Number of records found: 2704
Polytypism in mcalpineite : a study of natural and synthetic Cu₃TeO₆”. Missen OP, Mills SJ, Canossa S, Hadermann J, Nenert G, Weil M, Libowitzky E, Housley RM, Artner W, Kampf AR, Rumsey MS, Spratt J, Momma K, Dunstan MA, Acta Crystallographica. Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials (Online) 78 (2022).
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A van der Waals heterostructure of MoS₂/MoSi₂N₄, : a first-principles study”. Bafekry A, Faraji M, Ziabari AA, Fadlallah MM, Nguyen C V, Ghergherehchi M, Feghhi SAH, New Journal Of Chemistry 45, 8291 (2021).
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Ab initio prediction of semiconductivity in a novel two-dimensional Sb₂X₃, (X= S, Se, Te) monolayers with orthorhombic structure”. Bafekry A, Mortazavi B, Faraji M, Shahrokhi M, Shafique A, Jappor HR, Nguyen C, Ghergherehchi M, Feghhi SAH, Scientific Reports 11, 10366 (2021).
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Ab-initio study of magnetically intercalated platinum diselenide : the impact of platinum vacancies”. Reyntjens PD, Tiwari S, van de Put ML, Sorée B, Vandenberghe WG, Materials 14, 4167 (2021).
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Acoustic cavities in 2D heterostructures”. Zalalutdinov MK, Robinson JT, Fonseca JJ, LaGasse SW, Pandey T, Lindsay LR, Reinecke TL, Photiadis DM, Culbertson JC, Cress CD, Houston BH, Nature Communications 12, 3267 (2021).
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Aluminum and lithium sulfur batteries : a review of recent progress and future directions”. Akgenc B, Sarikurt S, Yagmurcukardes M, Ersan F, Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 33, 253002 (2021).
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Computing Curie temperature of two-dimensional ferromagnets in the presence of exchange anisotropy”. Tiwari S, Vanherck J, Van de Put ML, Vandenberghe WG, Sorée B, Physical review research 3, 043024 (2021).
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Confined magnetoelastic waves in thin waveguides”. Vanderveken F, Mulkers J, Leliaert J, Van Waeyenberge B, Sorée B, Zografos O, Ciubotaru F, Adelmann C, Physical Review B 103, 054439 (2021).
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Effect of electric field and vertical strain on the electro-optical properties of the MoSi2N4 bilayer : a first-principles calculation”. Bafekry A, Stampfl C, Naseri M, Fadlallah MM, Faraji M, Ghergherehchi M, Gogova D, Feghhi SAH, Journal Of Applied Physics 129, 155103 (2021).
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Electronic and magnetic properties of two-dimensional of FeX (X = S, Se, Te) monolayers crystallize in the orthorhombic structures”. Bafekry A, Sarsari IA, Faraji M, Fadlallah MM, Jappor HR, Karbasizadeh S, Nguyen V, Ghergherehchi M, Applied Physics Letters 118, 143102 (2021).
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Electronic and optical properties of two-dimensional heterostructures and heterojunctions between doped-graphene and C- and N-containing materials”. Bafekry A, Gogova D, M Fadlallah M, V Chuong N, Ghergherehchi M, Faraji M, Feghhi SAH, Oskoeian M, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 4865 (2021).
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First-principles investigation of electronic, mechanical and thermoelectric properties of graphene-like XBi (X = Si, Ge, Sn) monolayers”. Bafekry A, Yagmurcukardes M, Akgenc B, Ghergherehchi M, Mortazavi B, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 12471 (2021).
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Magnetic order and critical temperature of substitutionally doped transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers”. Tiwari S, Van de Put ML, Sorée B, Vandenberghe WG, npj 2D Materials and Applications 5, 54 (2021).
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Nanoscale domain wall devices with magnetic tunnel junction read and write”. Raymenants E, Bultynck O, Wan D, Devolder T, Garello K, Souriau L, Thiam A, Tsvetanova D, Canvel Y, Nikonov DE, Young IA, Heyns M, Sorée B, Asselberghs I, Radu I, Couet S, Nguyen VD, Nature Electronics 4, 392 (2021).
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Novel two-dimensional AlSb and InSb monolayers with a double-layer honeycomb structure : a first-principles study”. Bafekry A, Faraji M, Fadlallah MM, Jappor HR, Karbasizadeh S, Ghergherehchi M, Sarsari IA, Ziabari AA, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 18752 (2021).
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Novel two-dimensional ZnO₂, CdO₂, and HgO₂, monolayers: a first-principles-based prediction”. Faraji M, Bafekry A, Gogova D, Hoat DM, Ghergherehchi M, Chuong NV, Feghhi SAH, New Journal Of Chemistry 45, 9368 (2021).
