Number of records found: 8874
Urban green infrastructure: A review on valuation toolkits from an urban planning perspective”. Van Oijstaeijen W, Van Passel S, Cools J, Journal Of Environmental Management 267, 110603 (2020).
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Modeling the Impact of Urbanization on Land-Use Change in Bahir Dar City, Ethiopia: An Integrated Cellular Automata–Markov Chain Approach”. Fitawok MB, Derudder B, Minale AS, Van Passel S, Adgo E, Nyssen J, Land 9, 115 (2020).
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Economic performance of pyrolysis of mixed plastic waste: Open-loop versus closed-loop recycling”. Larrain M, Van Passel S, Thomassen G, Kresovic U, Alderweireldt N, Moerman E, Billen P, Journal Of Cleaner Production , 122442 (2020).
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Economic performance of pyrolysis of mixed plastic waste: Open-loop versus closed-loop recycling”. Larrain M, Van Passel S, Thomassen G, Kresovic U, Alderweireldt N, Moerman E, Billen P, Journal Of Cleaner Production , 122442 (2020).
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Integrated techno-economic assessment of a biorefinery process: The high-end valorization of the lignocellulosic fraction in wood streams”. Tschulkow M, Compernolle T, Van den Bosch S, Van Aelst J, Storms I, Van Dael M, Van den Bossche G, Sels B, Van Passel S, Journal Of Cleaner Production 266, 122022 (2020).
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Drought risk assessment: Towards drought early warning system and sustainable environment in western Iran”. Sharafi L, Zarafshani K, Keshavarz M, Azadi H, Van Passel S, Ecological Indicators 114, 106276 (2020).
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Conflict, fraud, and distrust in Ethiopian agricultural cooperatives”. Sebhatu KT, Gezahegn TW, Berhanu T, Maertens M, Van Passel S, D’Haese M, Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 8, 100106 (2020).
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Climate-Smart Agriculture in the Northeast of Brazil: An Integrated Assessment of the Aquaponics Technology”. Finizola e Silva M, Van Passel S, Sustainability 12, 3734 (2020).
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A review on learning effects in prospective technology assessment”. Thomassen G, Van Passel S, Dewulf J, Renewable &, Sustainable Energy Reviews 130, 109937 (2020).
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A parametric model for reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of films”. Kozák T, Vlček J, Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 49, 055202 (2016).
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Glow discharge optical spectroscopy and mass spectrometry”. Bogaerts A, (2016).
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Nitrogen Fixation by Gliding Arc Plasma: Better Insight by Chemical Kinetics Modelling”. Wang W, Patil B, Heijkers S, Hessel V, Bogaerts A, Chemsuschem 10, 2110 (2017).
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Mechanism of Nitrogen Fixation by Nitrogenase: The Next Stage”. Hoffman BM, Lukoyanov D, Yang Z-Y, Dean DR, Seefeldt LC, Chemical Reviews 114, 4041 (2014).
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Correction: From the Birkeland–Eyde process towards energy-efficient plasma-based NOXsynthesis: a techno-economic analysis”. Rouwenhorst KHR, Jardali F, Bogaerts A, Lefferts L, Energy &, Environmental Science 16, 6170 (2023).
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Plasma catalysis in ammonia production and decomposition: Use it, or lose it?”.Gorbanev Y, Fedirchyk I, Bogaerts A, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 47, 100916 (2024).
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Machine learning-driven optimization of plasma-catalytic dry reforming of methane”. Cai Y, Mei D, Chen Y, Bogaerts A, Tu X, Journal of Energy Chemistry 96, 153 (2024).
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Improving the performance of gliding arc plasma-catalytic dry reforming via a new post-plasma tubular catalyst bed”. Xu W, Buelens LC, Galvita VV, Bogaerts A, Meynen V, Journal of CO2 Utilization 83, 102820 (2024).
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Coupled multi-dimensional modelling of warm plasmas: Application and validation for an atmospheric pressure glow discharge in CO2/CH4/O2”. Maerivoet S, Tsonev I, Slaets J, Reniers F, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 492, 152006 (2024).
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Improving Molecule–Metal Surface Reaction Networks Using the Meta-Generalized Gradient Approximation: CO2Hydrogenation”. Cai Y, Michiels R, De Luca F, Neyts E, Tu X, Bogaerts A, Gerrits N, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, 8611 (2024).
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Modeling for a Better Understanding of Plasma-Based CO2 Conversion”. Bogaerts A, Snoeckx R, Trenchev G, Wang W In: Britun N, Silva T (eds) Plasma Chemistry and Gas Conversion. IntechOpen, Rijeka (2018).
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Effective ionisation coefficients and critical breakdown electric field of CO2at elevated temperature: effect of excited states and ion kinetics”. Wang W, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 25, 055025 (2016).
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Ion Clouds in the Inductively Coupled Plasma Torch: A Closer Look through Computations”. Aghaei M, Lindner H, Bogaerts A, Analytical chemistry 88, 8005 (2016).
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Mechanism and comparison of needle-type non-thermal direct and indirect atmospheric pressure plasma jets on the degradation of dyes”. Attri P, Yusupov M, Park JH, Lingamdinne LP, Koduru JR, Shiratani M, Choi EH, Bogaerts A, Scientific reports 6, 34419 (2016).
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CO2 conversion in a gliding arc plasma: 1D cylindrical discharge model”. Wang W, Berthelot A, Kolev S, Tu X, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 25, 065012 (2016).
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How Oxygen Vacancies Activate CO2 Dissociation on TiO2 Anatase (001)”. Huygh S, Bogaerts A, Neyts EC, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 120, 21659 (2016).
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Influence of the Material Dielectric Constant on Plasma Generation inside Catalyst Pores”. Zhang Y-R, Neyts EC, Bogaerts A, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 120, 25923 (2016).
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Cold atmospheric plasma treatment of melanoma and glioblastoma cancer cells”. Vermeylen S, De Waele J, Vanuytsel S, De Backer J, Van der Paal J, Ramakers M, Leyssens K, Marcq E, Van Audenaerde J, L J Smits E, Dewilde S, Bogaerts A, Plasma processes and polymers 13, 1195 (2016).
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CO2 conversion in a gliding arc plasma: Performance improvement based on chemical reaction modeling”. Sun SR, Wang HX, Mei DH, Tu X, Bogaerts A, Journal of CO2 utilization 17, 220 (2017).
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Coupled gas flow-plasma model for a gliding arc: investigations of the back-breakdown phenomenon and its effect on the gliding arc characteristics”. Sun SR, Kolev S, Wang HX, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 26, 015003 (2017).
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Hampering Effect of Cholesterol on the Permeation of Reactive Oxygen Species through Phospholipids Bilayer: Possible Explanation for Plasma Cancer Selectivity”. Van der Paal J, Verheyen C, Neyts EC, Bogaerts A, Scientific reports 7, 39526 (2017).
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