Number of records found: 280
Process variability in Cu2ZnSnSe4 solar cell devices: Electrical and structural investigations”. Brammertz G, Buffiere M, Verbist C, Bekaert J, Batuk M, Hadermann J, et al, The conference record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference T2 –, IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), JUN 14-19, 2015, New Orleans, LA (2015)
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Strength, toughness and aging stability of highly-translucent Y-TZP ceramics for dental restorations”. Zhang F, Inokoshi M, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Naert I, Van Meerbeek B, Vleugels J, Dental materials 32, E327 (2016).
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Cobalt location in p-CoOxIn-SnO2 nanocomposites : correlation with gas sensor performances”. Vladimirova SA, Rumyantseva MN, Filatova DG, Chizhov AS, Khmelevsky NO, Konstantinova EA, Kozlovsky VF, Marchevsky AV, Karakulina OM, Hadermann J, Gaskov AM, Journal of alloys and compounds 721, 249 (2017).
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Anion ordering in fluorinated La2CuO4”. Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Van Tendeloo G, Shpanchenko RV, Oleinikov PN, Antipov EV s.l., page 133 (1999).
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Structural changes in fluorinated T{'} and T* phases”. Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Lebedev OI, Antipov EV, Van Tendeloo G, , 193 (2000)
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Synthesis and structure of fluorinated RBa2Cu2O6+. (R=Dy, Ho and Tm) phases”. Oleynikov PN, Shpanchenko RV, Rozova MG, Abakumov AM, Antipov EV, Hadermann J, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Russian journal of inorganic chemistry 46, 153 (2001)
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Competing magnetic structures and the evolution of copper ion/vacancy ordering with composition in the manganite oxide chalcogenides Sr2MnO2Cu1.5(S1-xSex)2”. Adamson P, Hadermann J, Smura CF, Rutt OJ, Hyett G, Free DG, Clarke SJ, Chemistry of materials 24, 2802 (2012).
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High magnetic ordering temperature in the perovskites Sr4-xLaxFe3ReO12 (x=0.0, 1.0, 2.0)”. Retuerto M, Li MR, Go YB, Ignatov A, Croft M, Ramanujachary KV, Herber RH, Nowik I, Hodges JP, Dachraoui W, Hadermann J, Greenblatt M;, Journal of solid state chemistry 194, 48 (2012).
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Synthesis, crystal structure, and properties of KSbO3-type Bi3Mn1.9Te1.1O11”. Li MR, Retuerto M, Bok Go Y, Emge TJ, Croft M, Ignatov A, Ramanujachary KV, Dachraoui W, Hadermann J, Tang MB, Zhao JT, Greenblatt M;, Journal of solid state chemistry 197, 543 (2013).
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Crystal structure of a lightweight borohydride from submicrometer crystallites by precession electron diffraction”. Hadermann J, Abakumov A, Van Rompaey S, Perkisas T, Filinchuk Y, Van Tendeloo G, Chemistry of materials 24, 3401 (2012).
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Magnetic and structural studies of the multifunctional material SrFe0.75Mo0.25O3-\text{\textgreek{d}}”. Retuerto M, Li MR, Go YB, Ignatov A, Croft M, Ramanujachary KV, Hadermann J, Hodges JP, Herber RH, Nowik I, Greenblatt M;, Inorganic chemistry 51, 12273 (2012).
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Site-specific mapping of transition metal oxygen coordination in complex oxides”. Turner S, Egoavil R, Batuk M, Abakumov AA, Hadermann J, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Applied physics letters 101, 241910 (2012).
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Homologous series of layered perovskites An+1BnO3n-1Cl : crystal and magnetic structure of a new oxychloride Pb4BiFe4O11Cl”. Batuk M, Batuk D, Tsirlin AA, Rozova MG, Antipov EV, Hadermann J, Van Tendeloo G, Inorganic chemistry 52, 2208 (2013).
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Frustrated pentagonal Cairo lattice in the non-collinear antiferromagnet Bi4Fe5O13F”. Abakumov AM, Batuk D, Tsirlin AA, Prescher C, Dubrovinsky L, Sheptyakov DV, Schnelle W, Hadermann J, Van Tendeloo G, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 87, 024423 (2013).
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Layered oxygen vacancy ordering in Nb-doped SrCo1-xFexO3-\delta perovskite”. Van Rompaey S, Dachraoui W, Turner S, Podyacheva OY, Tan H, Verbeeck J, Abakumov A, Hadermann J, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 228, 28 (2013).
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Fluorine intercalation in the n=1 and n=2 layered manganites Sr2MnO3.5+x and Sr3Mn2O6”. Sullivan E, Gillie LJ, Hadermann J, Greaves C, Materials research bulletin 48, 1598 (2013).
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Structural and magnetic phase transitions in the AnBnO3n-2 anion-deficient perovskites Pb2Ba2BiFe5O13 and Pb1.5Ba2.5Bi2Fe6O16”. Abakumov AM, Batuk M, Tsirlin AA, Tyablikov OA, Sheptyakov DV, Filimonov DS, Pokholok KV, Zhidal VS, Rozova MG, Antipov EV, Hadermann J, Van Tendeloo G;, Inorganic chemistry 52, 7834 (2013).
