Number of records found: 2109
Determination of platinum, palladium, and rhodium in automotive catalysts using high-energy secondary target X-ray fluorescence spectrometry”. van Meel K, Smekens A, Behets M, Kazandjian P, Van Grieken R, Analytical chemistry 79, 6383 (2007).
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Determination of protein-bound copper and zinc in some organs of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis L”. Decleir W, Vlaeminck A, Geladi P, Van Grieken R, Comparative biochemistry and physiology : B : biochemistry and molecular biology 60, 347 (1978).
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Determination of rare earth elements in geological materials by total reflection X-ray fluorescence”. Muia LM, Van Grieken R, Analytica chimica acta 251, 177 (1991)
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Determination of sample thickness via scattered radiation in X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with filtered continuum excitation”. Araujo MF, van Espen P, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 19, 29 (1990).
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Determination of selenium in blood components by X-ray emission spectrometry”. Robberecht H, Deelstra H, Van Grieken R, Biological trace element research 25, 149 (1990).
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Determination of silicon in organic matrices with grazing-emission X-ray fluorescence spectrometry”. Claes M, van Dyck K, Deelstra H, Van Grieken R, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 54, 1517 (1999).
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Determination of the cd-bearing phases in municipal solid waste and Biomass single fly ash particles using SR-mu XRF Spectroscopy”. Camerani MC, Somogyi A, Vekemans B, Ansell S, Simionovici AS, Steenari B-M, Panas I, Analytical chemistry 79, 6496 (2007).
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Determination of total selenium content in cereals and bakery products by flow injection hydride generation graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry applying in-situ trapping on iridium-treated graphite platforms”. Ajtony Z, Szoboszlai N, Bella Z, Bolla S, Szakál P, Bencs L, Microchimica acta 150, 1 (2005).
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Determination of trace elements in organic matrices by grazing-emission X-ray fluorescence spectrometry”. Spolnik ZM, Claes M, Van Grieken R, Analytica chimica acta 401, 293 (1999).
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Determination of trace metals in rain water by differential-pulse stripping voltammetry”. Vos L, Komy G, Reggers G, Roekens E, Van Grieken R, Analytica chimica acta 184, 271 (1986).
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Determination of trace selenium in biological material by preconcentration and X-ray emission spectrometry”. Robberecht H, Van Grieken R, Analytica chimica acta 147, 113 (1983).
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Determination of ultra-trace levels of palladium in environenmental samples by graphite furnace atomic spectrometry techniques”. Bencs L, Ravindra K, Van Grieken R page 173 (2006).
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Determining groundwater-surface water exchange from temperature-time series : combining a local polynomial method with a maximum likelihood estimator”. Vandersteen G, Schneidewind U, Anibas C, Schmidt C, Seuntjens P, Batelaan O, Water resources research 51, 922 (2015).
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Determining stoichiometry and kinetics of two thermophilic nitrifying communities as a crucial step in the development of thermophilic nitrogen removal”. Vanderkerckhove TGL, Kerckhof F-M, De Mulder C, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, Water research 156, 34 (2019).
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Development of a Java-based application for environmental remote sensing data processing”. Semlali B-eddine B, El Amrani C, Denys S, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 9, 1978 (2019).
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Hauchecorne B (2011) Development of an FTIR in situ reactor for real time study of surface reactions in photocatalysis. 155 p
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Pilehvar S (2016) Development of new strategies for electrochemical aptasensing. 198 p
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Alfeld MW (2013) Development of scanning macr-XRF for the investigation of historical paintings. 264 p
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Blidar A-M (2021) The development of sensitive and selective electrochemical methods for the detection of antibiotics. 139 p
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DFT study of the hyperfine parameters and magnetic properties of ZnO doped with 57Fe”. Abreu Y, Cruz CM, Pinera I, Leyva A, Cabal AE, van Espen P, Solid state communications 185, 25 (2014).
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Diatom frustule morphogenesis and function : a multidisciplinary survey”. De Tommasi E, Gielis J, Rogato A, Marine Genomics 35, 1 (2017).
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Direct current glow discharge mass spectrometric analysis of Macor ceramic using a secondary cathode”. Schelles W, Van Grieken R, Analytical chemistry 68, 3570 (1996).
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Direct current glow discharge mass spectrometry for elemental characterization of polymers”. Schelles W, Van Grieken R, Analytical chemistry 69, 2931 (1997).
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Direct detection of sulfate and nitrate layers on sampled marine aerosols by laser microprobe mass analysis”. Bruynseels F, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment 19, 1969 (1985).
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Direct reagentless detection of the affinity binding of recombinant His-tagged firefly luciferase with a nickel-modified gold electrode”. Vagin MY, Trashin SA, Beloglazkina EK, Majouga AG, Mendeleev communications 25, 290 (2015).
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The Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in supershaped annuli”. Caratelli D, Gielis J, Tavkhelidze I, Ricci PE, Boundary value problems , 113 (2013).
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Discrimination between coprecipitated and adsorbed lead on individual calcite particles using laser microprobe mass analysis”. Wouters LC, Van Grieken RE, Linton RW, Bauer CF, Analytical chemistry 60, 2218 (1988).
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Dispersal of suspended matter in Makasar Strait and the Flores Basin”. Eisma D, Kalf J, Karmini M, Mook WG, Van Put A, Bernard P, Van Grieken R, Netherlands journal of sea research 24, 383 (1989).
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Dispersion modelling of traffic induced ultrafine particles in a street canyon in Antwerp, Belgium and comparison with observations”. Nikolova I, Janssen S, Vos P, Vrancken K, Mishra V, Berghmans P, The science of the total environment 412, 336 (2011).
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Dispersion of heavy metals”. Van Grieken R page 319 (1998).
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