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Prediction of two-dimensional bismuth-based chalcogenides Bi₂X₃(X = S, Se, Te) monolayers with orthorhombic structure : a first-principles study”. Bafekry A, Faraji M, Fadlallah MM, Jappor HR, Hieu NN, Ghergherehchi M, Feghhi SAH, Gogova D, Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 54, 395103 (2021).
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Quasiparticle twist dynamics in non-symmorphic materials”. Juneja R, Thebaud S, Pandey T, Polanco CA, Moseley DH, Manley ME, Cheng YQ, Winn B, Abernathy DL, Hermann RP, Lindsay L, Materials Today Physics 21, 100548 (2021).
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Semiconducting chalcogenide alloys based on the (Ge, Sn, Pb) (S, Se, Te) formula with outstanding properties : a first-principles calculation study”. Bafekry A, Shahrokhi M, Shafique A, Jappor HR, Fadlallah MM, Stampfl C, Ghergherehchi M, Mushtaq M, Feghhi SAH, Gogova D, ACS Omega 6, 9433 (2021).
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Skyrmion elongation, duplication, and rotation by spin-transfer torque under spatially varying spin current”. van Duijn F, Osca J, Sorée B, Physical Review B 104, 094426 (2021).
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Surface functionalization of the honeycomb structure of zinc antimonide (ZnSb) monolayer : a first-principles study”. Bafekry A, Shahrokhi M, Yagmurcukardes M, Gogova D, Ghergherehchi M, Akgenc B, Feghhi SAH, Surface Science 707, 121796 (2021).
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Surface modification of titanium carbide MXene monolayers (Ti₂C and Ti₃C₂) via chalcogenide and halogenide atoms”. Faraji M, Bafekry A, Fadlallah MM, Molaei F, Hieu NN, Qian P, Ghergherehchi M, Gogova D, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 15319 (2021).
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Thermodynamic equilibrium theory revealing increased hysteresis in ferroelectric field-effect transistors with free charge accumulation”. Bizindavyi J, Verhulst AS, Sorée B, Vandenberghe WG, Communications Physics 4, 86 (2021).
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TMDlib2 and TMDplotter : a platform for 3D hadron structure studies”. Abdulov NA, Bacchetta A, Baranov S, Martinez AB, Bertone V, Bissolotti C, Candelise V, Banos LIE, Bury M, Connor PLS, Favart L, Guzman F, Hautmann F, Hentschinski M, Jung H, Keersmaekers L, Kotikov A, Kusina A, Kutak K, Lelek A, Lidrych J, Lipatov A, Lykasov G, Malyshev M, Mendizabal M, Prestel S, Barzani SS, Sapeta S, Schmitz M, Signori A, Sorrentino G, Monfared ST, van Hameren A, van Kampen AM, Vanden Bemden M, Vladimirov A, Wang Q, Yang H, European Physical Journal C 81, 752 (2021).
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Towards modelling active sound localisation based on Bayesian inference in a static environment”. McLachlan G, Majdak P, Reijniers J, Peremans H, Acta Acustica 5, 45 (2021).
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Tunable electronic and magnetic properties of MoSi₂N₄, monolayer via vacancy defects, atomic adsorption and atomic doping”. Bafekry A, Faraji M, Fadlallah MM, Khatibani AB, Ziabari A abdolahzadeh, Ghergherehchi M, Nedaei S, Shayesteh SF, Gogova D, Applied Surface Science 559, 149862 (2021).
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Two-dimensional Janus semiconductor BiTeCl and BiTeBr monolayers : a first-principles study on their tunable electronic properties via an electric field and mechanical strain”. Bafekry A, Karbasizadeh S, Stampfl C, Faraji M, Hoat DM, Sarsari IA, Feghhi SAH, Ghergherehchi M, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 15216 (2021).
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Early stages of dissolution corrosion in 316L and DIN 1.4970 austenitic stainless steels with and without anticorrosion coatings in static liquid lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) at 500 degrees C”. Charalampopoulou E, Lambrinou K, Van der Donck T, Paladino B, Di Fonzo F, Azina C, Eklund P, Mraz S, Schneider JM, Schryvers D, Delville R, Materials Characterization 178, 111234 (2021).
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On amorphization as a deformation mechanism under high stresses”. Idrissi H, Carrez P, Cordier P, Current opinion in solid state and materials science 26, 100976 (2022).
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Boron structure evolution in magnetic Cr₂O₃, thin films”. Sun C, Street M, Zhang C, Van Tendeloo G, Zhao W, Zhang Q, Materials Today Physics 27, 100753 (2022).
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