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Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the Cr-doped spiral antiferromagnet BiMnFe2O6”. Batuk D, de Dobbelaere C, Tsirlin AA, Abakumov AM, Hardy A, van Bael MK, Greenblatt M, Hadermann J, Materials research bulletin 48, 2993 (2013).
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Structure and magnetic properties of a new anion-deficient perovskite Pb2Ba2BiFe4ScO13 with crystallographic shear structure”. Batuk M, Tyablikov OA, Tsirlin AA, Kazakov SM, Rozova MG, Pokholok KV, Filimonov DS, Antipov EV, Abakumov AM, Hadermann J, Materials research bulletin 48, 3459 (2013).
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Expanding the Ruddlesden-Popper manganite family : the n=3 La3.2Ba0.8Mn3O10 Member”. Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Tsirlin AA, Rozova MG, Sarakinou E, Antipov EV, Inorganic chemistry 51, 11487 (2012).
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Polar and magnetic Mn2FeMO6 (M=Nb, Ta) with LiNbO3-type structure : high-pressure synthesis”. Li MR, Walker D, Retuerto M, Sarkar T, Hadermann J, Stephens PW, Croft M, Ignatov A, Grams CP, Hemberger J, Nowik I, Halasyamani PS, Tran TT, Mukherjee S, Dasgupta TS, Greenblatt M;, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 52, 8406 (2013).
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Anisotropic magnetism and spin-dependent transport in Co nanoparticle embedded ZnO thin films”. Li DY, Zeng YJ, Pereira LMC, Batuk D, Hadermann J, Zhang YZ, Ye ZZ, Temst K, Vantomme A, Van Bael MJ, Van Haesendonck C;, Journal of applied physics 114, 033909 (2013).
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Effect of lone-electron-pair cations on the orientation of crystallographic shear planes in anion-deficient perovskites”. Batuk D, Batuk M, Abakumov AM, Tsirlin AA, McCammon CM, Dubrovinsky L, Hadermann J, Inorganic chemistry 52, 10009 (2013).
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Synthesis and properties of charge-ordered thallium halide perovskites, CsTl0.5+Tl0.53+X3 (X = F or Cl) : theoretical precursors for superconductivity?”. Retuerto M, Emge T, Hadermann J, Stephens PW, Li MR, Yin ZP, Croft M, Ignatov A, Zhang SJ, Yuan Z, Jin C, Simonson JW, Aronson MC, Pan A, Basov DN, Kotliar G, Greenblatt M;, Chemistry of materials 25, 4071 (2013).
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Polar and magnetic layered A-site and rock salt B-site-ordered NaLnFeWO6 (Ln = La, Nd) perovskites”. Retuerto M, Li MR, Ignatov A, Croft M, Ramanujachary KV, Chi S, Hodges JP, Dachraoui W, Hadermann J, Tran TT, Halasyamani PS, Grams CP, Hemberger J, Greenblatt M;, Inorganic chemistry 52, 12482 (2013).
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Thermal decomposition synthesis of Al-doped ZnO nanoparticles : an in-depth study”. Damm H, Kelchtermans A, Bertha A, Van den Broeck F, Elen K, Martins JC, Carleer R, D'Haen J, De Dobbelaere C, Hadermann J, Hardy A, Van Bael MK;, RSC advances 3, 23745 (2013).
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Incommensurate modulation and luminescence in the CaGd2(1-x)Eu2x(MoO4)4(1-y)(WO)4y (0\leq x\leq1, 0\leq y\leq1) red phosphors”. Morozov VA, Bertha A, Meert KW, Van Rompaey S, Batuk D, Martinez GT, Van Aert S, Smet PF, Raskina MV, Poelman D, Abakumov AM, Hadermann J;, Chemistry of materials 25, 4387 (2013).
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Atomic structure of defects in anion-deficient perovskite-based ferrites with a crystallographic shear structure”. Batuk M, Turner S, Abakumov AM, Batuk D, Hadermann J, Van Tendeloo G, Inorganic chemistry 53, 2171 (2014).
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Relaxor ferroelectricity and magnetoelectric coupling in ZnOCo nanocomposite thin films : beyond multiferroic composites”. Li DY, Zeng YJ, Batuk D, Pereira LMC, Ye ZZ, Fleischmann C, Menghini M, Nikitenko S, Hadermann J, Temst K, Vantomme A, Van Bael MJ, Locquet JP, Van Haesendonck C;, ACS applied materials and interfaces 6, 4737 (2014).
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Engineered spatial inversion symmetry breaking in an oxide heterostructure built from isosymmetric room-temperature magnetically ordered components”. Alaria J, Borisov P, Dyer MS, Manning TD, Lepadatu S, Cain MG, Mishina ED, Sherstyuk NE, Ilyin NA, Hadermann J, Lederman D, Claridge JB, Rosseinsky MJ;, Chemical science 5, 1599 (2014).
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