Number of records found: 259
Tuning the superconducting properties of nanomaterials”. Croitoru MD, Shanenko AA, Peeters FM Springer, Dordrecht, page 1 (2009).
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Terahertz absorption window in bilayer graphene”. Dong HM, Qin H, Zhang J, Peeters FM, Xu W Ieee, New York, N.Y., page 247 (2009).
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Atomic resolution mapping using quantitative high-angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy”. Van Aert S, Verbeeck J, Bals S, Erni R, van Dyck D, Van Tendeloo G, Microscopy and microanalysis 15, 464 (2009).
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Structural analysis of CuInSe2, CuInTe2 and CuInSeTe by electron microscopy and X-ray techniques”. Leon M, Merino JM, Van Tendeloo G, Acta Microscopica 18, 128 (2009)
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Superconducting nanowires: quantum-confinement effect on the critical magnetic field and supercurrent”. Croitoru MD, Shanenko AA, Peeters FM, International journal of modern physics: B: condensed matter physics, statistical physics, applied physics T2 –, 32nd International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, Aug 12-19, 2008, Loughborough Univ, Loughborough, England 23, 4257 (2009).
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The effects of moderate thermal treatments under air on LiFePO4-based nano powders”. Hamelet S, Gibot P, Casas-Cabanas M, Bonnin D, Grey CP, Cabana J, Leriche JB, Rodriguez-Carvajal J, Courty M, Levasseur S, Carlach P, Van Thournout M, Tarascon JM, Masquelier C;, Journal of materials chemistry 19, 3979 (2009).
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Electronic structure of Pd nanoparticles on carbon nanotubes”. Felten A, Ghijsen J, Pireaux J-J, Drube W, Johnson RL, Liang D, Hecq M, Van Tendeloo G, Bittencourt C, Micron 40, 74 (2009).
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Swift heavy ion irradiation of Cu-Zn-Al and Cu-Al-Ni alloys”. Zelaya E, Tolley A, Condo AM, Schumacher G, Journal of physics : condensed matter 21, 185009 (2009).
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Stack gas dispersion measurements with large scale-PIV, aspiration probes and light scattering techniques and comparison with CFD”. Nakiboglu G, Gorlé, C, Horvath I, van Beeck J, Blocken B, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 43, 3396 (2009).
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Microwave-assisted bromination of double-walled carbon nanotubes”. Colomer J-F, Marega R, Traboulsi H, Meneghetti M, Van Tendeloo G, Bonifazi D, Chemistry of materials 21, 4747 (2009).
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Local current injection into mesoscopic superconductors for the manipulation of quantum states”. Milošević, MV, Kanda A, Hatsumi S, Peeters FM, Ootuka Y, Physical review letters 103, 217003 (2009).
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Modeling drive currents and leakage currents : a dynamic approach”. Magnus W, Brosens F, Sorée B, Journal of computational electronics 8, 307 (2009).
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Scheme for coherently quenching resonant current in a three-level quantum dot energy level mixer”. Austing DG, Payette C, Nair SV, Yu G, Gupta JA, Partoens B, Amaha S, Tarucha S, Physica status solidi: C: conferences and critical reviews 6, 940 (2009).
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Artificial molecular quantum rings under magnetic field influence”. Castelano LK, Hai GQ, Partoens B, Peeters FM, Journal of applied physics 106, 073702 (2009).
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Work and dissipation in 2D clusters”. Nelissen K, Partoens B, van den Broeck C, Europhysics letters 88, 30001 (2009).
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Numerical study on energy efficiency of a cylindrical dielectric barrier discharge plasma-chemical reactor”. Petrovic D, Martens T, De Bie C, van Dijk J, Brok WJM, Bogaerts A, , 109 (2009)
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Improving dielectric barrier discharge efficiency by optimizing voltage profiles”. Martens T, Brok WJM, van Dijk J, Bogaerts A, , 95 (2009)
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Description of the plasma chemistry in an atmospheric pressure CH4 dielectric barrier discharge using a two dimensional fluid model”. De Bie C, Martens T, van Dijk J, van der Mullen JJAM, Bogaerts A, , 13 (2009)
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Band structure, density of states, and transmission in graphene bilayer superlattices”. Barbier M, Vasilopoulos P, Peeters FM, Pereira JM, AIP conference proceedings 1199, 547 (2009).
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Angular confinement and direction-dependent transmission in graphene nanostructures with magnetic barriers”. Masir MR, Vasilopoulos P, Matulis A, Peeters FM, AIP conference proceedings 1199, 363 (2009).
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Phonon band structures of Si nanowires”. Peelaers H, Partoens B, Peeters FM, AIP conference proceedings 1199, 323 (2009).
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Goorden L, Van Tendeloo G, Lenaerts S, Deblonde M, et al. (2009) Nanotechnologie: gewikt en gewogen. NanoSoc
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Goorden L, Van Tendeloo G, Lenaerts S, Deblonde M, van Oudheusden M, et al. (2009) Nanotechnologie op de agenda. NanoSoc
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Time dependent transport in 1D micro- and nanostructures: solving the Boltzmann and Wigner-Boltzmann equations”. Magnus W, Brosens F, Sorée B, Journal of physics : conference series 193, 012004 (2009).
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Cluster issue on plasma modelling”. van Dijk J, Kroesen GMW, Bogaerts A London (2009).
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TEM study of the mechanism of Ni ion release from Nitinol wires with original oxides”. Tian H, Schryvers D, Shabalovskaya S, van Humbeeck J, , 05027 (2009).
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3D strain fields surrounding Ni4Ti3: direct measurement and correlation with the R-phase”. Tirry W, Schryvers D, , 02032 (2009).
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Pinning of the martensitic microstructures by dislocations in Cu74.08Al23.13Be2.79”. Idrissi H, Schryvers D, Salje EKH, Zhang H, Carpenter MA, Moya X, , 02029 (2009).
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Transmission electron microscopy study of low-hysteresis shape memory alloys”. Delville R, James RD, Salman U, Finel A, Schryvers D, , 02005 (2009).
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3D FIB/SEM study of Ni4Ti3 precipitates in Ni-Ti alloys with different thermal-mechanical histories”. Cao S, Nishida M, Somsen C, Eggeler G, Schryvers D, , 02004 (2009).
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