(sp3)-H etherifications and esterifications”. Zhang Y, Sahoo PK, Ren P, Qin Y, Cauwenbergh R, Nimmegeers P, Gandhi SR, Van Passel S, Guidetti A, Das S, Chemical Communications 58, 11454 (2022).
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Pacquets L (2022) Towards stable Cu-Ag bimetallic nanoparticles to boost the electrocatalytic CO2 reduction. xvi, 188 p
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Characterization of IASCC crack tips extracted from neutron-irradiated flux thimble tube specimens in view of a probabilistic fracture model”. Penders AG, Konstantinović, MJ, Van Renterghem W, Bosch R-W, Schryvers D, Somville F, Journal of nuclear materials 571, 154015 (2022).
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A new healing strategy for metals : programmed damage and repair”. Arseenko M, Hannard F, Ding L, Zhao L, Maire E, Villanova J, Idrissi H, Simar A, Acta materialia 238, 118241 (2022).
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Atomically engineered interfaces yield extraordinary electrostriction”. Zhang H, Pryds N, Park D-S, Gauquelin N, Santucci S, Christensen D V, Jannis D, Chezganov D, Rata DA, Insinga AR, Castelli IE, Verbeeck J, Lubomirsky I, Muralt P, Damjanovic D, Esposito V, Nature 609, 695 (2022).
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Resistive switching in Ag₂Te semiconductor modulated by Ag+-ion diffusion and phase transition”. Guo A, Bai H, Liang Q, Feng L, Su X, Van Tendeloo G, Wu J, Advanced Electronic Materials , 2200850 (2022).
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Three Approaches for Representing the Statistical Uncertainty on Atom-Counting Results in Quantitative ADF STEM”. De wael A, De Backer A, Yu C-P, Sentürk DG, Lobato I, Faes C, Van Aert S, Microscopy and microanalysis , 1 (2022).
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Photoelectrochemical behavior of phthalocyanine-sensitized TiO₂, in the presence of electron-shuttling mediators”. Khan SU, Trashin S, Beltran V, Korostei YS, Pelmus M, Gorun SM, Dubinina T V, Verbruggen SW, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 94, 12723 (2022).
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Self-assembled epitaxial cathode-electrolyte nanocomposites for 3D microbatteries”. Cunha DM, Gauquelin N, Xia R, Verbeeck J, Huijben M, ACS applied materials and interfaces 14, 42208 (2022).
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Can a programmable phase plate serve as an aberration corrector in the transmission electron microscope (TEM)?”.Vega Ibañez F, Béché, A, Verbeeck J, Microscopy and microanalysis , Pii S1431927622012260 (2022).
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Cytoglobin inhibits non-thermal plasma-induced apoptosis in melanoma cells through regulation of the NRF2-mediated antioxidant response”. De Backer J, Lin A, Berghe WV, Bogaerts A, Hoogewijs D, Redox Biology 55, 102399 (2022).
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Quantitative analysis of diffuse electron scattering in the lithium-ion battery cathode material Li1.2Ni0.13Mn0.54Co0.13O2”. Poppe R, Vandemeulebroucke D, Neder RB, Hadermann J, IUCrJ 9, 695 (2022).
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Disproportionation of nitrogen induced by DC plasma-driven electrolysis in a nitrogen atmosphere”. Pattyn C, Maira N, Buddhadasa M, Vervloessem E, Iseni S, Roy NC, Remy A, Delplancke M-P, De Geyter N, Reniers F, Green Chemistry 24, 7100 (2022).
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Nanoscale phase separation in the oxide layer at GeTe (111) surfaces”. Frolov AS, Callaert C, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Volykhov AA, Sirotina AP, Amati M, Gregoratti L, Yashina LV, Nanoscale 14, 12918 (2022).
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Overcoming contrast reversals in focused probe ptychography of thick materials: An optimal pipeline for efficiently determining local atomic structure in materials science”. Gao C, Hofer C, Jannis D, Béché, A, Verbeeck J, Pennycook TJ, Applied physics letters 121, 081906 (2022).
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Cytoglobin Silencing Promotes Melanoma Malignancy but Sensitizes for Ferroptosis and Pyroptosis Therapy Response”. De Backer J, Maric D, Zuhra K, Bogaerts A, Szabo C, Vanden Berghe W, Hoogewijs D, Antioxidants 11, 1548 (2022).
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Waste-derived copper-lead electrocatalysts for CO₂, reduction”. Yang S, An H, Anastasiadou D, Xu W, Wu L, Wang H, de Ruiter J, Arnouts S, Figueiredo MC, Bals S, Altantzis T, van der Stam W, Weckhuysen BM, ChemCatChem 14, e202200754 (2022).
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Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists’ pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-ray imaging methods”. Vanmeert F, De Meyer S, Gestels A, Clerici EA, Deleu N, Legrand S, Van Espen P, Van der Snickt G, Alfeld M, Dik J, Monico L, De Nolf W, Cotte M, Gonzalez V, Saverwyns S, Depuydt-Elbaum L, Janssens K page 317 (2022).
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Plasmon resonance of gold and silver nanoparticle arrays in the Kretschmann (attenuated total reflectance) vs. direct incidence configuration”. Borah R, Ninakanti R, Bals S, Verbruggen SW, Scientific reports 12, 15738 (2022).
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Probing oxygen activation on plasmonic photocatalysts”. Dingenen F, Borah R, Ninakanti R, Verbruggen SW, Frontiers in Chemistry 10, 988542 (2022).
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Optimal experiment design for element specific atom counting using multiple annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy detectors”. Sentürk DG, De Backer A, Friedrich T, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy 242, 113626 (2022).
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Ammonia oxidation by novel “Candidatus Nitrosacidococcus urinae&rdquo, is sensitive to process disturbances at low pH and to iron limitation at neutral pH”. Faust V, van Alen TA, Op den Camp HJM, Vlaeminck SE, Ganigué, R, Boon N, Udert KM, Water Research X 17, 100157 (2022).
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Oliveira MC (2022) Influence of phase-separated domains on the permeability of oxidized lipid membranes. 151 p
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Electrochemical detection of illicit drugs in oral fluid : potential for forensic drug testing”. Joosten F, Parrilla M, van Nuijs ALN, Ozoemena KId, De Wael K, Electrochimica acta 2022, 141309 (2022).
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