Number of records found: 7465
Fano resonances in the conductance of graphene nanoribbons with side gates”. Petrovic MD, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 91, 035444 (2015).
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Au@UiO-66 : a base free oxidation catalyst”. Leus K, Concepcion P, Vandichel M, Meledina M, Grirrane A, Esquivel D, Turner S, Poelman D, Waroquier M, Van Speybroeck V, Van Tendeloo G, García H, Van Der Voort P;, RSC advances 5, 22334 (2015).
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Oxidation potential in the Earth's lower mantle as recorded by ferropericlase inclusions in diamond”. Kaminsky FV, Ryabchikov ID, McCammon CA, Longo M, Abakumov AM, Turner S, Heidari H, Earth and planetary science letters 417, 49 (2015).
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Quantum-size effects and thermal response of anti-Kramer-Pesch vortex core”. Chen Y, Hong-Yu W, Peeters FM, Shanenko AA, Journal of physics : condensed matter 27, 125701 (2015).
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Real-space calculation of the conductivity tensor for disordered topological matter”. Garcia JH, Covaci L, Rappoport TG, Physical review letters 114, 116602 (2015).
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Novel complex stacking of fully-ordered transition metal layers in Li4FeSbO6 materials”. McCalla E, Abakumov A, Rousse G, Reynaud M, Sougrati MT, Budic B, Mahmoud A, Dominko R, Van Tendeloo G, Hermann RP, Tarascon JM;, Chemistry of materials 27, 1699 (2015).
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Thermodynamic and experimental study of the degradation of the red pigment mercury sulfide”. Radepont M, Coquinot Y, Janssens K, Ezrati J-J, de Nolf W, Cotte M, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 30, 599 (2015).
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Full spectral XANES imaging using the Maia detector array as a new tool for the study of the alteration process of chrome yellow pigments in paintings by Vincent van Gogh”. Monico L, Janssens K, Alfeld M, Cotte M, Vanmeert F, Ryan CG, Falkenberg G, Howard DL, Brunetti BG, Miliani C, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 30, 613 (2015).
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Micro-XANES study on Mn browning: use of quantitative valence state maps”. Nuyts G, Cagno S, Bugani S, Janssens K, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 30, 642 (2015).
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Strategies for processing mega-pixel X-ray fluorescence hyperspectral data: a case study on a version of Caravaggio's painting Supper at Emmaus”. Alfeld M, Janssens K, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 30, 777 (2015).
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Tuning the optical, magnetic, and electrical properties of ReSe2 by nanoscale strain engineering”. Yang S, Wang C, Sahin H, Chen H, Li Y, Li SS, Suslu A, Peeters FM, Liu Q, Li J, Tongay S;, Nano letters 15, 1660 (2015).
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Effect of pinning on the response of superconducting strips to an external pulsed current”. Berdiyorov G, Harrabi K, Maneval JP, Peeters FM, Superconductor science and technology 28, 025004 (2015).
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Determining groundwater-surface water exchange from temperature-time series : combining a local polynomial method with a maximum likelihood estimator”. Vandersteen G, Schneidewind U, Anibas C, Schmidt C, Seuntjens P, Batelaan O, Water resources research 51, 922 (2015).
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Selective decoration of isolated carbon nanotubes by potassium evaporation : scanning photoemission microscopy and density functional theory”. Struzzi C, Erbahar D, Scardamaglia M, Amati M, Gregoratti L, Lagos, Van Tendeloo G, Snyders R, Ewels C, Bittencourt C, Journal of materials chemistry C : materials for optical and electronic devices 3, 2518 (2015).
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Using electron vortex beams to determine chirality of crystals in transmission electron microscopy”. Juchtmans R, Béché, A, Abakumov A, Batuk M, Verbeeck J, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 91, 094112 (2015).
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Stable kagome lattices from group IV elements”. Leenaerts O, Schoeters B, Partoens B, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 91, 115202 (2015).
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Thermal conductivity of titanium nitride/titanium aluminum nitride multilayer coatings deposited by lateral rotating cathode arc”. Samani MK, Ding XZ, Khosravian N, Amin-Ahmadi B, Yi Y, Chen G, Neyts EC, Bogaerts A, Tay BK, Thin solid films : an international journal on the science and technology of thin and thick films 578, 133 (2015).
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Resonant tunneling and localized states in a graphene monolayer with a mass gap”. Zalipaev V, Linton CM, Croitoru MD, Vagov A, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 91, 085405 (2015).
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Magnetotransport across the metal-graphene hybrid interface and its modulation by gate voltage”. Chen J-J, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Meng J, Zhou Y-B, Liao Z-M, Yu D-P, Nanoscale 7, 5516 (2015).
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FFLO-wave-vector lock-in effect in quasi-1D superconductors”. Croitoru MD, Buzdin AI, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 28, 1305 (2015).
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Atomic layer deposition of Ruthenium on Ruthenium surfaces : a theoretical study”. Quan Manh P, Pourtois G, Swerts J, Pierloot K, Delabie A, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 119, 6592 (2015).
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(Electro)sensing of phenicol antibiotics : a review”. Pilehvar S, Gielkens K, Trashin SA, Dardenne F, Blust R, De Wael K, Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 56, 2416 (2016).
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Kinetic properties and heme pocket structure of two domains of the polymeric hemoglobin of Artemia in comparison with the native molecule”. Borhani AH, Berghmans H, Trashin S, De Wael K, Fago A, Moens L, Habibi-Rezaei M, Dewilde S, Biochimica et biophysica acta : proteins and proteomics 1854, 1307 (2015).
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Kinetics of energy selective Cs encapsulation in single-walled carbon nanotubes for damage-free and position-selective doping”. Kato T, Neyts EC, Abiko Y, Akama T, Hatakeyama R, Kaneko T, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 119, 11903 (2015).
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Competing forces in the self-assembly of coupled ZnO nanopyramids”. Javon E, Gaceur M, Dachraoui W, Margeat O, Ackermann J, Ilenia Saba M, Delugas P, Mattoni A, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, ACS nano 9, 3685 (2015).
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Quantification and characterization of glyphosate use and loss in a residential area”. Tang T, Boenne W, Desmet N, Seuntjens P, Bronders J, van Griensven A, The science of the total environment 517, 207 (2015).
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Boron-rich inclusions and boron distribution in HPHT polycrystalline superconducting diamond”. Lu Y-G, Turner S, Ekimov EA, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Carbon 86, 156 (2015).
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Graphane”. Sahin H, Leenaerts O, Singh SK, Peeters FM, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science 5, 255 (2015).
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Nonlinear transport of the Wigner crystal in symmetric and asymmetric FET-like structures : nonlinear transport of the Wigner crystal on superfluid He-4 in quasi-one-dimensional channels with symmetric and asymmetric constrictions”. Vasylenko AA, Misko VR, European physical journal : B : condensed matter and complex systems 88, 105 (2015).
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Low-strain Si/O superlattices with tunable electronic properties : ab initio calculations”. Nishio K, Lu AKA, Pourtois G, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 91, 165303 (2015).
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